We managed to pull some strings and get ourselves a small restock of the Final Fantasy XIII Custom Starter Set. Sure we only got 6 of them, but they are not exactly in print any more.
If you haven’t gotten one yet, what are you waiting for?
This deck is a great starting point for your FFXIII deck. All of the cards already work great together, and with a couple of upgrades to it, you will be unstoppable in no time.
Maybe not that unstoppable, but it’s still a great Starter Set.
Just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean we have to talk about Shiva. Or Snow for that matter.
But, he’s a Hero, you’ll say. And, I’ll say. Tell that to Hope.
I’m not going to get into Final Fantasy XIII at the moment, but I feel like I kind of have to just because of Hidden Trials. And, how I believe that it will be a great set. Well, that’s how all sets look like when they are first announced months in advance. Just like Hidden Hope, we have a new Mechanic that will be debuting in just a couple of months.
And, then I heard something about a side board, but I can’t remember where I heard that, or seen that. I’m just wondering when they’ll start adding Weapons. And, spells, where you can add Omnislash to any Cloud that you control. It would be a good mechanic, just ask Cloud, he’ll tell you it would work great.
And, as we’re waiting on Hidden Hopes, and Hidden Trials, we’re also waiting on some news for the Magic : The Gathering Final Fantasy set. It was first announced a couple of years ago. I was expecting it to have been out already, but the only thing we know is that it should be released this year.
And, since we’re on the topic of Final Fantasy XIII we have a sale going on for the Final Fantasy XIII Kai Art Museum boxes. $25 off your order if you order one by 02/08/2024. Just use Coupon Code FANG
Don’t know what’s in it? Well we decided to open one up on camera.
First off, let’s check what I wrote when Opus XIII : Crystal Radiance came out.
“13-085R – Lumina
3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.”
Have no fear, we will go into a deeper analysis today.
3CP – Lightning
Mysterious Woman
“When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”
Now, when I said nothing exciting, I meant just that. Lumina is considered a Trickster in the game, so, you would think that she would do something devious to your opponent. Don’t get me wrong, you can never have enough searchers in your deck.
At the time of this writing, there are 93 Forwards that Lumina can choose from. There are FFXIII Forwards in every Element except for Dark. There shouldn’t be too much of a problem finding a Forward to grab from your deck.
Most of the cards in the FFXIII Custom Starter Set are great candidates for Lumina to search for. Especially that Light Lightning. You cant go wrong with that card.
I’ve looked long and far, and can’t remember if there is a card that searches for a Lightning Character, Backup, or any Character for that matter. I might be wrong, and find it later. And, If I do, I shall update this post.