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Now, Where Is It?

The one thing I don’t like about moving everything around is, not being able to find what you’re looking for. Sure everything has it’s spot, but it’s hard to find the cards that you really don’t sell. Like today. I sold a Psylocke, from X-Men Series 2. Now, I listed these cards a couple of years ago, and I believe this is the second card I sold from that set.

Over time things will go to where they belong, but in the meantime in between the daily listings and shipping, we need to slowly move everything to it’s new place.

Plus I need to start labeling things. It’ll be a lot easier to find things when they are labeled with what’s inside them, instead of opening up all these white cardboard … I mean Kardboard boxes, and taking a look inside to see what’s in there.

We really don’t worry about these things until we need to. Then it’s too late.

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Fun Filled Weekend

We just had a long weekend, and with no plans of doing anything, we decided to remodel and reorganize. The whole office. We started Sunday morning, and got most of it done by Monday night. Now it’s almost to where I want it to be. Just have to organize all of the bulk again. But, this won’t be the first or the last time we’ll have to sort the bulk. As new bulk comes in we have to sort it, and place it with our existing inventory.

It’s a fun process.

Put some music on, grab a beverage and go through the bulk. Always hoping that we’ll find a diamond. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t, but we always find a couple of rare cards.

Then it was off to getting everything ready to be tracked, and I hod one item that no matter what I tried, I could not get my shipping label printed. I had been trying for 2 days when I finally decided to contact eBay.

They looked into it and finally told me, that their stamps can not be used to send cards to P.O. Boxes. So, I did what any one would do. I wrote the address on the envelope and stuck a Forever Stamp on it, and sent it on it’s merry way.

And, that is how we spent our weekend.

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The Magic Melon

I’ve been reading a lot of Children’s Books lately. My Daughter is now in Kindergarten, and it’s time she learned how to read. I keep telling her once she learns to read, we can start playing Pokemon together. I don’t know if it lit a fire in her, but she does enjoy reading books together.

I want to say her favorite this week was “The Magic Melon”. We have a sheet her teacher gave us to fill out every night, and when I asked her what she thought about the book, she told me the whole story in a tiny paragraph. It was one of those moments where you can’t stop smiling.

The one I liked the most was “Dragons are the Worst”. A story about a goblin that tries so hard to prove that he is a terrifying beast. And, the only way he gets the knights to run away is when a dragon poops on him and he is stinky. At the end of the book, the Goblin is enjoying Ice Cream Soup with the Dragons. Yes, I do like the cheesy books.

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Stick ‘Em Up

In other news today, a reporter was robbed at gun point, while doing a report on robberies. I just found that funny. Yes, by the time that you read this it’ll be a few days old. I’m just wondering if they got the robbery on camera.

School has started again, so that means we should be able to start making videos again. We have plenty of boxes to open, collections that we bought and maybe we’ll start trying to do something different. Got to clean up the office for that one.

And, with that out of the way …

– Spoiler Alert –

Back at it with Opera Omnia.

It is getting interesting, and it starting to look like the party doesn’t trust Mog. Why would they? They are going to follow him and get some info out of Cosmos. Or so they think. They’ll probably end up getting a glimpse of Spiritus. And, then they’ll banish him, and we’ll get Super Evil Mog with horns and a pitchfork. Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen, but it would be a sight to see.

The party did say that, they haven’t seen any inhabitants on this world. Except for monsters and manikins. I think I figured Mog out. I believe that Mog is working for himself, trying to be on the good side of both Cosmos and Spiritus, because frankly there is a secret Moogle village somewhere, and whatever happens to this world Mog wants to ensure the safety of his friends.

Let’s see if I’m right.

– End Spoilers –

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New Hires For Inefficiency

We got some new hires.

They’re not the greatest, but what would you expect from a Kindergartener, and a Pre-Schooler. I got my two little ones “helping” out. And, they enjoy it. But, at the same time it took our time of 30 seconds to preparing an order to 5 minutes, or so, maybe more.

But, they love it.

They sit next to me, as I get things ready for them.

We start off with putting the card in the sleeve, then in the top loader. Put tape on the top loader, then tape the top loader to the paper, where I write the thank you note. After that we put the card in the envelope, where they lick the envelope to seal it. This part is their favorite for some reason. I’ve had to replace a couple of envelope after they were done. After that they get to put a stamp on the envelope and off it goes to where ever it’s destination is.

So, if you ever receive a card with 2 names on the note, just know that the 2 little ones helped put your order together.
Child Labor at it’s finest. Best part is that they get paid in Bulk Pokemon cards.