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Leveling Up By Priming

Looks like we were right!

Priming is essentially leveling up a Character. As with the release of the Card of the Week Spoilers for Hidden Legends, Clive levels up to Ifrit.

I’m sorry, I meant Primes into Ifrit.

And, that also means that we are on a Countdown to Hidden Legends. 8 weeks away. Wait no, it’s only 6 Weeks away. That also means that Midnight Pre-release is 5 weeks away.

It’s coming a lot faster than expected.

Any ways back to Priming.

Will this be only for Final Fantasy XVI Characters, or will Characters from the other Final Fantasy games be able to Prime?

I’m guessing only FFXVI Characters. Because it wouldn’t seem right for Warrior of Light to Prime into Bahamut, or Cloud into Choco/Mog. Yeah, I’m just playing here.

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Prime, New Flavor of Play

Well, I think I figured it out what Prime is.

Now this is just an assumption, and we won’t know until Square-Enix actually tells us what Prime is.

From what I’m seeing with Clive, and Ifrit It seems that Prime is used to level up your Characters. Kind of like Pokemon. Clive can Prime into Ifrit for the cost of 2CP one of which has to be Fire.

Thus turning Clive into Ifrit.

Will Clive be sent to the Break Zone after this? Will Ifrit have the abilities of both cards? There’s still are a lot of questions, but I think this can be a new and interesting way to play.

What are your thoughts on this? Am I hitting the nail on the head, or do you think that Prime will be something completely different?

Shop for Singles and More at our TCG Player Store!

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Legacy Collection

Are you ready for this?

It looks like this will be a replacement for the Anniversary Collection Sets that we have had over the last few years. And, you’ll either be Excited or Disappointed.

Excited because all those cards that are worth a lot will come down in price allowing you to grab those cards on the cheap. And disappointed because, well if you bought those cards at a high price, that price will come down soon.

From the looks of it the Legacy Collection will be coming out in a smaller box, as it will only have 20 packs per box, and 5 cards per pack, giving you 100 cards per box, plus the box topper. Which will be a Crystal.

What about the Foils?

I’m glad you asked, these cards will be newly designed. Does that mean that the Foiling will be different? Does it mean the cards will have a new design completely? I guess we’ll be finding out in February.

I noticed that the numbers on the cards will be different, allowing collectors and players an easy way to distinguish between the 2 cards. This is something that I have been hoping Square Enix would do, as it now gives us an easy way of distinguishing the cards between the originals and the reprints.

Full Arts!!!

Every card will have one. That in itself will make the Legacy Collection worth it. 200 different Full Arts, most of which we’ve never had before. The more I read about this set the better it gets.

And we now have a chance at getting 2 different Gold Stamped Signatures. Yuna (12-105L) and Warrior of Light (19-128L)

2025 looks like it’s going to be a great year for FFTCG!

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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What’s That?

Did you notice anything?

We’re slowly going to start adding singles back to the website. There’s only a handful up right now, but expect them grow over time. As of this moment we don’t know if we’ll put all the commons and rares up, but, Full Arts, Promos and Meta cards will eventually all make their way back to the website.

You can check out the Singles here.

And, if you’re looking for those Commons and Rares, and even Heroes, you can always head on over to our TCG Player shop where, we have all of those in stock.

We’ll leave that link right here.


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Maybe We Were Wrong

Maybe we shouldn’t have taken the singles out from the Website. The main reason we did it was because it was hard to keep track of prices across 3 different sites. And, we ended up selling a card worth $15 for 50 cents. Sure, that was our fault, and yes we did honor those orders.

We we’re hoping to use Shopify and Binder POS to take care of all of out pricing, but we’re just not big enough for that yet, and we still have a couple more years on this server. So, we discarded that idea for the time being.

Now we need to come up with another one. Somehow, someway we will reintroduce Singles back to the website. I just wish we didn’t delete the 4000 listings that we already had on the website. That was hundreds of hours of work that we deleted.

For now, we just might start listing the Meta cards. Now that we have some time before the new set, we should be able to start some Custom bundles that we have been thinking about. Most of these will be Starter bundles for newer players. We’re still working out all the details, but hopefully we’ll have something set up for it shortly.

We’ll keep you updated.

Shop for Singles and More @ our TCG Player Store!