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Getting the Hang of It

The Community Market has come and gone.

It was a small one, but we still had fun. Just like we always do. We ended up buying out another vendor’s booth. Why, you ask? Because he was selling Pokemon cards next to us. So, keep an eye out on the site, and on our eBay store for some nice Pokemon cards that we will be listing.

There is still plenty of demand for Brilliant Stars. Half of the people that came by the booth was asking about Brilliant Stars. And there was none, anywhere. If I had it in stock, which is nearly impossible at the moment. We would have had a Brilliant amount of Dollars.

Other notes from last time.

Pokemon was still the top seller. MetaZoo flopped, Weiss Schwarz showed some life, And Final Fantasy TCG had the most expensive item sold. Flesh and Blood, Magic and Cardfight were all flops as well.

I did manage to add a couple more Mimikyus to my collection. Now I don’t have to open up a box of Brilliant Stars, but I still want to.

The next Convention is right around the corner. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you up to date. In T-minus tomorrow.

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It Was A Good Day

Game Knight Chicago’s Collectables Pop-Up has come and gone.

I was supposed to make a video about it, but I’m just terrible at it. I just keep forgetting to actually shoot anything. Maybe, I just need to hire a cameraman to follow me around.

We got there early in the morning. Set up our tables, and we had a seat as we waited for the people to start coming in. And start coming in they did. Lots of friendly people, and some not so friendly.

All in all we taught a couple of people how to play Final Fantasy TCG, which is always a good thing in my book. They mentioned that it was similar to World of Warcraft. I never played WoW, so I can’t really say.

At the end of the day, after experiencing our first Mini-convention, all I can say is that I can’t wait for the next one.


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Malfunction V1.069 : Resolved

I finally figured it out. As you can see the Card of the Week has changed. And what took me a month or so to figure out, was a process that took a total of 1 minute to fix. I didn’t even think it would work, but I tried it anyway. After a month or so of researching, resetting, deleting uploading and all the other good stuff, it was a simple plugin that I needed to install. End of story.

Now we can get back to focusing on what really matters.

Cracking Packs.

I should, make another video for YouTube. Maybe tonight. Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking of starting Box Breaks. If anyone is interested drop me a line. Or, just hit the Contact Us page up on the top and you’ll be able to get a hold of me.

I also finally found time to build that Type-0 deck I’ve been trying to build since Opus XIII came out. It’s going to need some refining, but I think it’ll be fun to play. Nine, and Cinque. Both from Opus XIII was the reason I built this deck. Just to see if these two can take anything down. I’ll probably need to add more than 1 Fire backup as well. But, it’s very Forward heavy rounded out by Behemoth K, and Kunshira.

Now, it’s time to try this deck out and see what changes need to be made.

Until next time.

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Bah Humbug!

Before I start anything.

Bah Humbug!

OK, now that the holidays are over. No, more crazy shopping, running around trying to find a couple of presents. No more, until next year. But, next year we tell ourselves, we’ll do all of our holiday shopping in July. And, you know that, that never works. It might with some people, but not for me. I leave everything till last minute, and then I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

But, enough about that.

The year is almost over, and that means that we’ll be getting our final release on the 31st of December. MetaZoo Cryptid Nation 2nd printing. Theme Decks, and Spellbooks, and Boxes. Oh My! Let’s Find the Mothman.

We’re going to be getting ready for our 2nd Release Event.

We have a couple of Events coming up for all you FFTCG players out there. One for the Custom Starter Set, and at least one for Emissaries of Light. February and March. I’ll have more info on each of them soon enough, but we know that they will be late night events once again.

I think these late night events are good, even though there’s not that big of a turn out, there are plenty of people that can’t make the afternoon events due to their work schedule. Me being one of them. I was never able to make it to many events just for the fact that I usually work all day. And by the time I get off of work, your local game store is usually closed.

War of the Visions you ask?

Well, I haven’t really played. Same old since last time.