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Rydia of Mist

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An honest maiden, wise to the value of the heart.

A young summoner, able to call Eidolons from the Feymarch. Rydia bears hatred for Cecil, who indirectly killed her mother and set her village ablaze. But over time she is touched by the Dark Knight’s kindness, and opens her heart to him. Rydia is swallowed by Leviathan, king of the Eidolons, and is taken to the Feymarch, where time flows at a different rate. As a result, she matures into an adult in a very short time. Rydia rushes back to aid Cecil’s party when Golbez attacks them, rejoining their quest for the crystals.

-Taken from the Ultimania

You’ll first meet Rydia after you burned down her whole village, and as she is the sole survivor of Mist Village, she will attack you.

And with that, we’ll get into the cards.

“All that matters is what’s inside us. Isn’t that right, Cecil?”

2-094H – Rydia

Looking to add something a little extra to your Mono-Earth Summon Heavy deck? Well, look no further, Rydia here might be just what you’re looking for.

At 3CP, with a 7K body Rydia might not seem like much wight out the bat, but take a closer look at Gaia’s Wrath.

Gaia’s Wrath deals 7000 damage to every Forward on the field except for Earth Forwards. Which is why we said Mono-Earth.
Now, you’re probably wondering about the Summon Heavy part. Well that’s quite simple.

You can pay the (S) cost of Rydia’s ability with an Earth Summon, instead of another Rydia. Meaning, you might be able to cast Gaia’s Wrath once per turn.

You’ll eventually turn the tides in your favor with that.

“Enough! I can’t watch another person go off to die.”

2-095R – Rydia EX

After you’ve used all of your Summons, Rydia will go into the Feymarch (your Break Zone) and bring back a Summon for you.
Yes, it needs to be an Earth Summon.

And, yes this also comes off of an EX Burst.

And, yes you get this Backup for 4CP.

And, yes that’s about it.

“Coward, You’re a man, aren’t you? A grown man! Stop crying. I have.”

3-096R – Rydia

This one’s much better than the previous Rydia.

For 3CP you can search for any Summon that you’d like, and this Rydia only costs 3CP, making her total cost 1CP.

Sure, you can’t bring a Summon back from the Break Zone, but most of the time you probably won’t need to.

Unless the other 2 copies of that Summon end up in your Damage Zone.

“This battle is ours as much as anyone’s. Cecil said so himself. And having some Eidolons along can’t hurt, can it?”

9-077L -Rydia

Now this is a great card.

That is if you’re playing Summons.

Rydia comes in and you can look at the top 5 cards of your deck, If you find a Summon there you will cast it for free. And, there are a lot of High cost Summons that you can play.

Depending on what you find at the top of your deck, Rydia is the bargain that you’ve been looking for.

We’re not even done yet.

You can also use Rydia’s ability to look at the top X cards of your deck, and if you find a Summon that costs X or less you can cast it.

Yes, this one is more of a crap shoot, but once Rydia’s ability goes off when she enters the field, you’ll be in the money.

After that, everything else is extra.

You can probably just find a way to break Rydia, just to be able to play another Rydia.

“Think it’s sweet of you to say that, hotshot?”

11-083R/PR-051 – Rydia

Remember that time you were thinking of playing Monks, with Ursula and Yang?

Well, this is a card that you would have been playing if you did. And, if you didn’t, this is still a good Final Fantasy IV card.
Rydia gives all of the Final Fantasy IV Forwards, besides herself +1000 power and Brave.

And, if you play here after you already have 3 other FFIV Characters on the field, you can search for a 1 cost Summon, making her total cost 1.

Mono-Earth FFIV Monks with Cecil.

Plus there’s a whole lot of other FFIV Earth Characters that you can play.

Best thing is that you don’t need to limit yourself to Earth. I don’t even know why I started going on about Mono-Earth.

“I’m going to become a summoner just like my mother!”

13-065R – Rydia

“I don’t know if Rydia is cost effective. 6CP to play a summon without paying the cost. I’ll pass.”

I used to be terrible at this.

To be fair, I would probably say something along the same lines.

Unless there is a way to place Summon Counters on Rydia, this is a one trick pony.

I’d say you’re better off using that 6CP to play Opus IX Rydia.

I’ll leave it at that.

“Leave me alone! I hate you!”

15-083L – Rydia

Rydia already has self protection against Summons and abilities.

Rydia gains 2 Growth counters when she or another FFIV Character enters the field.

Rydia can cast a Summon once per turn by paying with Growth counters.

Rydia is a 2CP Forward.

Rydia is a Legend.

I like Rydia (15-083L)

“Are you mad?”

17-083C – Rydia

We all now that Raise is a high cost spell, and that is basically what Rydia is.

For 5CP, you can bring back a Forward that has just been broken, or knocked out, if you want to use the Raise term.

And, that is basically it. You get one chance to use Rydia, unless you have a way to get rid of her after she enters the field.

There are other ways to get a Forward back from the Break Zone, and Rydia is probably not the best one.

“Are you joking? It’s a miracle Zemus didn’t end up using you!”

17-137S – Rydia

Search for a couple of Summons, one gets tossed to the Break Zone by your opponent.

After that each time you cast a Summon, you might be able to break one of your opponents Forwards.

Especially if they are high cost Summons.

At least the art work is good.

“That was an awfully fast recovery.”

19-068R – Rydia

A 5 cost Backup, that searches for a Job Summoner, and a Summon.

Both need to be of different elements.

Other than that, the art looks good, almost reminds you of Amano’s work.

Sort of.

It seams like they can’t top Opus IX Rydia, or Opus XV Rydia.

Looking for Rydia?

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