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Back to Normal?

Here we are, somewhat back to normal. Seems like every time there is a new release, all hell breaks loose as we’re trying to get all the orders out on time. Updating the Site. To feature all the new cards. And, we did get some pretty interesting cards.

I’ve been here and there, all through the internet, and all I saw was most people were saying that this is a bad set. But, I would have to disagree with them. This set is a good set, just because of that beautiful Ultros Full Art. And, that’s not the only reason. There are plenty of good cards in this set. Take Palom and Porom for example. I believe that these 2 are a great team, compliment each other and with the right protection, will be nearly unbeatable.

What about Gogo? He might not be a Legend, but he can use their abilities when they are cast and Gogo is on the field.
We’ve had some Bannings and Restrictions on some cards. It’s probably old news to some of you, but I’ll still mention it.


Sterne Leonis (14-118H)
Doga (13-120H)
Mioune (5-067R)



Sophie (13-119L)


Fat Chocobo (9-051R)
Syldra (12-097H)
Macherie (14-116H)

Speaking of Restricted cards. Our Card of the week has been restricted to just Jessie, for the past couple of weeks, and probably many more to come. For some reason some parts of the website have been out of whack. We’ll be working on it soon enough. I need to put Ultros up as the Card of the Week, every other week. Just for the art. Great looking card.

We’re also getting ready to host F(L)NM. Friday Late Night Magic. Thought as we might as well give it a try. Friday December, 17th. 10:30 PM. We’re giving it a try. If we can get some people to show up, we might continue forward with it.

-War of the Visions-

Spoiler Alert. Sort of.

Where was I when we last did this. I think I was talking shit about Mont last time. And, that’s OK cause he deserves it. For the most part.

Now, I finally reached the to be continued page on the game. Meaning I’m all caught up on the story and can focus on training my Units, the Events and the Raids. Maybe even possibly help out the Guild I’m in. I just signed up for the daily bonuses.

*Evil Laugh

It’s funny how the story can make you feel about a character from one instance to another. Take Luartha for example. Before I did not care for her. Not at all. She was one of the characters that could die and I could care less if she did. But, once we got to the Luartha’s past scenes, Things changed. Luartha made much more sense, and it was perfectly clear why she was acting the way that she was. How could it be that one little scene in the whole game, make me want to add Luartha to the main team? She was the first Homonculus created by Sadali. “Sorrow” Just like Whisper, and the other two who I can’t seem to remember their names right now. She explained everything to Viktora and now the duo is like Bonnie and Clyde. Can’t wait to see what they’ll get into next.

Some new Characters showed up in Part 2. I’m still undecided on most of them, as none have shown anything memorable so far. Engelbert on the other hand, donned the Golden Armor and pretty much sacrificed himself. Unless he take it off soon.
And that is where we are at, at the moment.

End Spoilers. Sort of.

Time to figure out what’s wrong with the Card of the Week. Until next time.

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Got the Time?

Last week was a busy week for us, and it is still going strong. I was hoping of cracking a box of MetaZoo Nightfall, but didn’t get a chance to. It keeps looking at me when I’m sitting at my desk. “Don’t you want to open me, Big Boy?” “Don’t you want to tear into the shrink wrap, and slowly remove it from on top of me?” And I look at the box, and say … “Maybe, tomorrow night.”

Everything was put on the back burner last week. But, we’ll be back on schedule in no time. Cause we don’t have much going on till Fusion Strike comes out. Only 3 weeks away, and I’m hoping for a new Mimikyu card.

Speaking of Pokemon, I haven’t had a chance to play for a long time. I heard that they changed the Online game. Haven’t checked it out yet. I doubt they changed anything, but I’ll only find out if I re-download it and see for myself. Unless one of you guys would like to tell me.

War of the Visions, no spoiler alert this week, because I haven’t played at all this week. I might give it a rest, because I don’t think I want to have to level up Mont just to beat a scene. War of the Visions.

You might have defeated me.

Maybe I should try Brave Exvius once again. It’s been out for a while. I wonder how far I can get into the story before The First Soldier comes out. Not to mention my backlog of PS4 games. Maybe, I just need a Twitch account. Then I can play games because it’s part of my business plan. Mostly Final Fantasy, but any kind of game will work well. I just need to figure out the setup, Mics, cameras cables and whatnot. I bet it’s pretty easy to figure it out. Just ask Google.

Hey, if we get a Twitch account setup, we can probably start live box breaks. Just a thought.

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Now, With More Sugar

It looks like Captain Kirk finally flew into space.

Cracker Jack Pepsi.

Wendy’s Frosty Cereal.

Some interesting news coming out. Nothing important, just a couple of things that caught my eye. And, this whole time, I was reading New Shepherd as New Shatner. I kept thinking why would they name the rocket after William Shatner? Must be trying to capitalize on his name.

Now, we have some releases coming out this week. FFTCG Starter Set, and Meta Zoo. We will have both. I looked into MetaZoo, and I liked that they are using Urban Legends and “Real” Monsters. It gives it a certain charm. Imagine playing with the Killer Clown, that’s seen on the side of the road, when you’re driving through the forest at 3AM. Everybody knows about it. Sure it might just be some idiot trying to scare everybody driving by, but he made his mark on history. Especially since It came out, back in the 90’s. (Tim Curry was a better Pennywise). Now you have videos on Youtube, and Facebook, and Tiktok and what not. With people filming these clowns standing on the side of the road holding balloons. And so, this Killer Clown can take on the Sewer Alligator. You know the one that got flushed down the toilet at the zoo on accident. And now, it crawls through the sewers looking for whatever food it can find.

Shinra Vs Avalanche, I keep saying that backwards. It’s Avalanche VS Shinra. We’ll have 10 new cards available to us. Almost like a sneak peak at Crystal Dominion. More FFVII cards incoming. You can’t blame them. That was the game that launched Final Fantasy into the number 1 spot back in 1997. Now, nostalgia has set in and I know I will be fixing up a Turks deck. If they can only give us a great Reno and Rude cards.

War of the Visions.

-Spoiler Alert-

So, it looks like I spoke too soon. Everyone has not died. Just some of them.

King Robb is still dead. Mont killed him. Not Muraga.

In front of Macherie too, and Englebert.

Now, I’m stuck trying to beat Sterne. Serves me right for not playing with Mont at all this whole time. I thought it would just have been an easy story battle, but nope. I sent out a Level 1 Mont against Sterne the first time. The Battle lasted one Mighty Break. I realized at that moment that no companion can save me.

I had to take Mont and level him up. He is currently at level 79 and is still getting his butt kicked by his younger brother. Hopefully by next week, I’ll have enough Mont shards to Limit Break him a couple more times and get him to level 99. He should be able to take down Sterne by then.

-End Spoilers-

There is also FFVII : The First Soldier coming out. From what I’ve seen there is no Story mode in it. I’ll probably give it a try, but I’m not a big fan of shooters. Unless they have a great story. Something along the lines of Bioshock. Even Dirge of Cerberus had a good story, but that just might be because I’m a big fan of Final Fantasy.

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More Ramblings? Let’s Just Call It News

It’s been an eventful week. Lots of news and spoilers for FFTCG. And, we like that. It means we’ll soon be cracking some new packs. Hopefully with better luck this time.

Avalanche Vs Shinra Starter Set will be coming out next Friday. They should be here on time, but you can never be certain. Not at the moment. There are shipping delays everywhere and there is no end in sight for them. But, we’re feeling optimistic.

We should have a couple more Opus XIV videos coming up, we still have a booster box and a couple of Prerelease kits to crack open. Still looking for that elusive Cloud Full Art. It’s got to turn up somewhere.

Cause sometimes when you look close enough, you’ll find things you missed at the warehouse. Like Opus XI Prerelease kits, or Tifa Tins just laying in the corner, because you misplaced them and thought they were sold already. Doesn’t matter the reason, we have them. And if we look a little deeper we might just find some more Opus XIII boxes. Maybe Lightning isn’t that far off.

War of the Visions

-Spoiler Alert-

Muraga is one hungry fellow, and because of that everybody dies. I think 10 characters we’re devoured or slain by Muraga in the last chapter. I lost count. Except for King Robb. That was Mont.

Damn those snakes. Every single last one of them. They are the bane of my party’s existence. I can’t seem to get passst … well I just did as I was writing this. Luckily, for me I can hire a companion. Starlight Elena, just cut those snakes down just like King Robb did. Only, she didn’t get bit by them.

And, Englebert is still alive. This is getting interesting.

-End Spoilers-

Don’t forget.

If you would like to write a guest article. Let us know. You can contact us by the Contact link up above. or just send us an e-mail

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What Happened?

If you’ve been wondering were all the content has gone, we were working behind the scenes here. Re-organizing the office. And, we’re not even half-way done. But, It’s just something we have to do from time to time. Not just re-organizing, but we painted and got the carpets cleaned. And now it smells better.

Well as you might have heard, we will be hosting a pre-release event, but the date might be different than what we had planned. From what I here there is a delay in the shipments. Not by Square-Enix or the distributor, but if you watch the news at all, you would have seen that there are over 80 Cargo ships waiting to enter the Port of Los Angeles. We’ll make the announcement as soon as we know when the kits will be coming in.

Speaking of which, the Shinra vs Avalanche Dual Decks are coming out this month. If there is a delay on those we will know for certain that there will be one for Crystal Dominion as well.

War of the Visions you ask?

-Spoiler Alert-

Like I said before the game has started to grow on me. Mont has just become King. That is where I am at, at the moment. The scene between Mont and Sterne, in my eyes, was the end of the Prologue. The war that will start between the two brothers looks to be interesting.

There are plenty of characters that I like. Dorando and Gargas. Who would have thought that these two would be taking care of a little boy, and entrusting him with one of the ancient relics?

Gilgamesh, the Winged one. Such a powerful card in FFTCG, you can see why they made the card the way they did.

Helena, the Black Rose. Presumably dead. I haven’t seen much of her after she died as the Queen, but whenever I use her as a companion she annihilates the opposition. I can have just Helena on the battlefield and she’ll take care of everything for me.

-End Spoilers-

One more thing.

Do you got something you would like to share with the world? About Final Fantasy TCG, Final Fantasy in general or any other TCGs out there. Well drop us a line. Here, or hit the Contact us in the Menu and let us know through there. We’ll probably give it it’s own post as well.

Looking to hear from you.