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Pulse of Life

*Spoiler Alert*

It’s what everyone has been trying to do since the end of disc 1. Yes that was just in case you still haven’t played FFVII.

End Spoiler

Aerith – 16-067L
5000 Power

“The Forwards other than Aerith you control gain +2000 power

When Aerith is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove Aerith from the game. When you do so, place 3 Reraise Counters on Aerith.

At the begining of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, if 1 or more Reraise Counters are placed on Aerith, remove 1 Reraise Counter from Aerith. Then, if there are no Reraise Conters on Aerith, play Aerith onto the field. This effect will trigger only if Aerith is removed from the game.”

Let’s just put aside Final Fantasy VII for now. Although I know most of us will just throw her in a VII deck based off of Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Marlene. Add in some Avalanche and you just added Aerith to the party.

But, we’re going to look at this a little differently.

We’re pairing Aerith with Enna Kross. The plan is to bring in the “Big Guns” and make them even bigger. For simplicity, we’re just going to stay in Earth.

Prishe (1-116L) : Prishe already comes in with 8K power, which is pretty good by itself. Add the 3000 and you get 11000 Power, which is enough to take down Bhunivelze. But, you can always use Auroral Uppercut and double that power, for a total of 22000 Power. You’ll probably never need that much power, but then again why do we always level up our characters to Lvl.99

Gabranth (2-081L) : Although no one really uses Gabranth anymore, it’s a good card to play towards the end of the game. When he costs 1CP and gives everyone Brave.

Y’shtola (12-119L) : Ok, so this one is Wind/Earth, but it still counts. Y’shtola will hardly take any damage. Ever. Period. And frankly she can’t be blocked by a Forward that would be able to Break her.

And, that’s just a few Forwards, that you can play. Any better ideas? I bet you have some. Let us know in the comments.

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FFM – FFX Custom Starter Set

FFM Returns!

Forget about FNM, we’ve got FFM.

FFM stands for Final Fantasy Midnight. Our events for everyone that can’t make it to regular events because of their jobs. Just like us, we we’re never able to make it to events, cause we worked all day, and by the time we would be able to head over, the event was over.

Here’s what we got.

Date. Time. Location and Prizes.

Friday, February 25th. (Date may be changed due to delays. We’ll let you know as soon as we find out.)
9229 S Cicero Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453


Come by any time after 10PM. You can hang out while we set things up, maybe even play some a game or two. The Event will start at 12AM (Technically it’s Saturday).


Yes, there will be a Prize for the winner. Either another FFX Custom Starter Set, or one of your choosing from the ones available at the Event.

Need more information? You can always contact us through E-mail.

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It Was A Good Day

Game Knight Chicago’s Collectables Pop-Up has come and gone.

I was supposed to make a video about it, but I’m just terrible at it. I just keep forgetting to actually shoot anything. Maybe, I just need to hire a cameraman to follow me around.

We got there early in the morning. Set up our tables, and we had a seat as we waited for the people to start coming in. And start coming in they did. Lots of friendly people, and some not so friendly.

All in all we taught a couple of people how to play Final Fantasy TCG, which is always a good thing in my book. They mentioned that it was similar to World of Warcraft. I never played WoW, so I can’t really say.

At the end of the day, after experiencing our first Mini-convention, all I can say is that I can’t wait for the next one.


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Mark Your Calendars

We have a few events coming up. Some closer than the others. So far we have 4 scheduled events for 2022, and another 4 after that, but we aren’t too sure about the dates so we’ll leave them at that.

First things First.

Saturday January 29th, 2022
“Collectable Pop-Up”
6254 S. Archer Rd
Summit, IL 60501

Friday February 25th, 2022
Final Fantasy Midnight – Custom Starter Deck Release
9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Friday March 25th, 2022
Final Fantasy Midnight – Emissaries of Light Prerelease
9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Saturday May 7th, 2022
Oak Lawn Fan Fest
9427 S. Raymond Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

That is what we have at the moment. We’ll be adding more events as more events show up.

Hope to see you there. Yes, you. The one that’s reading this right now.

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Malfunction V1.069 : Resolved

I finally figured it out. As you can see the Card of the Week has changed. And what took me a month or so to figure out, was a process that took a total of 1 minute to fix. I didn’t even think it would work, but I tried it anyway. After a month or so of researching, resetting, deleting uploading and all the other good stuff, it was a simple plugin that I needed to install. End of story.

Now we can get back to focusing on what really matters.

Cracking Packs.

I should, make another video for YouTube. Maybe tonight. Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking of starting Box Breaks. If anyone is interested drop me a line. Or, just hit the Contact Us page up on the top and you’ll be able to get a hold of me.

I also finally found time to build that Type-0 deck I’ve been trying to build since Opus XIII came out. It’s going to need some refining, but I think it’ll be fun to play. Nine, and Cinque. Both from Opus XIII was the reason I built this deck. Just to see if these two can take anything down. I’ll probably need to add more than 1 Fire backup as well. But, it’s very Forward heavy rounded out by Behemoth K, and Kunshira.

Now, it’s time to try this deck out and see what changes need to be made.

Until next time.