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“That’s Not For Sale, Man”

I was looking up the Garage Sales on Craigslist. And, I stumbled upon a listing that seemed too good to be true. This guy was selling all these collectables, old Vinyl, Video Games, Action Figures, you name it, he had it.

I figured I had to go there as soon as he opened at 8:00am. It was a Thursday morning, and I had to take my daughter to Summer School. I’ll drop her off and head on over. It was about an hour away from where her school was, but what else would i do that morning.

Off I was, I had my little daughter in tow, and I had to keep her from dozing off as we rode out to Frankfort. When we finally got there, I looked around and nothing seemed to be the same as what was shown in the pictures. Still, I looked around.

What was displayed at the Sale was mostly junk. The 80’s metal records from the listing were actually those old worthless records that no one wants. I had seen some Motley Crue records on the listing. Where were those?

And then I turned to a bookshelf and saw the good stuff. I was like, ok this is what I was looking for. I grabbed an 18″ inch NECA Willy Wonka figure. Price tag was $5.00. And as soon as I was about to say, “I’ll take this” He said, “That’s not for sale, man”

I looked at him.

“But, you got a price on it.”

“That’s what I paid for it, at a garage sale.”

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The Condemner

We have our first Summon for Card of the Week. One from FF XII, Can’t say I used this summon in the game, as for some reason I couldn’t get into the game.

On to the Card
7CP : Earth
Category : XII

“EX BURST Choose up to 1 Forward from your Break Zone of cost equal to or less than the damage you have been dealt. Return it to your hand. Your opponent selects 1 Forward of cost equal to or less than the damage you have been dealt and puts it into the Break Zone.”

Technically, I don’t think this is a very good card. So, why did we pick it? Because it’s the card that came out when we pulled it out of a hat. (It was a nice hat, I’ll tell you that).

Unless, you’re counting on Zeromus to pop up from an EX Burst, there are better plays to grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

Let’s say for the sake of this article, that you are planning on using Zeromus strictly as an EX burst. Is there a way to get him to the top of your deck?

Keiss (12-095R) will allow you to look at the top card, doesn’t exactly help you, but you know which card is there. Wrieg (11-081C) reveals the top card, and that’s about it your opponent sees what is there, and decides on what to do accordingly.
Leviathan (10-125H) is the card you are looking for. Draw 2 and then put 1 card from your hand at the top or bottom of your deck. It’s as simple as that, or any EX Burst that you want to use. Your opponent attacks, and then you get to cast a summon. You cast Leviathan, assuming you already have Zeromus in your hand, you will just place him at the top of your deck to be played as an EX Burst when your opponent deals you Damage.

Now, to search for Zeromus, you can either use Vermilion Bird l’CIe Caetuna (13-008R) which allows you to search for 2 Summons. Eiko (8-112R) and Rydia (3-096R) let’s you search for 1 Summon. And, I believe we will go with Eiko and Rydia.

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My Very First Kit.

Well, I definitely had the itch.

I started heading to the card shop, to learn how to play, but it was mostly hit or miss. Plenty of times, there was no one there to play with. But, I still had to find myself some packs. I would keep buying a couple here and there, from the card shop.

I would start looking for local game stores around my area that would sell Final Fantasy TCG, but sadly there weren’t that many. Most of them didn’t even know FFTCG existed.

I stumbled upon The Gaming Goat, in Tinley Park. Great place.

Walked in and noticed the booster boxes behind the counter. I had found a new place to shop. And, sitting right next to the boxes was an Opus VI Prerelease Kit. Now, I got excited. This was the first time I ever laid eyes upon it. It was like a mini booster box, but better. I quickly picked it up and drove straight home.

Sat down and got ready to open up the kit. The tape was cut, but I didn’t mind I still would have the packs, the promo card and the sleeves. I pulled back the top cover and all the packs were open! What happened here? Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card in here? I called them up, and I guess they figured out what happened, but they exchanged it and made my day.

Now, looking back, I think the opened cards were better than what I pulled from the packs.

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Izana, in the Rough

Well, I won’t spoil anything for those of you that haven’t played Final Fantasy Type-0. All I’ll say is that Izana likes Chocobos. And for that simple reason he should be in every Chocobo deck. Just because he can search for a Chocobo, or job name Chocobo.

On to the card.

2CP : Wind
Job : Dominion Legionary
Category : Type-0
5000 Power

“When Izana enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Chocobo or Card Name Chocobo and add it to your hand.”

Now, a couple cards that will help you out will be Chocobo Knight (5-061C), and Chocobo (6-050C). Chocobo Knight is a better version of Izana, as you can dull him and play a Chocobo from your hand onto the field. And Chocobo will let you play another Chocobo unto the field as he enters.

The way I see it, if Chocobo Knight is already on the field, you play Izana search for Chocobo (6-050C), Dull Chocobo Knight, play Chocobo, which will give you another Chocobo. And if you have a way to keep activating Chocobo Knight well, you can play as many Chocobos as you can onto the field.

This is turning out to be an article about Chocobo Knight. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

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That’s Not Junk, That’s Merchandise

I was doing some thinking, and I came to the conclusion that, I will never be able to support myself selling just Final Fantasy TCG. Not because the game is dead or anything like that. Simply, because I don’t want to sell anything, and just keep all the expensive cards for me in my collection. And that is not the way to do business.

I figured I should start looking into a variety of categories. I would like it to be mostly trading cards, all kinds. TCGs, Sports, Non-Sports : Cards from old movies, shows, comics etc. etc. Luckily, trading cards are almost everywhere. You can find them at Garage Sales, Card shops, Flea Markets, Online. Well, that’s where I was sourcing them. I remember I had found some Vintage WoTC era Pokemon cards for $25. No Charizard, but there was a nice Raichu Holo in there. This was 3 Years ago and that Raichu is about $25 at the moment. Worked great for me. Now, If I only wanted to sell it.

It might be a thing with Trading cards that I just don’t want to sell them. But, I do. I do sell them. And it leaves a tear in my eye when I had sold that Lani Full Art Foil. It was a sad day indeed. What can you do though? I like money, too.

And then it dawned on me.

I shouldn’t just keep myself focused on just Trading Cards, I can sell all kinds of collectables. I know some better than others, but I just like hoarding things. And, then my wife tells me to throw that junk out. Now, I get to tell her : “That’s not junk, That’s Merchandise.” Which seems to work for the most part. I do get a stare from time to time, that says “What the hell did you just buy?” What the 1970’s Radio Phone? Someone’s going to want it. And that framed print from the 80’s? Yeah, that’s junk.