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Got the Time?

Last week was a busy week for us, and it is still going strong. I was hoping of cracking a box of MetaZoo Nightfall, but didn’t get a chance to. It keeps looking at me when I’m sitting at my desk. “Don’t you want to open me, Big Boy?” “Don’t you want to tear into the shrink wrap, and slowly remove it from on top of me?” And I look at the box, and say … “Maybe, tomorrow night.”

Everything was put on the back burner last week. But, we’ll be back on schedule in no time. Cause we don’t have much going on till Fusion Strike comes out. Only 3 weeks away, and I’m hoping for a new Mimikyu card.

Speaking of Pokemon, I haven’t had a chance to play for a long time. I heard that they changed the Online game. Haven’t checked it out yet. I doubt they changed anything, but I’ll only find out if I re-download it and see for myself. Unless one of you guys would like to tell me.

War of the Visions, no spoiler alert this week, because I haven’t played at all this week. I might give it a rest, because I don’t think I want to have to level up Mont just to beat a scene. War of the Visions.

You might have defeated me.

Maybe I should try Brave Exvius once again. It’s been out for a while. I wonder how far I can get into the story before The First Soldier comes out. Not to mention my backlog of PS4 games. Maybe, I just need a Twitch account. Then I can play games because it’s part of my business plan. Mostly Final Fantasy, but any kind of game will work well. I just need to figure out the setup, Mics, cameras cables and whatnot. I bet it’s pretty easy to figure it out. Just ask Google.

Hey, if we get a Twitch account setup, we can probably start live box breaks. Just a thought.

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What’s In Store?

How do we go about saying that we will start carrying more TCGs?

More variety. More fun. And, more unboxings for our YouTube channel.

Something like that.

As some of you may have seen, we already started carrying some Cardfight Vanguard. Some of you may have already ordered some as well. But, we’re not stopping there. We’re also looking at getting some Pokemon, MetaZoo, and Weiss Schwarz. We have already placed orders for some product, but these are all pre-orders and we are expecting them starting in October.

If I remember correctly MetaZoo should be the first one up. Nightfall is set for release on October 20th. As soon as we have confirmation of how many we will be getting, we will list them up for ordering. If you want to save one for yourself you can send us an e-mail and we’ll put you down for one. Boxes will be limited, how limited we do not know yet, but it will be first come, first served.

Pokemon, Fusion Strike will be heading our way November, 12th. Same thing goes for these as well. Weiss Schwarz, Date a Bullet for December, 3rd and RWBY for December, 17th.

We’ll also have a page set up for upcoming releases. That way you’ll be able to see what will be on our horizon, and you can always drop us a line to reserve a copy.

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That’s Not Junk, That’s Merchandise

I was doing some thinking, and I came to the conclusion that, I will never be able to support myself selling just Final Fantasy TCG. Not because the game is dead or anything like that. Simply, because I don’t want to sell anything, and just keep all the expensive cards for me in my collection. And that is not the way to do business.

I figured I should start looking into a variety of categories. I would like it to be mostly trading cards, all kinds. TCGs, Sports, Non-Sports : Cards from old movies, shows, comics etc. etc. Luckily, trading cards are almost everywhere. You can find them at Garage Sales, Card shops, Flea Markets, Online. Well, that’s where I was sourcing them. I remember I had found some Vintage WoTC era Pokemon cards for $25. No Charizard, but there was a nice Raichu Holo in there. This was 3 Years ago and that Raichu is about $25 at the moment. Worked great for me. Now, If I only wanted to sell it.

It might be a thing with Trading cards that I just don’t want to sell them. But, I do. I do sell them. And it leaves a tear in my eye when I had sold that Lani Full Art Foil. It was a sad day indeed. What can you do though? I like money, too.

And then it dawned on me.

I shouldn’t just keep myself focused on just Trading Cards, I can sell all kinds of collectables. I know some better than others, but I just like hoarding things. And, then my wife tells me to throw that junk out. Now, I get to tell her : “That’s not junk, That’s Merchandise.” Which seems to work for the most part. I do get a stare from time to time, that says “What the hell did you just buy?” What the 1970’s Radio Phone? Someone’s going to want it. And that framed print from the 80’s? Yeah, that’s junk.

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Got To Be, the Very Best

I started playing Pokemon Online, mainly because I work all day and there are no places open late at night to find someone to play FFTCG with. That and It’s very simple to pick up, with the tutorial and the Trainer Challenges, there’s something to do. Even when you work all day.

Mostly I’ll just start a match and go about my business and when I’m close to the laptop, I’ll take a look, survey what’s going on and make my moves, before I set off again to do what I need to do.

Turns out it’s a very interesting game.

Behind the Pikachus, are the game’s mechanics which upon closer observation, I enjoyed. The game sucked me in and I have been playing for about a month now. I have all these old codes that shall get me a whole bunch of packs with them. Now, I believe this is something that FFTCG should do. I know I would be playing. But, that’s for another post.

The Trainer Challenges are a great way for anyone to make their way into this game. It allows you to figure out how a deck works, and you don’t have to worry about facing an actual person, as I tend to shy away from online play. Hoping to learn exactly what I am doing before jumping in.

The computer opponents are pretty easy to beat, giving you a little bit of a challenge. But, once you figure it out, it becomes fairly simple.

I haven’t tried building a deck yet, mostly because I have no Mimikyu cards. I’ll eventually get to trying out the deck builder. Once I get all these packs and have enough good cards to get a decent deck going. If anyone wants to play, kardboardkorner is my display name.

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25 Years and All I Got Was A Pikachu

It’s Pokemon Season at McDonald’s. And what does that mean? It means everyone and their mom is buyng Happy Meals. Including me. I got to feed my kids. And they like McDonald’s. Is it wrong that I keep the cards? I would say nope. They still get the stickers that usually come with the cards and they’re as happy as can be. 2 and 3 years old is perfect for this. They get excited with a couple of paper airplanes and boats.

I have noticed that some people are complaining about their McDonald’s running out of cards for the Happy Meals, but I haven’t encountered that yet. Every night I go I get my 5 Happy Meals. Chocalate Milk and Apple Juice, and I don’t have to run to the grocery store. It’s a win-win situation.

But, now we see the prices race to the bottom as everyone is undercutting the next seller. Pikachu Holo, started around $75 I think, and now its sitting at around $40. It’s still a good amount considering you found it in a Happy Meal. Bulbasaur and Charmander fetching $10 and $15. I think Bulbasaur actually went up a little as I saw the prices at $8 for a bit.

Now it’s been 30 packs or so, and finally got the Holo Pikachu. Was it worth the time spent driving to McDonald’s ordering 5 Happy Meals every night, for this one card. Yes, Yes it was. And I shall still be looking till they run out of Pokemon cards.

Even thought they might drop down to $20 bucks in the near future. Nothing beats the feeling of getting the one card that you’re looking for out of a pack.