We haven’t run a sale in quite a bit. So, we might as well and go ahead and run one right about … now.
First off, let’s pick a number. How does 10% sound? I think 10% sounds good.
So, from now until Sunday night, which will be the 7th of July, at 11:59 you’ll be able to take 10% off of your order. Just use Coupon Code FIRE10 at checkout.
The coupon is good for everything except for Pre-Order items.
With no release in sight for the upcoming months, it has been slow. Nothing exciting to write about. So, what have we been doing?
Not much.
I’ve been dabbling with the Stock Market, I’ve been spending time with my kids playing Roblox, some housework, and trying to get more events to attend to sell more cards.
We started watching Del Torro’s Pinocchio the other night. Probably got half way through it before we had to put the little ones to bed. And,they do not like going to bed. I usually work after they fall asleep, but by the time they actually do fall asleep, I’m pooped. And, I still need to make lunches for school.
I need to come up with a better plan.
We might have a Nostalgix TCG event coming up. I got to figure out how to move these cards. Nostalgix hasn’t caught on as I had hoped for, and I am now sitting on a whole bunch of boxes and starter decks. Hopefully, with the event we plan on doing we can get some traction for it.
We also started updating the Opus VII singles. And, I realized we have a lot less than I thought. That means, we need to pick up some more bulk. If you want to get rid of some, you can go right ahead and contact us.
Finally, opened up a box of Nostalgix. It’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for quite a while now, and finally took it off the back-burner and dove right in. We’re going to be putting up Nostalgix Singles in the upcoming days. So be on the look out for that.
First thing I noticed was that the packs we’re pretty hard to open. Which doesn’t mean anything, but it was the first thing that stood out for me.
The cards themselves aren’t too flimsy like Pokemon cards, nor are they as durable as Final Fantasy cards, they are somewhere in between. Towards the flimsier side, my best guess would be like playing cards. But, if you put them in a triple sleeve, you probably couldn’t tell the difference between them.
A box has 36 packs at 10 cards each. A box will give you 360 cards where at least 1 will be a Void Rare. We got lucky and found 3 Void Rares. From what I’ve heard it is quite rare to get 3 of them. (Maybe my luck is finally turning, and I should open up a couple of Opus XI packs.)
The art is anything between 80’s cartoons and 3D graphics in early PS2 games. IF that makes any sense. I do see what inspired the art work, there are cards that sort of resemble Mimikyu, and Bullet Bill. While not exactly copying them they do tip their hat nostalgia.
The game play in itself seems pretty easy to pick up, if you’ve played other card games, but you’ll need a whole bunch of counters to keep track of everything. Now I haven’t played a game yet, but I’ve seen a couple of games in action.
As soon as I give this game a try, I will write an update on this. Right now, I will say that I do like the cards.
Now, to find someone to play a game with.
And let us not forget, here is a link to our Unboxing.