By the time you read this, you’ll probably already have seen part of the restock. Currently working on Opus IV. And, we’re looking to have completed the restock by the time Beyond Destiny comes out.
We’ve added plenty of Legends and Heroes, that we’re unavailable before. Not only that we’re also lowering the prices on most Commons and Rares. The only problem that we still have is listing the Foils without having to make a new listing. We figured a way to get them listed, sadly it’s not on They are on As well as non-foil singles.
You can use our Tcgplayer shop, as most of what is on the Website, is also on there.
We’re considering just changing the shop over to just the TcgPlayer Pro shop. That way it’ll be a lot less work for us, and we can do what we like doing most. Looking at our cards.