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Cor Leonis

“How long will you remain the protected? The king entrusted the role of protector to you.”

“Head of the Crownsguard and widely regarded as one of the three most powerful warriors in the Kingdom of Lucis. His unfailing ability to return from the brink of death has earned him the nickname “Cor the Immortal”—an appellation he particularly dislikes. On the eve of the signing ceremony, Regis tasked Cor with evacuating the citizens ahead of the imperial assault, knowing he could trust the marshal implicitly. After fleeing the ruins of Insomnia, he seeks out Noctis to share with him his late father’s dying wishes.

Cor holds the distinct honor of having served three separate Lucian monarchs: Mors, Regis, and Noctis. While his loyalty to his lieges has never wavered, his attitude toward authority has evolved over the years. In the arrogance of his youth, he publicly criticized Regis’s retreat from Accordo in the Great War, calling the then-crown prince and his men “a bunch of cowards.” While Cor’s Crownsguard colleagues were incensed by this show of impertinence, Regis was impressed with the young firebrand’s willingness to speak truth to power and immediately hired him as a personal bodyguard. The marshal was so touched by this show of grace that he swore to devote his life to serving Regis and his son Noctis.”

-Dossier Entry

Cor, the Immortal.

Commander of the Crownsguard.

Leader of the Kingslaive.

The personal bodyguard of the late King Mors, who went on to be the personal bodyguard of the late King Regis as well. He isn’t Noctis’s bodyguard, but he still serves him. Cor has served the Royal family for 3 generations. Which makes his story a pretty big one, but since I haven’t finished FFXV, I really can’t get into that.

All I can tell you is that Cor helps Noctis escape from Insomnia, and that even though he butts heads with Ignis, he still watches over Noctis and his party. Cor is the one to tell Noctis that he must collect the weapons of the late Kings.

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The Magic Melon

I’ve been reading a lot of Children’s Books lately. My Daughter is now in Kindergarten, and it’s time she learned how to read. I keep telling her once she learns to read, we can start playing Pokemon together. I don’t know if it lit a fire in her, but she does enjoy reading books together.

I want to say her favorite this week was “The Magic Melon”. We have a sheet her teacher gave us to fill out every night, and when I asked her what she thought about the book, she told me the whole story in a tiny paragraph. It was one of those moments where you can’t stop smiling.

The one I liked the most was “Dragons are the Worst”. A story about a goblin that tries so hard to prove that he is a terrifying beast. And, the only way he gets the knights to run away is when a dragon poops on him and he is stinky. At the end of the book, the Goblin is enjoying Ice Cream Soup with the Dragons. Yes, I do like the cheesy books.

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Stick ‘Em Up

In other news today, a reporter was robbed at gun point, while doing a report on robberies. I just found that funny. Yes, by the time that you read this it’ll be a few days old. I’m just wondering if they got the robbery on camera.

School has started again, so that means we should be able to start making videos again. We have plenty of boxes to open, collections that we bought and maybe we’ll start trying to do something different. Got to clean up the office for that one.

And, with that out of the way …

– Spoiler Alert –

Back at it with Opera Omnia.

It is getting interesting, and it starting to look like the party doesn’t trust Mog. Why would they? They are going to follow him and get some info out of Cosmos. Or so they think. They’ll probably end up getting a glimpse of Spiritus. And, then they’ll banish him, and we’ll get Super Evil Mog with horns and a pitchfork. Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen, but it would be a sight to see.

The party did say that, they haven’t seen any inhabitants on this world. Except for monsters and manikins. I think I figured Mog out. I believe that Mog is working for himself, trying to be on the good side of both Cosmos and Spiritus, because frankly there is a secret Moogle village somewhere, and whatever happens to this world Mog wants to ensure the safety of his friends.

Let’s see if I’m right.

– End Spoilers –

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Wave 1 : Garland – 1-006H

Garland is here, with another easy one to figure out. All you got to do is remember transparency is key. For some of the cards at least. But first, let me post these two guides.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

We have 2 specimens here, both are Garland, both are Heroes, and both are good looking cards. But, which one is which? Garland Left or Garland Right? Let’s take a look.

If you said right is Wave 1 you are wrong. Left is right. I mean Wave 1. Don’t mean to confuse you there.

A closer look shows us the transparency in the background image.

As you can see on both sides of the card, Garland’s image n the background is more transparent. And sometimes, it’s just that easy.

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The Orders Keep Coming

TCGPlayer, is starting to pick up for us.

Yes, of course we are on there, TCGplayer has countless users which out of them 99.99% of them do not know who Kardboard Korner is. And, it is our job to teach them. How? By selling them cards, and bringing them back to the website with a coupon.

It works sometimes, and other times, and other times, people just don’t care about coupons. Because I have seen people order from the Website, without using a coupon after I sent them a couple of cards through TCGplayer, or through eBay. Which is good for me, unless they don’t know how to use the coupon.

And if you’re reading this, and would like a coupon, you can use the code FIVE for a 5% discount on your order.

Now that that’s out of the way, what have we been playing?

More Dissidia Opera Omnia.

– Spoiler Alert –

Here is where I say, I told you so.

Mog is a two faced moogle. I’ve seen him talking to Spiritus. But it seems like none of the Heroes actually care. They all just have him as a guide, as they’re trying to figure things out on their own, and fight what they want to fight for.

Shadow turned up, and basically said don’t trust that flying fur-ball. OK, he didn’t use those words, but that sums it up.

Kefka is always a joy to watch him taunt the party.

If you ask me, I think that Mog has his own goal in mind, and is on neither side. He is playing both Materia and Spiritus. I’d like to see what happens when Materia finds out. Spiritus already knows, and he probably has a plan set, for when Mog decides to betray him.

– End Spoilers –

Don’t forget, to use the coupon code – FIVE.