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Stick ‘Em Up

In other news today, a reporter was robbed at gun point, while doing a report on robberies. I just found that funny. Yes, by the time that you read this it’ll be a few days old. I’m just wondering if they got the robbery on camera.

School has started again, so that means we should be able to start making videos again. We have plenty of boxes to open, collections that we bought and maybe we’ll start trying to do something different. Got to clean up the office for that one.

And, with that out of the way …

– Spoiler Alert –

Back at it with Opera Omnia.

It is getting interesting, and it starting to look like the party doesn’t trust Mog. Why would they? They are going to follow him and get some info out of Cosmos. Or so they think. They’ll probably end up getting a glimpse of Spiritus. And, then they’ll banish him, and we’ll get Super Evil Mog with horns and a pitchfork. Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen, but it would be a sight to see.

The party did say that, they haven’t seen any inhabitants on this world. Except for monsters and manikins. I think I figured Mog out. I believe that Mog is working for himself, trying to be on the good side of both Cosmos and Spiritus, because frankly there is a secret Moogle village somewhere, and whatever happens to this world Mog wants to ensure the safety of his friends.

Let’s see if I’m right.

– End Spoilers –

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Enter the Zero World

This one should be interesting, but we have an idea. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t. There’s only one way to find out.
First things first we need to bring out Necron, and base the whole deck around the fact that Necron can deal a point of Damage at the end of each of your turns, as long as there are at least 3 Dark Characters on the field.

Next we need a way to grab Necron. Ysayle (6-022R) and Laguna (9-037C) are both great cards that allow you to search for Necron when they enter the field.

Let’s get to some Dark Cards, to make use of Necron’s ability. Spiritus is at the top of the list, as we’re actually going to grab 2 different Spiritus. Spiritus (6-129H) and Spiritus (13-104L). 3 copies of each as they both allow you to search for a Dark Forward.

The Emperor (1-185H) because he is able to recycle himself, if he gets broken. That way you’ll still have the same amount of Dark Characters on the field, as he comes back into play dull.

Twintania (16-130H) and Vinera Fennes (17-129H) both are cheap Dark Forwards. And, since most of the cards we’re playing are high cost we do need a couple of the cheaper ones to keep us balanced.

We’re going to go right ahead and add Garland (IX) (8-026L), cause it still is a great card. And, it needs to be used more often. Plus dulling and Freezing a card every turn is great.

We need more Backups.

Devout (1-048C), Always a decent card to have, as you can grab a Forward from the Break Zone and play it to the field. You can’t grab Necron, but you can grab plenty of Dark Forwards that might already be in your Break Zone.

Rinoa (2-048R), we’ll grab her, to search for Laguna, to search for Necron.

Cid (WOFF) (4-034R), This is a great choice for the Character that turns into a Dark Character. As Cid (WoFF) cannot be broken. And, it’s only 2CP.

Let’s add Chocobo Eater (19-027R) and Flan (19-031C) cause this deck looks like it can use a couple of Monsters. Flan pretty much regenerates, and Chocobo Eater can remove a Forward.

Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C) that way you can Attack with a Dark Forward, without worrying about it being blocked, and possibly sent to the Break Zone.

Zalera (9-025H) to break a Dull Forward, and Shiva (19-022R) just because it is a Free Summon!


3x – Spiritus (13-104L)
3x – (Twintania (16-130H)
3x – Vinera Fennes ((17-129H)
3x – Garland (IX)(8-026L)
3x – The Emperor (1-185H)
3x – Laguna (9-037C)
3x – Necron (12-021R)


3x – Cid (WOFF) (4-034R)
3x – Rinoa (2-048R)
3x – Devout (1-048C)
3x – Ysayle – (6-022R)
3x – Spiritus – (6-129H)


3x – Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C)
3x – Zalera (9-025H)
2x – Shiva (19-022R)


3x – Chocobo Eater (19-027R)
3x – Flan (19-031C)

Plan of attack is to bring out Necron, and get your 3 Dark Characters on the field. Just Find a way to keep those Dark Characters on the field, and you’ll slowly watch your opponent’s Damage rack up until he gets 7 points of Damage.

It’s a waiting game.

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Wave 1 : Garland – 1-006H

Garland is here, with another easy one to figure out. All you got to do is remember transparency is key. For some of the cards at least. But first, let me post these two guides.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

We have 2 specimens here, both are Garland, both are Heroes, and both are good looking cards. But, which one is which? Garland Left or Garland Right? Let’s take a look.

If you said right is Wave 1 you are wrong. Left is right. I mean Wave 1. Don’t mean to confuse you there.

A closer look shows us the transparency in the background image.

As you can see on both sides of the card, Garland’s image n the background is more transparent. And sometimes, it’s just that easy.

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Hidden Hopes

Square-Enix just announced a new set. And, shockingly it’s a FFVII box. Who would have guessed? I’m guessing every time they decide to start on a new set, they just flip a coin if it’s Heads it’s a Final Fantasy VII themed box.

But, you can’t lie. You know you get excited, when you see it. Zack and Aerith share the spotlight with Hidden Hope. A 128 card set, with 28 Full Arts, a Special card, and a Crystal. 28 Full Arts? That’s 2-3 Full Arts per Booster Box.

What you really want to know is who is on the Gold Stamped card. Everyone’s favorite Mama’s Boy, Sephiroth, in original art work by Gen Kobayashi. It is a good looking card as you can see for yourself.

We’re also getting a new mechanic with this set, which from the looks of it, allows you to have a side deck. We don’t have much news about this, other than that the first card revealed to have this ability is a fire, Zack and Aerith card. Will this card be like the Tidus & Yuna card we received a while back or will it be just Zack, Cause I don’t see Aerith having the Fire Element by herself.

Other cards shown are Auron, Gilgamesh, Basch, Squall, Lulu, Folka and Helena.

Legacy cards are back. Fat Chocobo (4-064L), Chaos (16-129L) and another Sephiroth (18-116L). I like these Legacy cards when they have different art, rather than just slapping full art on them.

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Job Title : Necron

Necron, the Necron

5CP – Ice

“You can play 2 or more Dark Characters onto the field.

When Necron enters the field, choose 1 Character other than Necron you control. Its Element becomes Dark. (This effect does not end at the end of the turn.)

At the end of each of your turns, if you control 3 or more Dark Characters, Necron deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”
Now this is an unusual card, in that Necron can deal Damage to your opponent simply by doing nothing. Just load up on Dark Characters and sit it out. Just make sure you have at least 3 Dark Characters on the field at the end of each of your turns, and you’ll be dealing a point of Damage to your opponent.

Even though Necron is pretty much a standalone Character, with no alliances, Necron does side with the Dark, as all he does is want to destroy the Crystal.

Best plan would be to side Necron with all the Dark cards that you can. Hey, you might finally make that All Dark, … well mostly Dark Deck that you always wanted.