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Hokuten – Version 1.02

We’re going to do this a tiny bit different. We already know we’re not building and strong decks. We’re just making decks to have fun with. Zalbaag’s deck will be no different. In fact we’re going to look straight into Final Fantasy Tactics and see what we can come up with. Let’s take a look into the battles.

But, first.

We can’t have a Hokuten Deck without the Lord Commander himself, so we are throwing in 3 copies.

First battle Zalbaag commands Argath (or Algus) to kill Tietra, so we need Argath in. 3 copies because Argath makes your opponent discard a card when he enters the field.

Along with a couple Knights and Black Mages, although the Tactics Knights aren’t great at all. Just bodies that have no abilities. And the Black Mages, are just a little better than the Knights. Maybe we’ll just lave them out.

The next battle Zalbaag is in he is your ally, So, we’ll be adding in Ramza. Two of them to be exact Ramza (3-119L) just for the fact that he gains +1000 power for every Final Fantasy Tactics Forward that you control, and Ramza (7-118L), because he can become a cheap and powerful Forward if you have a lot of Forwards on the field before you play him. And, If this Ramza has over 10,000 power, every time he attacks, you can break one of your opponents Forwards, as long as it is 3CP or less.

Next battle Zalbaag is a part of the Undead. and fights against you with Archaeodaemon and Ultima Demon and we have none of those Monsters as cards yet. I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting than this.

Let’s see what else we can add? How about Dycedarg (4-105R), he is Zalbaag’s brother and do work together. Up until a certain point, I’ll leave that at that. Plus when he enters the Break Zone, he Dycedarg deals 7000 damage to one of your opponents active Forwards.

Next let’s find a way to search for Zalbaag. Aldo (10-086C) allows you to search for a Lightning Forward, and Duke Goltana (1-134R) allows you to search for a Knight. And, since Ramza and Dycedarg are both Knights, I think we finally have a plan for this deck.

Knights it is.

So, we need Ovelia (1-156C) to give all of our knights +1000 power. We’ll also add in Class Sixth Moogle (9-097C) to help us pay for Water. Now that we have water on hand, We shall add Beatrix (12-103H) to lower the cost of our Knights.

Agrias, we need Agrias (7-106L). She costs 6CP but with Beatrix it’ll be 4CP and if you find a 3CP Character it’ll be 1CP.

We’re going to add Princess Sarah (11-128H) just so we can play Argath. We’d take Argath out, but he plays a part in Zalbaag’s story.

That means we have Ice, let’s add some more Ice. Lasswell (16-042R) to dull and Freeze, and have your opponent discard cards. Charlotte (13-023R) cause she is a great Meat Shield.

As for Summons, we’ll take Ixion (17-090R), Leviathan (2-140C) and Shiva (19-022R)

And, there you have it Hokuten V1.02


3x – Argath (1-033C)
3x – Beatrix (12-103H)
3x – Charlotte (13-023R)
3x – Lasswell (16-042R)
3x – Zalbaag (1-136C)
3x – Ramza (3-119L)
3x – Dycedarg (4-105R)
3x – Ramza (5-118L)
3x – Agrias (7-106L)


3x – Princess Sarah (11-128H)
3x – Ovelia (1-156C)
3x – Class Sixth Moogle (9-097C)
3x – Duke Goltanna (1-134R)
3x – Aldo (10-086C)


3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
3x – Ixion (17-090R)
2x – Shiva (19-022R)

This one does seem a little forced, compared to other deck ideas we have done.

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