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Vacation Time Is Over

Not that we actually went on vacation, but the site was on the back burner with everything that was going on. Let’s get a recap to what was going on.

First things first, was the Emissaries of Light Release event we had on April, 15th. We had a better turn out than what we were expecting. We started around midnight, and when everything was said and done the clock had struck 4AM. Everyone that managed to stay till the end, ended up winning. Just because, you can’t win if you’re not there.

The element reviews will return, once i get a chance to finish them.

Game Knight Chicago’s Pokemon Tournament also had a good turn out. 24 participants showed up to take on the $1,000 prize pool. And, we were there to cheer them on. Sort of. I was waiting for the winner to come by a Neo Genesis 1st Edition Feraligatr from me. Which they didn’t. Maybe the next one.

We got a busy month ahead of us once again. Stay tuned.

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April Showers, Brings May Pokemon Cards

We got another Pop-Up this Sunday. Combined with a Pokemon Tournament, and Super Smash Bros. Tournament as well.

We will be there with with a booth once again.

Where is it?

Pescadon Banquets

6254 S. Archer Rd
Summit, IL 60501

Starts at 11AM

Even if you don’t play, there will be plenty of Vendors there. Including us. We’ll be there, on hand, selling the cards you all love. Or something like that.

Did we mention the $1000 Prize for the Pokemon Tournament?
How about the $300 For Super Smash Bros.?

So, Come by and say Hi.

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Toy Con Toy Show – Superhero Weekend

Next show is lined up. And, we know you’re as excited as we are. Toy Con Toy Show, Super Hero Weekend. And, it’s right around the corner, or should we say Korner. It’s a 2 day show, but all the vendors will be different for each day. If you have to choose, we’d recommend coming in on Sunday, cause that’s the day that we will be there.

Toy Con Toy Show
Superhero Weekend!
April 3rd, 2022 8:30AM – 2:00PM

Bridgeview Community Center
7900 S Oketo Ave, Bridgeview, IL 60455

General Admission – $5.00

Covers the cost of 1 patron. Rate applies to children over the age of 10.
Early Admission – $7.00

Get in 30 minutes early before the general public. Covers the cost of 1 patron. Rate applies to children over the age of 10. Subject to availability.

Children 10 & Under – Free

Children 10 years and under are always free with a paid adult admission. Children must be supervised at times.

We will be there on Sunday, Come by and say hi.

The other date is April 2nd, 2022 from 4:00PM – 9:00PM

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Getting the Hang of It

The Community Market has come and gone.

It was a small one, but we still had fun. Just like we always do. We ended up buying out another vendor’s booth. Why, you ask? Because he was selling Pokemon cards next to us. So, keep an eye out on the site, and on our eBay store for some nice Pokemon cards that we will be listing.

There is still plenty of demand for Brilliant Stars. Half of the people that came by the booth was asking about Brilliant Stars. And there was none, anywhere. If I had it in stock, which is nearly impossible at the moment. We would have had a Brilliant amount of Dollars.

Other notes from last time.

Pokemon was still the top seller. MetaZoo flopped, Weiss Schwarz showed some life, And Final Fantasy TCG had the most expensive item sold. Flesh and Blood, Magic and Cardfight were all flops as well.

I did manage to add a couple more Mimikyus to my collection. Now I don’t have to open up a box of Brilliant Stars, but I still want to.

The next Convention is right around the corner. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you up to date. In T-minus tomorrow.

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T-Minus 2 Weeks

We got a few weeks until Crystal Dominion is here, but Pokemon Fusion Strike is right around the corner. And the real question is “Where is Mimikyu?” Not in this set. We haven’t had a Mimikyu since Battle Styles. And, that my friends, is disappointing. This is where I should go on a rant. But, there’s not much to say about it. Next set. If there is no Mimikyu, I will raise hell. Period.

OK, I probably won’t. We all know that.

But, we will have some boxes available. They will be put up some time this week, as they go on sale this Friday. By some time this week, we mean as soon as we know how many we are getting.

What’s going on with the Midnight PreRelease Event?

We’re on schedule for Black Friday.
November 26th.

9229 S Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Whoever wants to come out and try and win a Kit, can come out. Like we stated before $45 for the first kit and entry into the event. $40 for each additional kit after that. We’ll have booster boxes available as well. $100 for the boxes at the Midnight PreRelease.

War of the Visions

-Spoiler Alert-

Well, I finally beat Sterne after not playing for a week, being pissed because I didn’t want to waste my time leveling up Mont. But, I did want to find out what happens after. And I got a surprise. I didn’t expect that. I did not expect a giant crystal to come out from under Leonis castle. Sadali was excited. And, everyone knew that Mont wouldn’t kill Sterne.

But, now we’re in the Interlude, and well we finally got ourselves a ship. Can’t steer it anywhere except down the river. Into the fog. Where we get attacked by the Water guards.

Who would steer the boat straight into the fog in the first place. We all know that the fog is not a good place to be. Cecil and Kain know this very well, when they walked upon the Mist Dragon on their way to Mist, through the Mist Cave while they were walking through the mist. I know both Cecil and Kain no not to enter the Fog.

The townsfolk of Bridgton, Maine also know that you don’t enter the Fog that just rolls up from the lake.

-End Spoiler

Can’t think of anything else.

So, I might as well just get back to work.