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President’s Day Sale!

It’s President’s Day, and that means we should have a sale.


Well we talked to the President, who handed it down to the Vice President, who gave it to the Board of Directors, and they said we should offer a 15% off Coupon.

And, we said. Sure!

So, here it is.


Yes, that’s the Coupon Code. What else would you expect for President’s Day. President Shinra is too long.

Enter it at Checkout, and you’ll be set. One thing though, this Coupon does not apply to Pre-Orders.

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Black Friday – Cyber Monday

After celebrating Thanksgiving and having our fair share of turkey, most of us are stuck in a food coma that we can’t seem to wake up from.

Luckily for you, you don’t even have to get out of bed to shop our Black Friday deals. Or our Cyber Monday deals, and let’s not forget about Small Business Saturday and … nothing for Sunday. But we’ll still have deals on Sunday.

Throughout this weekend you’ll be able to use GOBBLE as your Coupon Code at checkout and get 20% off your order. And, let’s not forget Free Shipping at $200.


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Post – 4th of July Sale!

We haven’t run a sale in quite a bit. So, we might as well and go ahead and run one right about … now.

First off, let’s pick a number. How does 10% sound? I think 10% sounds good.

So, from now until Sunday night, which will be the 7th of July, at 11:59 you’ll be able to take 10% off of your order. Just use Coupon Code FIRE10 at checkout.

The coupon is good for everything except for Pre-Order items.

Free Shipping for all orders over $200.

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Turkeys, Chocobos, and a Sale

It’s that time of the year where the turkeys are Roasting in the oven, or Frying in the Deep Fryer, either way it’s Turkey Day. And, What’s better than Turkey Day, its the sales and discounts on everything. And, we decided to make it a week long event.

Up to, and including November 28th, we will have a coupon running for a 10% discount on any item in the shop.

Where can you find this Coupon?

It’s right here, we won’t send you on a wild goose chase, especially not after you ate all of that Turkey, and the Melatonin starts kicking in, you’ll be ready for a nap. I’d be too! But, some of the items that we have have a very limited supply, so you’d better hurry and grab them before someone else does.

Coupon code is GOBBLE use it for your discount, and Free Shipping on orders over $200.

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The Orders Keep Coming

TCGPlayer, is starting to pick up for us.

Yes, of course we are on there, TCGplayer has countless users which out of them 99.99% of them do not know who Kardboard Korner is. And, it is our job to teach them. How? By selling them cards, and bringing them back to the website with a coupon.

It works sometimes, and other times, and other times, people just don’t care about coupons. Because I have seen people order from the Website, without using a coupon after I sent them a couple of cards through TCGplayer, or through eBay. Which is good for me, unless they don’t know how to use the coupon.

And if you’re reading this, and would like a coupon, you can use the code FIVE for a 5% discount on your order.

Now that that’s out of the way, what have we been playing?

More Dissidia Opera Omnia.

– Spoiler Alert –

Here is where I say, I told you so.

Mog is a two faced moogle. I’ve seen him talking to Spiritus. But it seems like none of the Heroes actually care. They all just have him as a guide, as they’re trying to figure things out on their own, and fight what they want to fight for.

Shadow turned up, and basically said don’t trust that flying fur-ball. OK, he didn’t use those words, but that sums it up.

Kefka is always a joy to watch him taunt the party.

If you ask me, I think that Mog has his own goal in mind, and is on neither side. He is playing both Materia and Spiritus. I’d like to see what happens when Materia finds out. Spiritus already knows, and he probably has a plan set, for when Mog decides to betray him.

– End Spoilers –

Don’t forget, to use the coupon code – FIVE.