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“I have a name. It’s Lumina. And, I know a lot about you.”


If you haven’t played Lightning Returns and don’t want anything ruined, move along.

If you have, continue on.

Datalog Entry


This mysterious young girl appears to be able to control the power of Chaos, and likes to get in Lightning’s way at every turn.

It seems that she has met Snow before, and the two have more than just a passing acquaintance. but Lightning has spent the last five centuries in crystal, and she has no way of knowing what could have happened between the two.

Still, she cannot deny that the girl bears a striking similarity to Serah. But Serah is dead, and this Lumina seems to have her own goals.


So, just who is Lumina?

Lumina, is a vessel that was created when Lightning went into Crystal Stasis, in order to protect Serah’s heart to protect her from Chaos.. And, while Lightning was in Crystal Stasis, Lumina kept in contact with everyone that was a part of Lightning’s story.

From being there when Fang and Vanille woke up from their Crystal Stasis, to keeping Vanille company when she was lonely as the High Priestess. Showing Noel the oracle drive where he defeats Lightning, Giving Sazh a coffer of souls to collect Dajh’s Soul Fragments in order for him to wake up. Lumina also came in contact with Caius and Snow, but not Hope. Nothing to do with Hope, because Hope is dead. He’s just a puppet now. Bhunivelze’s puppet.

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Update to 2.0, 95% Complete.

And we are almost done just in time for Dawn of Heroes.

For the time being we will be removing all singles from the website that are not Final Fantasy TCG. But, fear not, If you want to find the other TCG singles, they will most likely be on TCGPlayer, or eBay. I’ll have a link to them on the side somewhere.

And, you all missed out on some great deals. I hadn’t updated the prices in quite a while and you could have gotten Sara 13-093H for a whopping 50 cents or $0.50.

I don’t know hoe some of you could have missed that. I know if I would have seen it I would have picked it up.

Now, we only have From Nightmares left, which should be done very soon, although I don’t think there will be much updating to that set. After that it will be full force for Dawn of Heroes.

Setting up the site, writing my opinions on the cards, and getting ready for Midnight Pre-Release. Which will be our first taste of Dawn of Heroes, because we did not get a Starter Set this time around. Which means I have one less article to write, but since we usually get 130-140 cards, it’ll still be the same amount of cards for me.

And. Speaking of midnight PreRelease, unless we get a delay on the release, it will be on July, 21st. More details will be coming soon. But, keep that night open. We get a good crowd, and we have a great time.

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Sit Back and Relax, For Now

With no release in sight for the upcoming months, it has been slow. Nothing exciting to write about. So, what have we been doing?

Not much.

I’ve been dabbling with the Stock Market, I’ve been spending time with my kids playing Roblox, some housework, and trying to get more events to attend to sell more cards.

We started watching Del Torro’s Pinocchio the other night. Probably got half way through it before we had to put the little ones to bed. And,they do not like going to bed. I usually work after they fall asleep, but by the time they actually do fall asleep, I’m pooped. And, I still need to make lunches for school.

I need to come up with a better plan.

We might have a Nostalgix TCG event coming up. I got to figure out how to move these cards. Nostalgix hasn’t caught on as I had hoped for, and I am now sitting on a whole bunch of boxes and starter decks. Hopefully, with the event we plan on doing we can get some traction for it.

We also started updating the Opus VII singles. And, I realized we have a lot less than I thought. That means, we need to pick up some more bulk. If you want to get rid of some, you can go right ahead and contact us.

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Not Much Going On.

Not much happened last week.

Nothing exciting.

I was watching Ghostbusters over the weekend. And it is as good as I remembered it the first time I watched it, and the 1,000 times I watched it afterwards. And, even though I haven’t seen it in years, I can still recite every line.

“It’s ok, the table broke the fall.”

Then I watched Ghostbusters 2 and I realized that I forgot most of the movie. I remember the key parts, but that’s about it. It’s not as good as the first one, but it still good.

That was the week in review. Watching Ghostbusters.

And, we picked up some games and action figures.

As much as I would like to say they are Final Fantasy related, they are not.

Be on the lookout for them, as we’ll add them to the Site this week.


I have been toying with a Subscription idea.

For X amount of money, you’ll be getting a certain amount of packs. Or product, depending on the price and what not. It’s not perfected yet, but the gears are grinding as it is all getting worked out. In my head, that is.

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You Want A Balloon?

The OLPL Fan Fest has come and gone, and we did our part. We probably blew up, drawn on and handed out around 100-200 balloons. It was a fun experience. We tried to convert people to the greatest card game of all time, but we were constantly trying to keep up with the balloon demand. And, there was a line at times.

But, it was well worth it.

The highlight was probably when one of the other vendors had brought back the balloon that we gave them last year. They told us how they took it along with them to other events. They told us how they kept checking on it throughout the whole year to see how it was doing. Although it had shrunk a little, it was still in good shape.

We enjoyed every minute of it, and just seeing the smile on the kids’ faces when we gave them a balloon with their favorite Pokemon on it, was what made us go back this year. And, we would love to be back next year as well.

So, you might as well just mark your calendar from now.

May, 4th 2024