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Dawn of Heroes – Air, Wind and Gusts

20-043R – Brother

4 cost Forward, 8000 power, that gains another 2000 power if Rikku is on the field.

Just a normal rare here, nothing to see here.

Wait what’s that ability?

Activate all the FFX Characters? Oh, sign me up. Along with Opus II Rikku, we can activate, and reactivate.

Get ready for some traffic.

20-044L – Edge

Just like a true ninja. Edge doesn’t break he just hides in the Break Zone, until he’s ready to come out again. As you can just pay 2CP and a Crystal to play Edge onto the field.

With 3 enter the field abilities, there’s always something that you can do to help yourself out this turn. Buff a Forward, remove 2 cards from either Break Zone, or give Edge Haste.

Luckily when you cast Edge from your hand, you don’t need to choose you can do all 3. If it’s from the Break Zone, or search and play, you can only choose one.

I’d like to see Edge play out.

20-045C – Botanist

Planting Backups like planting seeds.

Time for Copy/Paste

If you got 3 Backups already on the field, this Backup is free.

Other than draft, I really don’t see much use for this card, but I’ve been wrong before. Watch a Forward show up where you discard a Backup for a great ability.


20-046C – Ghost (VII)

Who said Ghosts can’t hurt you?

This one clearly can, as when it enters the field, Ghost deals a Forward 3000 damage.

After that, you can remove ghost from the game, remove another Monster from the game, and then play the other Monster onto the field at the end of the turn.

You can either blink a Monster for their enter the field ability, or save a Monster being targeted by an ability or Summon.
I like this one.

20-047H – Jenova Dreamweaver

Is it a Monster? Is it a Forward?

Jenova is both, and does a good job doing it.

Jenova is already protected from Summon, so the only real way to get rid of Jenova is abilities, or just block it with a Forward that has more power.

But, how can you block it when you can also search and remove a Jenova Dreamweaver from the game to deal 7000 damage to all the Forwards your opponent controls?

Either way this is a Monster worth having multiples of.

20-048R – Stiltzkin

2 cost Backup that grants a 2K buff to both Chelinka and Yuri.

Sure they both have to be on the field in order for them to be granted the buff.

I don’t see how that could be a problem, since they both play well together. Especially this set, as all they have to do is keep forming a party and attacking.


20-049R – Chelinka

There’s either a really good Yuri card in this set, or we’re bringing it back to Opus VII. Probably not, so I’m guessing at least a decent Yuri.

Chelinka comes in and you can discard a card, search for Yuri and play him straight to the field.

And, as you can see Chelinka is here to party. Cause once she is in a party the damage dealt to the party is 0.

Now where is this Yuri card?

20-050C – Chocobo

Get your Gysahl Greens, this Chocobo is ready to power up. And he will have +4000 power for as long as Chocobo is enjoying the Gysahl Greens.

By Gysahl Greens we mean the Forward that you choose when Chocobo enters the field. Keep that Forward safe and Chocobo will have a 9k body.



20-051H – Fat Chocobo

You can probably get Fat Chocobo’s cost down to 4 if you’re playing Mono-Wind.

A decent Summon that deals 8000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

8CP is a bit much, but it can get you out of a pickle when you really need it.

If only it had an EX Burst attached to it …


20-052C – Gnash

Gnash is perfect for Wind.

You should be playing cards left and right. And, after you cast 3 cards, you play Gnash.

For 2 CP you can break a 5 cost, or more, Backup. That’s pretty cheap if you ask me. There are 55 Backups that are 5CP and up, so far, not counting this set. One of them is Tyro, who has become a pretty important card in a lot of decks.

If that’s not enough, you can use Gnash’s ability and send Gnash and another Backup to the Break Zone.

20-053H – Number 128

Number 128 needs damage. At least 4000 of it. After that it can unleash it’s counter attack, and deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Can’t wait to get damaged?

Just pay the cost for Gale Cut, and you can just deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Sure the first one is free, but maybe, just maybe you’ll be able to cast it twice this turn. Maybe even 3 if you really need to.

20-054R – Nono

4CP to activate all of your Wind Character?

You can play a card, play Nono, play some cards, Play Brother, play some cards play Opus II Rikku, and I’m sure there are plenty of other Wind Characters that Activate your Characters. Find a way to keep drawing cards and you got yourself ready to beat your opponent during the next round.

I’m sure someones going to come up with an infinite combo, if they haven’t already.

And at the end of any turn, you can activate 1 Forward.

I’ll take 3 please.

20-055C – Prompto

Decked in snow gear and what looks like a machine gun. I haven’t gotten to that point in the game, even though it’s been over 5 years since the game came out. Might also be in one of the DLC episodes too.

Anyways, a 2CP Backup that when Prompto is put into the Break Zone you draw a card. Simply put, it’s a free play.
And, you can also get rid of Prompto yourself, and reduce the damage dealt to a Forward by 5000.

I don’t know if this will be a better card, for the Noctis deck, but it can probably be used in any deck that needs some protection for it’s Forwards.

20-056H – Bel Dat

Adding another card that will allow you to play your opponents cards.

I like these cards as they are part of my main deck. It’s not the greatest deck at the moment, but it’s able to grab your cards and use them against you.

I don’t see any reason for you not to Warp Bel Dat, she Warp’s and each time you remove a Warp Counter your opponent puts the top to cards of their deck in the Break Zone.

And when Bel Dat enters the field, you can remove one of your opponents Forwards from the game, and cast it as if it was your own.

I like it, along with Zidane (16-048H), Mind Flayer (15-120H) and Lani (12-018H). I just need to find a way to play Exdeath (7-087R) onto the field and I’ll be set.

20-057L – The Goddess

The 2nd Member of the Warring Triad. The Goddess comes in and she spells DOOM. Yes, with capital letters. D-O-O-M!!!
Well, something like that.

The goddess comes in and casts Doom on your opponents Forwards.

After that your opponent has 1 turn to figure something out, because it is bye-bye for all of their Forwards.

This can go both ways, as your opponent will probably just start attacking you as they have nothing to lose. It might even go in their favor, when they’re playing with their backs up against the wall.

And at the end of every turn, your opponent removes their Break Zone.

I was on the end of both sides during Prerelease. It certainly adds some spice to the game.

20-058C – Melphie

This isn’t a bad card at all.

For 3CP you can cast Melphie and search for Sonon. Total cost 1CP

1CP for a 7K body isn’t bad at all.

After that she can just stay on the field and whenever a high cost Forward enters the field *cough The Goddess *cough, you can just dull Melphie, and send both Melphie and the other Forward to the Break Zone.

Yes, I’ll take it, if I ever decide to build a Wind deck. Maybe I’ll bring back the Chocobos.

20-059C – Carpenter

I’m lost with all these Free Backups that don’t do anything. I mean you could play them just to have extra Backups on the field.

Or you can just skip them, like the Opus I Evokers.




20-060R – Yuri

There he is.

See, if i read this Yuri card first, I would have said the same thing about Chelinka. And I was right, Yuri here is a decent card. Same as Chelinka you can discard a card and search and play Chelinka straight to the field.

Yuri, too likes to party, and from the looks of it, Chelinka and Yuri are a good pair as always. Sure you can play these 2 independently of each other, but why would you?

When Yuri forms a party and attacks, you can either break a 4CP Forward (or less) or activate all of your Characters. Either way you’re getting a good deal here.

20-061C – Yuffie

More Shuriken Counters, I’m betting big on Cissnei.

Yuffie comes in with 2 Shuriken Counters. And, when she attacks, you can throw a Shuriken at your opponent and deal a Forward 8000 damage.

2CP/5K body, after you use up her Shuriken Counters she can still block.

Or you can just use her to feed Cissnei Shuriken Counters.


20-062R – Ritz

Ritz comes in deals a Forward 3000 damage. Then …. I’m not really sure about this, but I’m guessing you just take Ritz and put her in the Break Zone to draw a card. Or do you block and have her sent to the Break Zone and then draw a card?

Either or, if you play this right, you’ll come up ahead with an extra Crystal Point.

1CP for a simple blocker isn’t bad at all. Is the Ritz worth playing over previous Ritz’s? That’s another question for another day. But, probably not.


20-063C/15-058C – Dragoon

Crystals and more Crystals.

Use this reprint Dragoon to generate one Crystal and then use his ability to get him off the field.

See, I actually wrote something this time.

No Copy/Paste.


I might Copy/Paste this for the next one though.

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