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Legacy Collection Pre-Orders

We’re about 2 weeks away from release.

The Legacy Collection is just around the Korner. And it’s time we put it up for Pre-Order. We will be shipping these out as soon as we receive them in order for you to get them as close to release day as possible.

200 hundred cards taken from the Meta. And there’s a chance to get all of these cards as a Full Art Foil. What’s not to like.

Get yours now before they’re gone.

Legacy Collection.

And, don’t forget. Free shipping at $200!

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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Legacy Collection, Thoughts On Pull Rates

This is an interesting set, and I believe we need to look into this a little bit more than usual.

What we know so far is that the Legacy Collection, will be replacing the Anniversary Collection Set of previous years. And, instead of just giving us all of the cards in one box, we’re hoping the RNG gods will help us with grabbing all the cards that we will need.

It’s a 200 card set, and each card will have a Premium Foil version, and also a Full Art version. As I previously stated, this might mean new art, I highly doubt it now. After I re-read the news article Square -Enix posted, it is just a different foil type. Will this be only for the Full Arts, or for the regular foils as well? That’s something that we will have to find out in February, unless we get shown some of these cards before hand.

Back to the the 200 cards. This set will give us a total of 600 cards plus the 2 Signature cards, and the 6 Crystal cards, these give us a total of 608 cards for a complete collection. And, that my friends will be a rare sight.

Speaking of the Gold Stamped Signature cards, how rare will these be? Because I’m sure it won’t be once in every 5 Master Cases, not with this many Full Arts. Even if they hand out 1 Full Art and one Foil in every pack you’ll still need at least 200 pack for a full set, which I don’t believe that they’ll do.

Let’s do some math.

A Master case is now 3 cases of 6 Boosters. A Booster is 20 packs. This gives us 360 packs per Master Case. Which makes it unlikely that we will be getting a complete set of Full Arts from one Master Case. Given that 200 of those cards will be the regular Foil Version, that leaves us with 160 slots for Full Arts, which I don’t believe that we’ll be getting that many.

And, since we won’t be getting a complete set of Full Arts in a Master Case, this brings me to believe that the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature card will be even rarer than the chances we all have with a regular set.

Let’s break this down a little further.

If we have 160 extra packs per Master Case, this gives us about 8-9 Full Arts per box. Which I believe is too high. I’ll say that they will be about 50 Full Arts per Master Case, which will give us about 3 Full Arts per box. Some boxes will have just 2 Full Arts if this is the case.

We’ll need 4 Master Cases for a complete set of Full Arts.

Since, we already know that with the regular sets, the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature was 1 in 5 Master Cases. That gives us 5 complete sets of Full Arts.


If we need 5 complete sets to pull a Gold Stamped Signature, That gives us 20 Master Cases.

That means we’ll be getting a Gold Stamped Signature in 1 out of 10 Master Cases.

Now, this is just my thoughts on it. We’ll have to wait until February to see a better number that’s closer to the pull rates.

Let us know what your thoughts are? Is my number too high or too low? Or did I hit the nail on the head?

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Site Update 10/2023

By the time you read this, you’ll probably already have seen part of the restock. Currently working on Opus IV. And, we’re looking to have completed the restock by the time Beyond Destiny comes out.

We’ve added plenty of Legends and Heroes, that we’re unavailable before. Not only that we’re also lowering the prices on most Commons and Rares. The only problem that we still have is listing the Foils without having to make a new listing. We figured a way to get them listed, sadly it’s not on They are on As well as non-foil singles.

You can use our Tcgplayer shop, as most of what is on the Website, is also on there.

We’re considering just changing the shop over to just the TcgPlayer Pro shop. That way it’ll be a lot less work for us, and we can do what we like doing most. Looking at our cards.

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Did You Notice That?

Well, if you take a look at the top of the site, or in the menu if you’re on your phone, you’ll notice a little button that says TCGPlayer Shop. And we know that some people don’t like ordering from little shops like us, so we decided to give them another option.

That’s just one reason. As you already know Kardboard Korner’s main focus is Final Fantasy. And, this helps us list Singles from other games, without having to load up the site with tens of thousands of different cards that would just bog down the site.

Need more reasons? It gives us the answer to how we are going to post the Foils and Full Arts without having to create separate listings for each one. And we know you all like your foils and Full Arts.
We’re going to have a busy weekend once again.

And that’s just how we like it.

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One in Every Pack

After the flea market trip, I stumbled upon the Final Fantasy TCG on accident. I had heard about it, but that was years before it released. And, that was a Japan Exclusive. Little did I know that years later it would be released world wide. It was a little after Opus VI released that I saw it at the Gamer’s World at the mall. We had just randomly walked in, and I noticed the booster boxes behind the shelf. Squall, Cloud and Firion were just staring at me.

I just did what any grown man would have done. I bought a whole bunch of Packs and couldn’t wait to get back home to examine all these wonderful packs that I had just gotten. I felt like a kid again. Only this time it wasn’t baseball cards. I don’t even know why I was collecting baseball cards as a kid. I never watched the game, and still to this day I can’t sit and watch a full game. Maybe a couple of innings, if it’s on tv. Or, the 9th inning if its a close game.

Anyways, back on track. Where was I? Ah, yes. I tried getting the family to hurry up on our shopping trip, but to no avail. We had to get the kids clothes, and stuff. Winter coats and the like. I was about to start pounding my feet as we walked from store to store, but I am an adult. Carrying a baby in my arms. It would have been a sight to see if I had started doing that.

But, after what felt like 4 years, 8 months, 13 days, 6 hours, 27 minutes and 14 seconds, it was time to leave. We had finished shopping and were on our way home. Luckily we live 5 minutes from the mall, and got home fast. But, that didn’t mean that we were done. We had to get the kids fed, bathed and put to sleep.

And then, it was finally time to inspect these cards. I grabbed all the packs I had gotten and sat on the couch, nope not on the couch, on the floor. Right in front of the coffee table. I placed all the packs in order, and began to crack these booster packs.

I was excited, after all these years of collecting baseball cards, and then basketball cards, I had finally found trading cards that I would love to collect. Thoughts raced through my head. How many cards are there? 6 Opuses. Is that the plural? Where can I find the rest of all these cards? They had Singles in the display cases. How much are the good cards going for?

Cracking the first pack, it’s all a haze right now, but I know I was hooked. Looking at each card. One by one. I didn’t know about the rarities. I read each card, looked at the picture, and went to the next card. And then I reached the foil card. I thought I got lucky. A rare foil card in my very first pack. And, Then another in the next pack. I must be really lucky! And another ONE!!!!

Then I realized, there’s one in every pack.