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Pulse of Life

*Spoiler Alert*

It’s what everyone has been trying to do since the end of disc 1. Yes that was just in case you still haven’t played FFVII.

End Spoiler

Aerith – 16-067L
5000 Power

“The Forwards other than Aerith you control gain +2000 power

When Aerith is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove Aerith from the game. When you do so, place 3 Reraise Counters on Aerith.

At the begining of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, if 1 or more Reraise Counters are placed on Aerith, remove 1 Reraise Counter from Aerith. Then, if there are no Reraise Conters on Aerith, play Aerith onto the field. This effect will trigger only if Aerith is removed from the game.”

Let’s just put aside Final Fantasy VII for now. Although I know most of us will just throw her in a VII deck based off of Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Marlene. Add in some Avalanche and you just added Aerith to the party.

But, we’re going to look at this a little differently.

We’re pairing Aerith with Enna Kross. The plan is to bring in the “Big Guns” and make them even bigger. For simplicity, we’re just going to stay in Earth.

Prishe (1-116L) : Prishe already comes in with 8K power, which is pretty good by itself. Add the 3000 and you get 11000 Power, which is enough to take down Bhunivelze. But, you can always use Auroral Uppercut and double that power, for a total of 22000 Power. You’ll probably never need that much power, but then again why do we always level up our characters to Lvl.99

Gabranth (2-081L) : Although no one really uses Gabranth anymore, it’s a good card to play towards the end of the game. When he costs 1CP and gives everyone Brave.

Y’shtola (12-119L) : Ok, so this one is Wind/Earth, but it still counts. Y’shtola will hardly take any damage. Ever. Period. And frankly she can’t be blocked by a Forward that would be able to Break her.

And, that’s just a few Forwards, that you can play. Any better ideas? I bet you have some. Let us know in the comments.

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Mark Your Calendars

We have a few events coming up. Some closer than the others. So far we have 4 scheduled events for 2022, and another 4 after that, but we aren’t too sure about the dates so we’ll leave them at that.

First things First.

Saturday January 29th, 2022
“Collectable Pop-Up”
6254 S. Archer Rd
Summit, IL 60501

Friday February 25th, 2022
Final Fantasy Midnight – Custom Starter Deck Release
9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Friday March 25th, 2022
Final Fantasy Midnight – Emissaries of Light Prerelease
9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Saturday May 7th, 2022
Oak Lawn Fan Fest
9427 S. Raymond Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

That is what we have at the moment. We’ll be adding more events as more events show up.

Hope to see you there. Yes, you. The one that’s reading this right now.

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Bah Humbug!

Before I start anything.

Bah Humbug!

OK, now that the holidays are over. No, more crazy shopping, running around trying to find a couple of presents. No more, until next year. But, next year we tell ourselves, we’ll do all of our holiday shopping in July. And, you know that, that never works. It might with some people, but not for me. I leave everything till last minute, and then I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

But, enough about that.

The year is almost over, and that means that we’ll be getting our final release on the 31st of December. MetaZoo Cryptid Nation 2nd printing. Theme Decks, and Spellbooks, and Boxes. Oh My! Let’s Find the Mothman.

We’re going to be getting ready for our 2nd Release Event.

We have a couple of Events coming up for all you FFTCG players out there. One for the Custom Starter Set, and at least one for Emissaries of Light. February and March. I’ll have more info on each of them soon enough, but we know that they will be late night events once again.

I think these late night events are good, even though there’s not that big of a turn out, there are plenty of people that can’t make the afternoon events due to their work schedule. Me being one of them. I was never able to make it to many events just for the fact that I usually work all day. And by the time I get off of work, your local game store is usually closed.

War of the Visions you ask?

Well, I haven’t really played. Same old since last time.

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Final Fantasy TCG Schedule for 2022

The Tokyo Game Show has come and gone, and Square-Enix was there, as they usually are. Plenty of games were showcased, Including Strangers of Paradise : Final Fantasy Origin, Final Fantasy VII : The First Soldier, and Chocobo GP.

But, you’re not here for that. You’re here because Square-Enix also showcased Final Fantasy TCG. Now, I didn’t understand much of it, but they showed the schedule of releases for 2022.

We already know about the Custom Starter Set -Final Fantasy X, and Emissaries of Light. We’ve talked about both of them already. We have the Anniversary Collection Set 2022 which was revealed last week, as it went up for Pre-Order on the Square-Enix website. (We shall have it too. Just head to Upcoming Releases.) We’ll have a full article on that one up in the next couple of days.

June – Two Player Starter Set Golbez Vs Cecil
July – Rebellion’s Call
October – Two Player Starter Set Noctis Vs Ardyn
November – Resurgence of Power

Now, the part that you’ve been waiting for. Time for my opinion.

We can see that each Opus of 2022 will have a Starter Set with them. Golbez Vs for Rebellion’s Call. There is so much they can do with these decks. Like have Cecil and family, Rosa, Ceodore, and Cid. Can’t forget Cid. With Baron Soldiers and the Red Wings. Who would have thought that Cecil was from Detroit? Not, those Red Wings you say? And then you can also have the Hooded Man. You should already know that one of the summons will be Odin.

Golbez Deck, will actually be an Archfiends Deck. But will also hold the Imposter King and Kain. When Kane enters the field, if your opponent has the Hooded Man on the field Break the Hooded Man. If the Hooded man enters the field, Break Kane. That would be an interesting card if they did something like that.

Rebellion’s Call. With the Rebel Yell, we want More, More, More. More cards, More Full Arts, More Opuses or Sets. Who’s here for the Rebellion? AVALANCHE? The Rebel Army? The Returners? Will we finally see Locke on the Box Art? Or perhaps even Setzer? Yeah, Setzer is a long shot, but it can happen. They won’t put Firion back on, maybe Leon or Queen Hilda, even though she wasn’t a playable character she was in charge of the rebellion. Then there is always the chance that we’ll just get another FFVII Box Art. Barret? He’s the only AVALANCHE character that hasn’t appeared on the box itself.

Noctis Vs Ardyn. Well, I’m not too sure about this one as I haven’t gotten to finishing XV yet, but Noctis and friends will likely go up against Ardyn and all the knights you fight against. That’s how much I know.

Resurgence of Power, sounds more like a Pantera album. Dimebag Darrel Full Arts. Who shall be on the Box? Who’s coming back into power? Garland? He does come back twice as powerful after he is defeated by the Warriors of Light. Cecil? Nah, he just turns good in a way. Gilgamesh? He does get stronger every time you beat him. Sin? The calm can’t stop him. Ashe? She was just on a box recently.

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Emissaries of Light

We finally got the reveal of “Opus XVI”!!!

But, it’s not Opus XVI anymore, no more Opus. There is only the title now. Emissaries of Light. Serah shares the Box Art with her sister Lightning and, this is the 4th time Lightning appears on the Box. 3 times more than anybody else.

Release Date is set for March 25th, 2022. Emissaries of Light comes with 130 cards. Plus the 10 Starter cards in the FFX Custom Deck. And we get 166 Premium cards. Or Foils. 24 of the Foils will be Full Arts. That leaves us with 2 cards. Which are most likely the Premium Crystal Cards that will make their first appearance in “Crystal Dominion”.

The sample artwork we got is, once again a card from each element. Other than the cover art card, which will probably be Serah, just because of the Ice element, unless the have the Farron Sisters as one card. Luneth, Fire original art there. Sort of looks like Tom Cruise from “Interview with a Vampire” Wind gives us Cecil which is probably the best looking card out of the 6. Layle is the sample Earth card, nice art work there as well as Water, with Sarah from Mobius. And Reeves, looks like a leftover from the Shinra VS AVALANCHE Starter decks. Upon closer look you can tell that Reeves is the only Backup, while the rest are Forwards.

It also looks like some of the Starter cards will get the Full Art Foil treatment, and these ones will also get new artwork.And, we can’t forget about the Legacy Full Arts.

Lightning (1-141L)
Lenna (3-144L)
Vayne (9-022L)

Here’s the link to the original article.