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Master of the Shijin

“… It is time to reap your reward.”


6CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Kirin
9000 Power


“Kirin cannot become dull by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

The Job Shijin Forwards you control gain +1000 power.

When Kirin enters the field, reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Play 1 Forward of cost 4 among them and return the other cards to the bottom of your deck in any order.”

This will make some interesting play. I was just talking about how they should make an Archfiends deck. And, they listened. Sort of. We now have Kirin & the Shijins, coming to a bar near you. Playing all your favorite oldies. Ok, I got a little carried away.

Kirin comes in lets you hopefully play a Shijin from your deck to the field, and give all the Shijins +1K. And since he comes in with Brave, and cannot become dull by Summons or abilities, Kirin looks like he’ll be around for a long time.

Now let’s take a look at the Shijin.

Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko and Genbu.

They all have one ability that reads. “If you have a Job Shijin in your Break Zone, the cost required to cast (card name) can be paid with CP of any Element.” Why is this important? It’s the basis of the whole strategy. You shall quickly discard the First Shijin to pay for Kirin, and hopefully you’ll find a Shijin.

And can’t forget about the EX Burst “When (card name) enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Shijin Forward other than Card Name (card name) and add it to your hand.” You’re already adding Shijins to your hand after you, hopefully, play one from Kirin’s ability. You’re likely to swarm the board pretty quickly here.

But, that’s not all.

Each Shijin also has a 3rd ability.

Suzaku – “When Suzaku attacks, choose 1 Forward deal it 5000 damage.”

Seiryu – “Seiryu cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

Byakko – “When Byakko attacks, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.”

Genbu – “If Genbu is dealt damage, reduce the damage by 3000 instead.”

Other than searching for each other, these cards really don’t play well together. But, I’m sure with help from other cards these can do some damage to your opponent.

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Pulse of Life

*Spoiler Alert*

It’s what everyone has been trying to do since the end of disc 1. Yes that was just in case you still haven’t played FFVII.

End Spoiler

Aerith – 16-067L
5000 Power

“The Forwards other than Aerith you control gain +2000 power

When Aerith is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove Aerith from the game. When you do so, place 3 Reraise Counters on Aerith.

At the begining of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, if 1 or more Reraise Counters are placed on Aerith, remove 1 Reraise Counter from Aerith. Then, if there are no Reraise Conters on Aerith, play Aerith onto the field. This effect will trigger only if Aerith is removed from the game.”

Let’s just put aside Final Fantasy VII for now. Although I know most of us will just throw her in a VII deck based off of Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Marlene. Add in some Avalanche and you just added Aerith to the party.

But, we’re going to look at this a little differently.

We’re pairing Aerith with Enna Kross. The plan is to bring in the “Big Guns” and make them even bigger. For simplicity, we’re just going to stay in Earth.

Prishe (1-116L) : Prishe already comes in with 8K power, which is pretty good by itself. Add the 3000 and you get 11000 Power, which is enough to take down Bhunivelze. But, you can always use Auroral Uppercut and double that power, for a total of 22000 Power. You’ll probably never need that much power, but then again why do we always level up our characters to Lvl.99

Gabranth (2-081L) : Although no one really uses Gabranth anymore, it’s a good card to play towards the end of the game. When he costs 1CP and gives everyone Brave.

Y’shtola (12-119L) : Ok, so this one is Wind/Earth, but it still counts. Y’shtola will hardly take any damage. Ever. Period. And frankly she can’t be blocked by a Forward that would be able to Break her.

And, that’s just a few Forwards, that you can play. Any better ideas? I bet you have some. Let us know in the comments.

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Crystal Dominion – Thoughts on Earth

15-064C – Vanille

Vanille is taking over Minfillia duties. Allowing you to grab 2 Forwards from the Break Zone when she enters the field.

Her 6CP cost goes down to 2CP, which is pretty good for a Backup.

15-065C – Scholar

Lost the card that’s supposed to win you the game. Scholar h ere will allow you to retrieve it back from the Break Zone. For a small price that is. What’s the top card of your deck compared to that Legend card that was just broken?

Next turn you’ll be able to shuffle your deck, and the card you retrieved will be closer to the top.

This card should have been a fisherman.


15-066C – Galuf

What would you like to do?

Gain a Crystal or Deal a point of Damage?

Odds are 50/50

Is it worth 5CP?


15-067R – Gijuk

Search for a Headhunter and then all the Headhunters can do things together. Like place Bounty Counters on each other. Dull and Break Gijuk and you can place 2 Bounty Counters on a Headhunter.

Don’t forget, Gijuk allows you to search for Lani (12-018H)



15-068R – Gilgamesh

You’re up-cycling Gilgamesh into a stronger Gilgamesh, and you have 8 Gilgamesh to choose from. I’m thinking You play them all, and towards the end, when you have at least 8 Gilgamesh in the Break Zone, you up-cycle to Gilgamesh (7-088L) and you go to town.

Add a Behemoth K or 2 for good measure.



15-069C – Cu Sith

Don’t like your hand?

Discard 3 Cards and Cu Sith who is already on the field, and draw 4 new cards.

You might get the card you need. You might not.



15-070R – Cait Sith EX

For 1CP, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ll give you a chance to draw a card.

But it has to be a Forward. Which isn’t that bad. It’s Like betting on black. There’s a good chance you’ll get a Forward.

And, Since Cait Sith is already a Forward. There really is no drawback of playing him. Worse case scenario, you got yourself a blocker.


15-071H – Kefka EX

Just Like the final battle in FFVI. The Returners Vs Kefka, who now has become a God. Normally you would divide your party into 3 groups, and take on Kefka.

Here you divide their Forwards into 3 Groups and they only get to keep 1, while the rest are thrown into the Break Zone.



15-072R – Cid Sophiar

Freaky Friday Cid Sophiar.

Able to switch around certain abilities between 2 Forwards. Might be a good ability in a pickle.




15-073H – Cecil

The OG Dark Knight. Move over Batman, you ain’t got nothing on Cecil.

If you got a Crystal, you’re good. If not you shall receive 1 point of Damage when Cecil enters the field. Which isn’t too bad, because at 3 points of Damage, when Cecil is broken, you can search for another Cecil and play it onto the field. You’ll need another Crystal for that Cecil as well. Unless you go with another Cecil.

Souleater. Yes, please. Throw in a whole bunch of Cecil’s into your deck just so you can use this ability over and over. And, when it lands you’ll deal your opponent 2 points of Damage. Watch out for those EX Bursts.

15-074C – Zombie

Just in this set alone, Zombie has 7 targets. And, most of them are great ones to choose from, depending on what you’re playing.

Let’s just say, Cait Sith (15-070R) is a good choice. Same Element and you might even draw another card when you play him.

Other than that, Zombie becomes a Forward and breaks at the end of the turn.


15-075R – Titan EX

We’ve seen this one before. +2K and deal damage to a Forward. Works good in some situations.





15-076C – Titan

What would you do with +10K Power?

You’ll make sure you’re going to deal some Damage. Be it a Forward or to your opponent.

Either that or deal a Forward 7000 damage. Either way Titan here is set on Destruction.

He’s a one cost if you got a Crystal.


15-077H – Dadaluma

Here’s your counter attack. Just make sure to block, constantly.

8K damage to a Forward is more than enough to break most forwards. Just have Dadaluma out on the field and your opponent will try and find a way to remove him.

And, at 3 points of Damage he gains Brave and +2000 power



15-078C – Berserker

This Berserker has gone Berserk.

Of course, he will be attacking every turn, but when he does attack he also gains 5000 power. Every attack phase, Berserker will be attacking for 13000.

There’s almost no Forward that will be able to withstand this attack.

Unless of course, your opponent has the Clan Gully card.


15-079R – Ba’Gamnan

Do we have enough pieces for a Headhunter Deck?

Either way you should remember that you can play Lani with all these Headhunters. She’ll add Bounty Counters to Ba’Gamnan, and Bwagi. And she’ll also be able to gain +2K power that Ba’Gamnan can give here if he removes a Bounty Counter.

And with all the Headhunters entering and leaving the field. I’m sure you’ll have at least 4 to Break a dull Character.


15-080C – Geomancer

Geomancer here comes in gives you a Crystal, that you can use to play Cecil. After that, Geomancer dulls and heads over to the Break Zone, and gives Cecil Brave on the way out.





15-081C – Firion

Yes, the Rebels are coming out. Firion comes in this set as an Earth Forward. Seems he didn’t like Fire this time around.

But, having Firion come in and since you’re already playing Rebels he’ll have Brave, and +X depending on all the buffs he’ll get.



15-082H – Hecatoncheir

Deal 8K damage to all Forwards. You better have your Forwards buffed up, or your opponent has already taken down your front line.

Hecatoncheir here will take care of the rest.




15-083L – Rydia

Rydia already has self protection against Summons and abilities.

Rydia gains 2 Growth counters when she or another FFIV Character enters the field.

Rydia can cast a Summon once per turn by paying with Growth counters.

Rydia is a 2CP Forward.

Rydia is a Legend.

I like Rydia (15-083L)

15-084 – Robel-Akbel

Robel-Akbel, comes in and Breaks a Forward or a Monster. After that you’ll be grabbing a Backup at the beginning of Main Phase I during each of your turns. Thus, giving you a never ending supply of CP. Your best bet would be to find a 2CP Backup that send itself to the Break Zone with an on entry ability.

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Rebellion’s Call & Kain

Well, I was wrong on who is going to be on the Box Art. I was close though. I said it could be Leon or Queen Hilda. What we got was Minwu. Minwu? Why Minwu? Is it perhaps to tell us that this set will be all about protection. Probably not. Minwu as we all know was the one who helped Firion, Maria and Guy, after they were beaten to a pulp by the Black Knights. So, I’m guessing support. Or just a little bit of everything as usual.

3 Legacy cards once again. nothing changed here.

-Firion (6-019L)
-Veritas of the Dark (8-136L)
-Y’shtola (12-119L)

130 card + 10 starters and 22 Full Arts leaves us with one more card, which will probably be another Crystal. 21 cards per element and 2 and 2 for Light and Dark.

We did get a look at some of the cards. Just artwork, but you can tell Serah, Penelo, Cissnei, Glaciela And Exdeath are all Forwards. And we know that 3 of them are Legends. Serah, Glaciela and Exdeath. Penelo is a Hero, Cissnei a Rare. And Our Summon Atlas. Just a Rare as well.

From these cards without knowing what they do. I’m interested in Cissnei and Glaciela. We always need more Turks support. Along with the Avalanche Vs Shinra Starter deck. I’m hoping we’ll be able to make that deck stronger. Turn Turks into the next Scions. We already have a great Starter Deck. Give us more cards to Overpower it now.



Speaking of Starter Decks.

Golbez Vs. Cecil

I wanted to write Golbez Vs. Kain for some reason.

You can actually say Kain Vs. Kain. As he is in both decks. Which Kain will reign Supreme? The one with a Evil Warlock in his corner, Or the one with a righteous Paladin?


Starter Cards

– Kain (17-131S)
– Zeromus (17-132S)

– Scarmiglione (17-133S)
– Baigan (17-134S)

– Edge (17-135S)
– Kain (17-136S)

– Rydia (17-137S)
– Rosa (17-138S)

– Cecil (17-139S)

– Golbez (17-140S)

We’re seeing characters in elements that they haven’t been before. Kain makes his debut in Fire, and Rydia in Water. And Golbez is now a Dark card. That’ll be 4 different elements to his name.

(Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll ever get a Character that has a copy of himself in all elements. I’m guessing when it finally happens it should be Kain. But, that’s a story for another day.)

Full Art Foils included in this set as well. Both Cecil and Golbez will have one. I can’t say I know how these decks will play out, but they will be here before we know it.

Do you think Minwu was a good choice for the box art? Let us know.

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Crystal Dominion – Starter Review

Wedge (15-131S)

Well, you know that these cards all go well together. You will most likely be playing 1CP for Wedge as you will have another Job AVALANCHE Operative. And you will be forming parties and attacking. Tifa must have made some great cocktails at 7th Heaven, because everyone is partying up.

Once you party up, Wedge will be able to Break 1 Dull Character of cost 4 or more.

Jessie (15-132S)

-Insert Wedge’s first paragraph here.-

Everyone will want to party up with Jessie, because she is the only girl on the team. Tifa doesn’t count unless you’re playing Tifa (14-120H). And then you might be able to pull off something really good. I don’t know what that is but it involves Jessie, Cloud and Tifa. Menage a …. I mean … Manage the Trio right and you’ll be putting a beat down on your opponent.


Barret (15-133S)

Barret works a little different as he doesn’t party. Could be because Marlene is always there, and he is trying to be a good role model. But, he still will still only cost 1CP as you’ll be playing AVALANCHE.

Now, I see Barret being held till the end of the Attack phase into Main Phase 2, and if one of your Forwards were broken, then you can simply dull Barret and Break one of the opponents Forwards.


Biggs (15-134S)

Charlie Sheen here, is known for his partying. And, whether he’s going as Charlie, or Topper, or Rick Vaughn, or Biggs. I don’t know about you, but the first time I saw Biggs in the FFVII Remake, I thought Charlie Sheen was going to be his voice actor.

Now, from the party abilities, I think this one is one of the better ones. Drawing a card and protecting all the party members at the same time. I like it.

Sign me up. I’ll take 3

Tseng (15-135S)

Beef up your Turks with Tseng. Plenty to choose from. And when he enters the field you take a look at the top five cards of your deck. Add 1 Turk to your hand, and play a Turk from your hand on to the field. From what I’m reading you won’t be able to play a Turk unless you grab a Turk.

Wonder if they’ll include Vincent as a Member of the Turks?



President Shinra (15-136S)

Just a Backup that’ll let you search for a card once he enters the field.

Nothing much else to write here, I’m just pretending that I have something important to say about the card so we can fill up this blank space next to it.

That’s not saying that you shouldn’t play this card. It’s just a simple card that will let you search for what you need.
Rude (15-137S)

Ravishing Rick Rude, only this time he’s bald. Now you’ll want to have either President Shinra or Rufus. Give all the Turks Brave and +1K. And that’s only part of it.

You will want to be playing as many Turks as you can. Because if you have 4 or more on the field, at the beginning of each attack phase you will dull all the Forwards your opponent controls.

Rude will stop your opponent in their tracks.

Reno – (15-138S)

Reno is always teaming up with Rude.

So, it would make sense that these two cards will compliment each other. For one, If President Shinra or Rufus is on the field, Reno gives all the Turks +1K and First Strike.

And, at the beginning of each of your attack phase, with 4 or more Turks, all the Turks gain Haste.


Cloud (15-139S)

Another Set, another Cloud.

But, which one do you choose. Depends on the situation. This one works well with this deck, but would you use it in any other deck, when there are a couple of other Clouds that are far better? All you need is one Job Avalanche Operative, and we do have that in Tifa (14-120H) which might make Cloud a threat in the late game. You’ll Break a Forward and grab a AVALANCHE Operative from the Break Zone, throw it onto the field and well … let’s see what happens.


Rufus (15-140S)

Just when you thought it was all over. You’ve taken 5 points of Damage and all of a sudden, Shantotto comes out and wipes the board. What do you do? All the Turks are in the Break Zone.

Have no fear. For Rufus is in your hand.

Once you play Rufus and pay for the extra cost, Out comes the cavalry. All the different Turks that are in your Break Zone can come out to play. Straight to the field. No stopping for gas. And once you enter the Attack Phase. Hopefully you were smart enough to play Reno and give Haste to all the Turks on the field.

Now, my friend. You can go to town on your opponent.