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Final Fantasy TCG : Anniversary Collection 2022

It’s been 5 years since Final Fantasy TCG first released. Talk about how time flies. And to commemorate the 5 years we get this Anniversary Collection Set.

With Squall on the Box, you can use it to store your cards, your decks and what not. It comes with a pre-made 50 card deck and 200 cards ranging from Opus I to Opus XII. Plus a Promo card. Not bad for $60.

The way they word it on the store is mind boggling.


We’ll just go straight into the Legends.

Shantotto (1-107L)
Golbez (1-135L)
Diabolos (5-062L)
Y’shtola (5-068L)
Rinoa (6-041L)
Zidane (6-044L)
Cloud (8-006L)
Zidane (8-115L)
Gabranth (9-063L)
Fusoya (9-094L)
Ashe (10-106L)
Ritz (11-063L)

All these cards from what I understand will be Non-Foil Full Arts.

We’ll also get 4 Promo cards three of each Yuna & Tidus, Squall, Yuna and Lightning. Yuna & Tidus will be 3 Full Art Foils, while the other three will only have 1 Full Art Foil, but you’re still getting 3.

The Pre-constructed Deck will be Fire/Water. And, judging by the Promo card. It will be a fun deck to play with, i don’t know about against but, it seams like more and more cards have the ability to attack more than once per turn.

2CP for 8K. I’ll take that any day. Plus, that great ability. Of course you’ll need both Squall and Lightning to make use of it.

All in all, this should be a great product. As we don’t know what the rest of the “staples” are, it’ll be a nice surprise to find out once this comes.

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Final Fantasy TCG Schedule for 2022

The Tokyo Game Show has come and gone, and Square-Enix was there, as they usually are. Plenty of games were showcased, Including Strangers of Paradise : Final Fantasy Origin, Final Fantasy VII : The First Soldier, and Chocobo GP.

But, you’re not here for that. You’re here because Square-Enix also showcased Final Fantasy TCG. Now, I didn’t understand much of it, but they showed the schedule of releases for 2022.

We already know about the Custom Starter Set -Final Fantasy X, and Emissaries of Light. We’ve talked about both of them already. We have the Anniversary Collection Set 2022 which was revealed last week, as it went up for Pre-Order on the Square-Enix website. (We shall have it too. Just head to Upcoming Releases.) We’ll have a full article on that one up in the next couple of days.

June – Two Player Starter Set Golbez Vs Cecil
July – Rebellion’s Call
October – Two Player Starter Set Noctis Vs Ardyn
November – Resurgence of Power

Now, the part that you’ve been waiting for. Time for my opinion.

We can see that each Opus of 2022 will have a Starter Set with them. Golbez Vs for Rebellion’s Call. There is so much they can do with these decks. Like have Cecil and family, Rosa, Ceodore, and Cid. Can’t forget Cid. With Baron Soldiers and the Red Wings. Who would have thought that Cecil was from Detroit? Not, those Red Wings you say? And then you can also have the Hooded Man. You should already know that one of the summons will be Odin.

Golbez Deck, will actually be an Archfiends Deck. But will also hold the Imposter King and Kain. When Kane enters the field, if your opponent has the Hooded Man on the field Break the Hooded Man. If the Hooded man enters the field, Break Kane. That would be an interesting card if they did something like that.

Rebellion’s Call. With the Rebel Yell, we want More, More, More. More cards, More Full Arts, More Opuses or Sets. Who’s here for the Rebellion? AVALANCHE? The Rebel Army? The Returners? Will we finally see Locke on the Box Art? Or perhaps even Setzer? Yeah, Setzer is a long shot, but it can happen. They won’t put Firion back on, maybe Leon or Queen Hilda, even though she wasn’t a playable character she was in charge of the rebellion. Then there is always the chance that we’ll just get another FFVII Box Art. Barret? He’s the only AVALANCHE character that hasn’t appeared on the box itself.

Noctis Vs Ardyn. Well, I’m not too sure about this one as I haven’t gotten to finishing XV yet, but Noctis and friends will likely go up against Ardyn and all the knights you fight against. That’s how much I know.

Resurgence of Power, sounds more like a Pantera album. Dimebag Darrel Full Arts. Who shall be on the Box? Who’s coming back into power? Garland? He does come back twice as powerful after he is defeated by the Warriors of Light. Cecil? Nah, he just turns good in a way. Gilgamesh? He does get stronger every time you beat him. Sin? The calm can’t stop him. Ashe? She was just on a box recently.

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Spoiler Season Has Arrived

Spoiler Season is here. We got ourselves the first reveals of Crystal Dominion. One of each element. These cards were revealed in the Japanese Magazine Card Gamer. Square Enix was kind enough to post pictures of the cards in English. Remember when they said that they would introduce Crystals? Well these cards have abilities that use Crystals to pay for the cost.

Samurai, a 2CP Backup that gives you a Crystal when she enters the field. You’ll be able to discard this card with her ability so you can play another one after, or another card that will work with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Snow. Now with Snow you can pay a Crystal and choose between Freezing all the Forward or Backups.

Kytes doesn’t use Crystals but can save a Sky Pirate from being broken. I like the artwork even though it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint. It’s also one of the first Full Arts we see from Crystal Dominion.

Hecantoncheir. Here’s another Full Art. Hecantoncheir is a Summon that can wipe out the board. Cheaper than Shantotto.

Lady Lilith. Our first Legend with the ability to Gain Crystals by removal, and then you can either use those Crystals for Haste or Removal.

Penelo will be joining your Sky Pirate Deck. It’ll be like your playing Revenant Wings with Kytes, and I’m sure Vaan will make his appearance somewhere.

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What Happened?

If you’ve been wondering were all the content has gone, we were working behind the scenes here. Re-organizing the office. And, we’re not even half-way done. But, It’s just something we have to do from time to time. Not just re-organizing, but we painted and got the carpets cleaned. And now it smells better.

Well as you might have heard, we will be hosting a pre-release event, but the date might be different than what we had planned. From what I here there is a delay in the shipments. Not by Square-Enix or the distributor, but if you watch the news at all, you would have seen that there are over 80 Cargo ships waiting to enter the Port of Los Angeles. We’ll make the announcement as soon as we know when the kits will be coming in.

Speaking of which, the Shinra vs Avalanche Dual Decks are coming out this month. If there is a delay on those we will know for certain that there will be one for Crystal Dominion as well.

War of the Visions you ask?

-Spoiler Alert-

Like I said before the game has started to grow on me. Mont has just become King. That is where I am at, at the moment. The scene between Mont and Sterne, in my eyes, was the end of the Prologue. The war that will start between the two brothers looks to be interesting.

There are plenty of characters that I like. Dorando and Gargas. Who would have thought that these two would be taking care of a little boy, and entrusting him with one of the ancient relics?

Gilgamesh, the Winged one. Such a powerful card in FFTCG, you can see why they made the card the way they did.

Helena, the Black Rose. Presumably dead. I haven’t seen much of her after she died as the Queen, but whenever I use her as a companion she annihilates the opposition. I can have just Helena on the battlefield and she’ll take care of everything for me.

-End Spoilers-

One more thing.

Do you got something you would like to share with the world? About Final Fantasy TCG, Final Fantasy in general or any other TCGs out there. Well drop us a line. Here, or hit the Contact us in the Menu and let us know through there. We’ll probably give it it’s own post as well.

Looking to hear from you.

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Back to Opus V for this Rare card, not that rare, just a rare rarity.

On to the card

Job : Samurai
Category : XI
7000 Power


If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Ayame gains +3000 power.”

Simple card.

Gets more powerful toward the end of the game, where Ayame gains 3K power just because you received 5 points of damage.

Tenzen is a no brainer. You will play Tenzen whenever you play with Samurais. You’ll most likely be grabbing an extra card at the end of each of your turns. But, that is a given. What else can we do with Ayame?

Look no further than Final Fantasy XI Volker (5-020R), Cornelia (6-007R) Iroha (8-004R) are all good ones if you ask me.

But, are you playing Mono-Fire? Are you playing Samurais? Or are you going to play a deck that focuses on the Damage you receive? Playing with your back against the wall, where the more Damage you received the more powerful your Forwards get. Cards like Morrow (11-013R) which will attack twice per turn at 3 Damage. Gabranth that gains +1K for each point of Damage you have.

And since we’re talking about Damage, Tifa (14-120H), cause everyone loves Tifa. And at Damage 6 you can play a category VII character on to the field. So, you might as well play Cloud (14-065L) and Barret (14-121L).

Fire/Earth is the way to go as you already have Gabranth, and FFVII in your hands. Don’t forget Lebreau (1-030R) for that +1K Power.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.