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New Hires For Inefficiency

We got some new hires.

They’re not the greatest, but what would you expect from a Kindergartener, and a Pre-Schooler. I got my two little ones “helping” out. And, they enjoy it. But, at the same time it took our time of 30 seconds to preparing an order to 5 minutes, or so, maybe more.

But, they love it.

They sit next to me, as I get things ready for them.

We start off with putting the card in the sleeve, then in the top loader. Put tape on the top loader, then tape the top loader to the paper, where I write the thank you note. After that we put the card in the envelope, where they lick the envelope to seal it. This part is their favorite for some reason. I’ve had to replace a couple of envelope after they were done. After that they get to put a stamp on the envelope and off it goes to where ever it’s destination is.

So, if you ever receive a card with 2 names on the note, just know that the 2 little ones helped put your order together.
Child Labor at it’s finest. Best part is that they get paid in Bulk Pokemon cards.