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Not Much Going On.

Not much happened last week.

Nothing exciting.

I was watching Ghostbusters over the weekend. And it is as good as I remembered it the first time I watched it, and the 1,000 times I watched it afterwards. And, even though I haven’t seen it in years, I can still recite every line.

“It’s ok, the table broke the fall.”

Then I watched Ghostbusters 2 and I realized that I forgot most of the movie. I remember the key parts, but that’s about it. It’s not as good as the first one, but it still good.

That was the week in review. Watching Ghostbusters.

And, we picked up some games and action figures.

As much as I would like to say they are Final Fantasy related, they are not.

Be on the lookout for them, as we’ll add them to the Site this week.


I have been toying with a Subscription idea.

For X amount of money, you’ll be getting a certain amount of packs. Or product, depending on the price and what not. It’s not perfected yet, but the gears are grinding as it is all getting worked out. In my head, that is.