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Zack Fair

“Hey, would you say I became a hero?”

Shinra SOLDIER: Second Class. He left his hometown and came to Midgar with dreams of becoming a hero.

He tackles his assignments head-on as he aspires to one day be promoted to SOLDIER: First Class.

-taken from the website

We all know how this ends. If you don’t move along, nothing to see here.


It’s raining, Cloud is useless due to the Mako poisoning, and Shinra is looking for the 2 escaped test subjects.

That is pretty much the ending to Crisis Core. Zack Vs the Shinra Army. I remember that battle. It felt like it would never end. The Soldiers just kept coming and coming, until they finally took Zack down.

Before all of that happened, Zack was a teenager, that ran away from home to join the Shinra army and became a SOLDIER. Angeal took Zack under his wings, and hands down the Buster Sword to Zack, who then passes it on to Cloud at the end of his story.

Zack met Aerith after falling down through the roof of the Sector 5 church. They began dating, but that all ended when Zack was sent on a mission to Nibelheim, alongside Sephiroth and Cloud. After the events that transpired there Hojo took Zack and Cloud for his new experiment the “Jenova Reunion Theory”. Zack escapes, helping Cloud escape as well.

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Hidden Hopes

Square-Enix just announced a new set. And, shockingly it’s a FFVII box. Who would have guessed? I’m guessing every time they decide to start on a new set, they just flip a coin if it’s Heads it’s a Final Fantasy VII themed box.

But, you can’t lie. You know you get excited, when you see it. Zack and Aerith share the spotlight with Hidden Hope. A 128 card set, with 28 Full Arts, a Special card, and a Crystal. 28 Full Arts? That’s 2-3 Full Arts per Booster Box.

What you really want to know is who is on the Gold Stamped card. Everyone’s favorite Mama’s Boy, Sephiroth, in original art work by Gen Kobayashi. It is a good looking card as you can see for yourself.

We’re also getting a new mechanic with this set, which from the looks of it, allows you to have a side deck. We don’t have much news about this, other than that the first card revealed to have this ability is a fire, Zack and Aerith card. Will this card be like the Tidus & Yuna card we received a while back or will it be just Zack, Cause I don’t see Aerith having the Fire Element by herself.

Other cards shown are Auron, Gilgamesh, Basch, Squall, Lulu, Folka and Helena.

Legacy cards are back. Fat Chocobo (4-064L), Chaos (16-129L) and another Sephiroth (18-116L). I like these Legacy cards when they have different art, rather than just slapping full art on them.

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Anniversary Collection Set 2024

What’s that? Announcing a new Anniversary Set, when the Dissidia Collection isn’t even out yet. Well, I’m sure you would do it too. Get on the Hype train, because Shinra SOLDIERS are on the box.

Plenty of Reprints, plenty of Promos, plenty of cards. Means Plenty of reasons to buy this collection. Number 1 being the paper playmat.

The Reprints will range from Opus I all the way to Resurgence of Power.

What I like about these Collections is that it is a great way to get into the game, as many staples are in it. I remember building a deck and just grabbing half the cards from the first Anniversary Collection Set, I just didn’t feel like searching for them.

This is actually coming out sooner than I expected as well. February 2024. That’s only 6 months away, 4 months after the Dissidia set comes out.