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April Out, May In

Happy May Day, and let’s get to it.

We started sending out monthly coupon codes, these codes have a one time use, but every month you will be getting a new one. They are good for 5% off your whole order. No limit on how much can be taken off.

What’s the code you say? For the month of May it is Meia. Now, don’t say I didn’t give you a code.

Other than that, all the sleeves and playmats we mentioned last time have been uploaded. It didn’t take us as much time as we thought it would. They are all there, and there will be more going up soon.

We still have out work cut out for us, as we’re still going through collections that we bought. We just got over 7000 MTG cards, and we have no idea what’s in them. We’d go through them right away, but we already have a couple of other collections that we picked up that we need to go through. And, Magic isn’t our top priority at the moment, but if you find a good deal, you got to pick it up.

Like the Digimon cards we picked up, a while ago. They starter selling, and it looks like they are already doing better than a couple of other TCGs we ended up getting.

Before I let you go, I’ll remind everyone that, we will buy your bulk. All of it. Any cards too, not just TCGs. Give us your Junk Wax, old Movie cards that were overprinted, Dead TCGS too. We’ll buy all of it. Just click on the Buylist or just send us an e-mail at

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Wave 1 – Auron – 1-001H

Starting off right at the beginning. This one is not confirmed, but my personal opinion. I noticed this by looking at a graded Wave 1 Foil. The foil pattern is different between the 2 Waves. Here are the two guides from the introduction post that will help you guide your way.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

If you look closely, you can tell that the colors on the cards are a little different. The Wave 1 card looks a little dull compared to Wave 2 which is more vibrant.

Wave 1 is on the left, and Wave 2 is on the right.

First off, I noticed that the whole card is moved up, not just the Crystal. If you take a look at Auron’s boot there is more showing than what is on the Wave 2 card.

Something else I also noticed, but is not consistent on Wave 2 cards. Could be the difference between Wave 2 and Wave 3. There is a little, let’s call it a, blob on the left side of the card. Could just be a printing error, but it is something I noticed when I was studying the cards.

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Introduction to Opus I – Wave 1

I would have written a quick guide myself, but there are already a couple of people that have done so, and probably did a better job at it than I would have been able to.

They both cover the same things and for most of the cards these guides will help you determine if you have a Wave 1 or Wave 2 card on your hands.

First one is from Stephen Bongner. He is the Administrator of the FFTCG Marketplace on Facebook. Plenty of knowledge on the game and cards. He created the “Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves” guide and you can find it here.

Second one is from Conkwe, who runs the FFTCG Boards. I have been going these boards for since Opus VI. Other than his guide on Wave 1 differences, he shares lists of Errata, Promo cards and Variants, and is always a good place to check out. His Wave 1 guide “Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves” can be found here.

These 2 guides are a great place to start figuring out the differences. I hope you find these guides as helpful as I have found them.

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Midnight Pre-Release : Resurgence of Power

Resurgence of Power is just around the corner. You may or may not have seen the cards yet. I haven’t seen all of them, but we did get a chance to check them out at last night’s Midnight Pre-Release.

A new mechanic came into play, called Warp. You pay the cost which is 2CP. I haven’t seen any that are more than that. You remove the card from the game, and then depending on the number, I’ve seen 2-5 you wait that many turns before you play it onto the field. You’ll ask, why not just play it onto the field in the first place? The answer is, that the Warp cost is significantly lower than the play cost. You can play a 9CP character for 2CP if you’re willing to wait before it comes into play.

Now your opponent can see the card, and when it warps, they’ll be able to respond to the card being played.

For some reason I decided to build a 6 element deck, Which did not work as planned. I thought having Cait Sith (XI), which let’s you pay CP for any element at 3 points of Damage. But, but by the time that I had 3 points of damage, my front lines were almost as good as a wet paper bag. I stood no chance in winning. The only time I was getting the cards I needed was when we were playing a casual match.

If you’d like to grab a kit look no further as we have them up on the site already.

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Nostalgix TCG

Finally, opened up a box of Nostalgix. It’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for quite a while now, and finally took it off the back-burner and dove right in. We’re going to be putting up Nostalgix Singles in the upcoming days. So be on the look out for that.

First thing I noticed was that the packs we’re pretty hard to open. Which doesn’t mean anything, but it was the first thing that stood out for me.

The cards themselves aren’t too flimsy like Pokemon cards, nor are they as durable as Final Fantasy cards, they are somewhere in between. Towards the flimsier side, my best guess would be like playing cards. But, if you put them in a triple sleeve, you probably couldn’t tell the difference between them.

A box has 36 packs at 10 cards each. A box will give you 360 cards where at least 1 will be a Void Rare. We got lucky and found 3 Void Rares. From what I’ve heard it is quite rare to get 3 of them. (Maybe my luck is finally turning, and I should open up a couple of Opus XI packs.)

The art is anything between 80’s cartoons and 3D graphics in early PS2 games. IF that makes any sense. I do see what inspired the art work, there are cards that sort of resemble Mimikyu, and Bullet Bill. While not exactly copying them they do tip their hat nostalgia.

The game play in itself seems pretty easy to pick up, if you’ve played other card games, but you’ll need a whole bunch of counters to keep track of everything. Now I haven’t played a game yet, but I’ve seen a couple of games in action.
As soon as I give this game a try, I will write an update on this. Right now, I will say that I do like the cards.

Now, to find someone to play a game with.

And let us not forget, here is a link to our Unboxing.