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Community Market Pop-Up

There is another Pop-Up on the way. And yes, we will have a booth there once again. Same place as before. I believe this one will have a little bit of everything, but there will be tables setup for casual play once again.

Game Knight Chicago’s
“Pop-Up Community Market”
Sunday. March, 20th 2022
12PM – 7PM
6254 S. Archer Road
Summit, IL 60501

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FFM – FFX Custom Starter Set

FFM Returns!

Forget about FNM, we’ve got FFM.

FFM stands for Final Fantasy Midnight. Our events for everyone that can’t make it to regular events because of their jobs. Just like us, we we’re never able to make it to events, cause we worked all day, and by the time we would be able to head over, the event was over.

Here’s what we got.

Date. Time. Location and Prizes.

Friday, February 25th. (Date may be changed due to delays. We’ll let you know as soon as we find out.)
9229 S Cicero Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453


Come by any time after 10PM. You can hang out while we set things up, maybe even play some a game or two. The Event will start at 12AM (Technically it’s Saturday).


Yes, there will be a Prize for the winner. Either another FFX Custom Starter Set, or one of your choosing from the ones available at the Event.

Need more information? You can always contact us through E-mail.

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Almost Here.

23 days away till our first event will be held. We decided on November, 26th. There’s still some things that we need to finish up, but we have plenty of time. Enough time. To do all the things we need.

We have a banner that is in the works. Waiting on a proof, so we can see what it’s going to look like. Product will most likely be here the week of. Plenty of Prerelease Kits, and Booster boxes.

Prize support. At the very least a winner will walk away with a Prerelease kit. And depending on how many people have showed up will determine how many prizes will be available. I’m thinking every 8 people that show up, we’ll throw in something else. 8 people will have a Kit and something else. 16 a kit and 2 other things. Something like that.

How many people will show up is a different story. I’ll be happy with 8. We’ll have a good little tournament with that. Into the Brackets and we’ll have our winner before the night is over. A couple of pictures for Instagram and Facebook. And, the website of course. And, we’ll call it a night.