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February 2025

It’s already February, and what a month January has been. We’ve been keeping busy as always, and we’re looking at ways to improve the website. And, that’s where we get stuck.

What can we add?

New product lines? More Singles? More Video Games? Action Figures? Kardboard Korner Merch? That last one has a nice ring to it.

If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see here, leave a comment.

Union Arena, and Lorcana have been selling real good, and we will be looking to acquire more product. If you have some that you would like to get rid of, you can drop us a line as well.

We’ll be keeping busy, and we should start posting videos on YouTube once again.

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Union Arena & Lorcana

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

I can’t believe that January is almost over. It feels like we just rang in the new year. It has been a busy month considering that it’s usually our slowest month of the year. Which is our goal. Because if January is the bottom, we can only go up from there. Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense, but it does to me.

Let’s get to it.

We’ve added a couple of new games in our TCG Player Store. Union Arena, and Lorcana. These have been flying out the door like hot cakes. Especially Union Arena. I first paid more attention to it after I saw that they were releasing a Full Metal Alchemist set. And, I must say I’m excited about that one.

Lorcana? Well, not so much. It looks fun, it sure takes you down memory lane. Only problem as of now, is that there is no Nightmare Before Christmas cards yet. I’ll tell you, when they finally add those to Lorcana, I’ll be picking up some more. I need a nice Oogie Boogie card. Let’s not forget about Lock, Shock and Barrel.

And, as always we’re restocking FFTCG. The 1,000 count bulk lot has been selling well, and were trying hard to keep those in stock. No duplicates in these lots, which means you’ll be getting at least half of all Common and Uncommons. Perfect way to start you collection. It comes down to about 3 cents a card.

Is there anything else?

Yes, sell us your bulk. We’ll be happy to take it off your hands.

Hot Singles!

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Update to 2.0, 95% Complete.

And we are almost done just in time for Dawn of Heroes.

For the time being we will be removing all singles from the website that are not Final Fantasy TCG. But, fear not, If you want to find the other TCG singles, they will most likely be on TCGPlayer, or eBay. I’ll have a link to them on the side somewhere.

And, you all missed out on some great deals. I hadn’t updated the prices in quite a while and you could have gotten Sara 13-093H for a whopping 50 cents or $0.50.

I don’t know hoe some of you could have missed that. I know if I would have seen it I would have picked it up.

Now, we only have From Nightmares left, which should be done very soon, although I don’t think there will be much updating to that set. After that it will be full force for Dawn of Heroes.

Setting up the site, writing my opinions on the cards, and getting ready for Midnight Pre-Release. Which will be our first taste of Dawn of Heroes, because we did not get a Starter Set this time around. Which means I have one less article to write, but since we usually get 130-140 cards, it’ll still be the same amount of cards for me.

And. Speaking of midnight PreRelease, unless we get a delay on the release, it will be on July, 21st. More details will be coming soon. But, keep that night open. We get a good crowd, and we have a great time.

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Site Update 04/27/2023

Let’s see now.

We had a whole bunch of stuff come in, and now we need to slowly put them on the site, cause if we don’t you won’t be able to buy them.

Over the past week, we received sleeves, play-mats, cards, cards from other TCGs, Key-chains, stickers and tattoos (but, those are for something else.)

And, I can’t think of anything else that came in. Now we get to post it all on the website.

We probably will just stick to having Final Fantasy TCG Singles on the website. The rest will just be posted to TCGPlayer, and eBay. It’s just simpler for us, until we can figure out something with building websites. Cause one thing is for sure. We are not programmers, nor do we have cards in stock to warrant having all the cards posted to the website, when 90% would be out of stock.

Keep your eyes open, They’ll be up sooner than you think.

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Irregular Scheduled Programming

Just finished updating the site, with From Nightmares singles.

Hey, it only took us a month. Not too bad. Could have been worse. I just noticed I never posted the Rebellion’s Call singles. So, if you need some of those just send me a message. You can contact us through the contact page.

We’re still going through all the singles and adding more to the count for them. I believe we left off on Opus VI. Ice was the last element we sorted. I remember the stack of cards on my desk as I was opening From Nightmares Booster Boxes.

I ended up putting them all in a card tray and forgetting about them until the time would come to bring them back and slowly getting through the pile once again. And then one more time, because we bought a couple of collections, so we have to go through them.

Other than that, stay tuned for our irregular posts.