15-106C – Atomos
Easy way to get rid of a Forward. Doesn’t matter which one, you’ll still get rid of one.
Add a Crystal and only pay 1CP for Atomos.
Not bad, not bad at all.
15-107H – Umaro
1CP/9K Power
That is one hell of a trade. But, you’ll also pay 1 Crystal. At least you’ll get it back when Umaro is put into the Break Zone.
That is, if he ever makes it to the Break Zone.
15-108C – Dancer
I would have never thought that they would make a card like this.
All of a sudden that 1 Forward loses all it’s abilities and Categories and wait … does Job count as a Category? What about Element? I’ll have to check on that. … But even if it’s only Category it will still put a dent in some decks.
Now, Imagine if they had a card that would do this to the whole board.
15-109R – Ultros
The card with the best art this set. I don’t care what anyone says. This is the Chase Card.
Ultros being Ultros.
As of this moment you can have up to 12 Ultros in your deck. That means you’ll most likely hit an Ultros if you reveal the top 5 cards of your deck.
Each Ultros has the ability to find you another Ultros if it gets chosen or broken.
This will be the card I am making a deck out of this set.
Thank you, I’ll take 3.
Shiny Holo Full Art.
15-110C – Gau EX
“Gau’s a Wild Child,
come and love him,
He wants yoooouuuuuuu, ooooo”
I wonder if Gau is a WASP fan. He and Blackie Lawless can form a band and gain a Chris “tal” Holmes when he enters the field. Get it? XD No?
At least I didn’t quit my day job. Yet.
Any who, for 2CP you’ll gain a Crystal and at 3 points of Damage, Gau gains 3K power.
15-111C – Keiss
See, Gau and Blackie Lawless would have been perfect for this card.
Keiss is just a Free card that can generate double the CP for you. If you got a party going that is.
Simple as that.
15-112R – Shinryu Celestia
Expensive card, if you want to se her on entry ability. It’s almost like paying 6CP for it.
But, if you’re playing Cadets, it might be worth it. For, every time one is sent to the Break Zone, one of your opponents Forwards will lose 3000 Power.
15-113C – Strago
Pay a Crystal, get rid of a pesky Forward that’s been bothering you for a bit, and draw a card.
I hope that Forward doesn’t have an on entry ability cause he only went as far as his owner’s hand.
But, you still get a card.
15-114C – Dracoknight
Self-reviving Forward.
3CP/7K will recycle for you and then you can play Dracoknight again the next turn. Or even the same turn if you have the CP.
15-115H – Penelo
If you’re playing Sky Pirates, you’re playing this Penelo.
You will be paying 0CP for her ability.
Protect a Forward, Weaken a Forward, or Draw a card.
The option is up to you.
5-116C – Hilda EX
Technically you’re paying 2CP for Hilda, and if you play her late game, it might even be free. because at 5 points of Damage you can play a 3 cost Forward or less from the Break Zone onto the field. And if that card is a Viking, You are drawing 1 more card.
15-117R/9-113H – Famfrit
Reprint from opus IX.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Well, Famfrit used to be a Hero, now he’s just a Rare.
Put 2 Forwards or Monsters in the Break Zone.
15-118C – Blue Wyrm
Draw a card, and cash out when you need a Forward with 6000 Power.
Do or Die, or Do and Break.
15-119L – Porom
Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.
After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.
It’s called Twincast.
15-120H – Mind Flayer
Mind Flayer is Lani’s (12-018H) Water Summon form.
Grab one of the top 2 cards of your opponents deck and cast it without paying the cost. But, only this turn. Lani would allow you to keep the card and cast it whenever you would like. But, you would pay the cost.
I’ll take it.
Let me grab that Sophie of the top of your deck. Opus 1 Shantotto? I think I’m ready for a board wipe.
15-121R – Mayakov
A forward that dances the effects of your opponents abilities away. Mayakov has the 4CP/8K Power we all have come to know, but it’s his ability that makes him stand out. Plus playing a Dancer from your hand onto the field, also lowers his cost to 1CP.
How many Dancers do we have?
15-122L – Mog (VI)
Hmm, this is interesting.
Pay a Crystal, draw some cards, and hopefully Break one of your opponents Forwards, or your own, if that’s what you’d like. Or just return them to their owner’s hand.
Either way Mog, has the ability to draw even more cards, with Water Harmony, only this time you don’t need to discard any cards.
15-123C – Oracle
I had a plan with Oracle. And then I realized that it wouldn’t work.
So, scratch that.
Oracle will give you a crystal every time she enters the field. You can dull, and put her in the Break Zone to reduce damage to one of your Forwards and grab her back with Robel-Akbel.
Oracle’s use will be determined by the abilities that revolve around Crystal use.
15-124H – Relm
Like Relm here. Oracle will give you the Crystals for Relm to search for Monsters to play onto the field.
And there are plenty of 5 cost Monsters that will do some damage. Some Monsters will even let you grab Characters from the Break Zone.
Build your own Army of Monsters, all you need to do is protect Relm.
15-125R – Lunafreya
At 1CP/7K Power, Lunafreya is only here to protect a XV Forward.
Which one you chose is up to you. But, you will need Noctis if you plan on attacking with Lunafreya. Or block for that matter.
Other than that, you can just cast Lunafreya and keep her like a Monster. Just standing in her own Zone. Not blocking, not attacking. Just a constant 2K buff to your XV Forward along with a veil of Protection against Summons and abilities.
15-126R – Lenna
Here’s another use for Oracle.
Lenna will allow you to grab a Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. 2CP or 3CP, depending on how many Crystals you use to pay.
There are plenty of 2 cost and 3 cost Forwards that you can play. They don’t even need to be Water Forwards. Any element will do. Like that sneaky Zidane from Opus III.