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Dungeons & Dragons FF Campaign 04

Our team was ready. Akrasia, Mr. Tinkles and Squirt. We only had 3 players this time, but they were all rested up and decided to find out what was behind the door.

They tried knocking down the door again, till I reminded them that they had found a key. Sure enough the key turned the
lock and they had now entered the main chamber of the Temple of Fiends.

Once inside, Garland said “Saviors, you have come to this place for the last time!” Or, something like that. Garland then rushed them with his sword out. The saviors tried to dodge it but, they failed and took a hit.

This time the battle was a little different, we just had fun without worrying about moving and attacking. Instead Akrasia decided to grab Garland and try to drown him in the Holy Water. Does the Temple of Fiends have Holy Water? I don’t know, but it was interesting so I let it ride. There I decided that Garland would be hurt by this Holy Water, and smoke started coming out of his helmet. Mr. Tinkles decided to help Akrasia keep him down, and slowly his HP would start to decline.

Meanwhile Squirt being the giant that he was, kept trying to lift up the statues that were in the chamber, but to no avail. Even though he was a Giant, he never realized that the statues were as tall as the room, and he wouldn’t be able to lift them because they were holding up the ceiling.

Akrasia and Tinkles meanwhile kept Garland down. Princess Sara let out a scream, and Squirt went over to help her. After he freed her, Garland finally managed to lift his head above the water and pushed Akrasia, and Tinkles away.
They tried once again to drown Garland in the Holy Water, but they weren’t able to. They decided to fight. Squirt kept trying to steal Garland’s boots, but was never able to. Princess Sara cast Protect on the Saviors, and Tinkles cast Dia, and Akrasia would cast Fire. Garland was finally, defeated.

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Site Update 004

Well Opus IX is posted. Opus VIII is next and then all the way down to I, then Wave 1. Promo Cards, and Deck Exclusive cards. We’ll get them all up, hopefully before Opus XIII comes out. Trying to get an Opus down a week. If that works good, we’ll be lucky. If not then I’ll have to stop to get Opus XIII up.

In other news we still haven’t gotten the Sephiroth tins. I keep hoping I’ll get a notice that the distributor has received them. I should call them tomorrow to see if they have any news. I know Square-Enix has started sending them out to people who purchased them directly from them, but they made a huge mistake. Instead of sending one tin, they sent out a case. That is probably why the rest of us have not received them yet.
Here’s to getting them in the mail soon.

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Dungeons & Dragons FF Campaign 03

The Saviors went back inside the Temple of Fiends and decided to knock down the door again. This time we had an extra player, Charpokesquirt, a monk beast. He took Astra’s place this time because she was over at a friends house, but the campaign must go on.

They tried knocking down the door with Mr. Tinkles staff, but you know that wouldn’t work. Trippie Pink, tried to use her pick-locking skills, but that wasn’t working either. Garland was mocking them the whole time. And he accidentally told the Saviors that the Princess Sara was in there with him.

The Saviors decided to explore the temple, and they split up. Squirt went with Mr. Tinkles down the east hallway, and Akrasia went down the right hallway with Trippie Pink. Akrasia and Pink reached a door, and decided to go in. They found a couple of treasure chests and decided to open them. They found a potion and 150 gold pieces. As they exited the room they saw 2 skeletons walking through the hallway. They decided to hide and the skeletons just walked passed them.

Squirt and Mr. Tinkles, came upon a door on the other side. Mr. Tinkles decided to keep going down the hallway, while Squirt went into the door. Another 2 treasure chests. Squirt quickly opened them up and found a cap and a potion. Mr. Tinkles came across 2 skeletons, and hurried back to Squirt. Mr. Tinkles hid inside a treasure chest while Squirt rushed out.

Akrasia and Pink, headed down the hall again and once again came across another door, but they decided to pass that one and keep going down the hall. And found yet another door. This time they decided to go in and found 3 treasure chests. They opened the first 2 and found a shield and a tent. When they tried opening the 3rd one a werewolf jumped out from behind it. Akrasia and Pink decided to fight the werewolf to find out why he was guarding the chest.

Squirt ran out of the room, and saw he was cornered by 4 skeletons. He ran straight into them and started attacking. Mr. Tinkles decided he should stop hiding and help Squirt out. They quickly took them down, Using Holy Magic, and Pummeling Fists.

Meanwhile, Akrasia and Pink took down the werewolf with Fire spells and a sharp sword. They opened the chest and found a Key. Why would a key be hiding in a chest? They took the charred wolf with them, because it was almost lunch time as well. They met up with Squirt and Mr. Tinkles and decide to use the tent they found to get some rest before they enter the Main door inside the temple.

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Site Update 003

Finished up adding Opus X, and now started on Opus IX. It was faster then I expected with the holidays and all. But it has been finished. Now I’m hoping I can get an Opus done each week, but time is not on my side. So, it’ll probably be every two weeks.

We’re still waiting on the Final Fantasy TCG Gift Tins 2 to arrive. We’ll have them up on the site as soon as they arrive.

The holidays are over, so we should be updating the site much more regularly.

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Dungeons & Dragons FF Campaign 02

Last week’s game was a short one. Kids were tired and couldn’t hang as much as they would have liked. But, we still made an effort to move on, at least for a little.

Our “Saviors” had reached the Temple of Fiends. It was a stone shrine that looked like it was abandoned. As they reached the door, the sky darkened and dark clouds started gathering around the temple.

They had a bad feeling. They decided they shoud send in the meat shield … I mean Astra Atlantos in first, to take a look. She went in and all she could see was a dark hallway to the left and right of her, and a huge door right in front of her. There was a single candle lit that barely gave enough light to see anything. Astra grabbed the candle and looked around a bit. She didn’t see much of anything and thought that no one was in the temple. Astra tried to open the door, but it was locked.

She returned outside and the wind blew out the candle she was carrying. Astra told Akrasia, and Mr. Tinkles about what was inside. As they started to enter, Chocobo just sat down and did not want to enter the Temple. They tried to get Chocobo to come in with them, but he wouldn’t budge. Astra Atlantos decided that she would carry Chocobo inside

Once inside they decided that it would be best, if they set fire to the door, and then ram into it as it would get weaker as the flames ate away at the wood. Akrasia cast fire, but the door would not catch a flame. Astra decided that since she was a towering princess that it would just give away. So, she ran into the door shoulder first. Knocking Chocobo out cause she forgot to let him down.

There was a loud Bang heard as she hit the door. And then our “Saviors” started hearing foot steps. Now they were scared. As the footsteps were getting closer, they decided to run out of the temple and regroup.

Outside, they tried healing Chocobo, but nothing would work. They decided to leave him outside and venture back into the temple, by themselves.

Once inside, they saw four skeletons to the left and right of the door. They tried to charm their way into the temple, by asking for a room to stay. All four skeletons pointed to the door and just moaned. They tried once again, only to get the same reply.

Our party decided that they had to fight, and drew their weapons. The skeletons went down pretty easy. As Akrasia, cast fire, Mr. Tinkles cast Dia, and Astra just went head first knocking the skeletons out.

After defeating the skeletons, the party decided to step outside to regroup, once again.