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The Weekend Is Over

I think I have it figured out.

Hopefully that is.

But first, We did have a busy weekend. Did two shows back to back, and as always we had a good time. First how was the Countryside Sports card show, even though we don’t do much sports cards, one of my sons likes going, so I figure, let’s just go and have some fun. We did for the most part, I’ve known the organizer for quite some time now.

Didn’t do much sales wise, but that was expected. It’s a Sports card show, only 5% of the people that go there are interested in anything that’s not Sports cards.

GCon was better, plenty of people there, and I noticed that things are slowing down in general. Only did a quarter of what we did last year. Not many people are out there spending extra money. And, we need that money to buy more trading cards.
Which brings me to what I think I figured out.

A way to list more cards on the site without having to make multiple listing of the same cards in order to have a regular version and the foil version.

Be on the lookout for that new update coming up.

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Update to 2.0, 95% Complete.

And we are almost done just in time for Dawn of Heroes.

For the time being we will be removing all singles from the website that are not Final Fantasy TCG. But, fear not, If you want to find the other TCG singles, they will most likely be on TCGPlayer, or eBay. I’ll have a link to them on the side somewhere.

And, you all missed out on some great deals. I hadn’t updated the prices in quite a while and you could have gotten Sara 13-093H for a whopping 50 cents or $0.50.

I don’t know hoe some of you could have missed that. I know if I would have seen it I would have picked it up.

Now, we only have From Nightmares left, which should be done very soon, although I don’t think there will be much updating to that set. After that it will be full force for Dawn of Heroes.

Setting up the site, writing my opinions on the cards, and getting ready for Midnight Pre-Release. Which will be our first taste of Dawn of Heroes, because we did not get a Starter Set this time around. Which means I have one less article to write, but since we usually get 130-140 cards, it’ll still be the same amount of cards for me.

And. Speaking of midnight PreRelease, unless we get a delay on the release, it will be on July, 21st. More details will be coming soon. But, keep that night open. We get a good crowd, and we have a great time.