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Edward Chris von Muir

The Sensitive prince gaining courage on his journey.

The Damcyan prince who prefers music to conflict. In the guise of a minstrel, Edward wanders from land to land. After meeting Tellah’s daughter Anna, he falls in love with her. Edward brings the girl back to his homeland, but loses her during the Baron army’s attack on Damcyan Castle. Lost in grief, Edward is unable to take action. Cecil reproaches him, inspiring Edward to join the Dark night on his quest. Edward finds courage on the journey, gradually shedding hi weaknesses and becoming a man unafraid to save his comrades

-Taken from the Ultimania

I remember I would just have Edward sing for every battle. Other than that he would just hide and let Cecil take care of everything. Let’s take a look at the cards throughout every Opus.

Looking for Edward?

2-030H – Edward

Well, I can see why no one uses this card anymore.

At 4CP Edward is a Backup that does nothing when he enters the field. His only saving grace is that you can dull a Forward for 2CP, and you can’t even use this ability when he enters the field.

Sure, you can constantly use his ability every turn to try and keep one of your opponent’s Forwards dull throughout the game, but there are much better options and hopefully much better Edwards.

This card is also a Hero.

“Anna, my love I … I will try. But, what would you have me do?”

2-031C – Edward

See, after reading the previous Edward, and now this one, I have to say that this one, the Common card of the two is a whole lot better than the Hero.


Because this Edward actually does something.

All the Forwards lose Haste for as long as Edward is on the field. No Forwards can gain Haste either.

Which stops all of the Haste Forwards from attacking as soon as they enter the field.

Now if Edward had a little bit more power, this card would have been fantastic.

But, Edward is still a blocker that can block any attack.

“I am the only one… the only one that can save them!”

3-029R – Edward

This is a little better.

The King of Damcyan. This is the only card that has that as his Job. There’s one more that just says King, and all the other’s say Bard.

At 3CP, Edward doesn’t do much, but he does have a couple of decent abilities.

The first ability makes your opponent discard a card from their hand. Which is good. Are you playing a discard deck? Edward will fit right in.

The second ability, won’t have much use, but it’s still there. Escape. It should have been called Hide.

Hide … I mean Escape just makes Edward invincible to your opponent’s Summon or abilities that choose him. But, there aren’t that many abilities that choose Backups, so this might not be as good as we originally thought it would be.

“Tell me you will not let your land suffer the same fate as ours.”

5-031H – Edward

Another 3 cost Backup.

This time Edward comes in and your opponent discards a card from their hand.

That is your instant gratification.

After that Edward is just itching to play his Harp, with his new hit single “Silent Verse”.

Silent Verse will cancel one of your opponent’s Summons.

This is still a good card to have on hand.

“Please! Listen!”

11-028R – Edward

Imagine your opponent having to discard a card every time he breaks one of your Forwards.

This is exactly what Edward’s ability will do.

Your opponent will discard a card, if they Break one of your Forwards during their Attack Phase.

One way around this is if they have no cards in hand during their Attack Phase, but that will leave them vulnerable during your turn, as they won’t have anyway to cast a Summon or pay for abilities.

Leaving you free to do whatever you want, with little to no defense on your opponent’s part.

This is one of the better Edwards if you ask me.

“You’re right. I’m nothing but a coward, just as you say. That’s why I’m just going to stay at Anna’s side. It doesn’t matter anymore … Nothing does!”

17-025C – Edward

If you always wanted to remove a card from your opponent’s Break Zone Edward here can help you.

For the cost of 2CP, you will receive a Backup that once per turn can Remove a card from the Break Zone. And that’s the best part. It’s once per turn. Not put Edwards into the Break Zone. Meaning you can use and reuse Edward’s ability as much as you’d like.

And, if you don’t need use it, you can always just dull Edward for CP.

Either way it’s a win win.

“I see… Sadly, I’m afraid I can’t let you have my Crystal.”

20-026C – Edward EX

The Spoony Bard is back again, as a Backup.

And with his trusty harp, he will take a dull Forward, and break it.

As long as your opponent has 2 Dull Forwards on the field, that is.

For 2CP, I’d say this is a good deal.

“There’s nothing to fear. Antlions are quite docile. They won’t attack humans.”


Where’s Edward?

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Yoichi’s Bow and the Wielder

Maria, probably your best bet at a Mage while playing FFII. But, here she’s more of a Time Mage in a sense.

“I’m looking for my long-lost brother. If you know anything about him, please let me know.”

Maybe, Leon will be a Dark card this set.

On to the Card


Category – II
5000 Power

“The Forwards of cost 2 or less other than Maria you control gain +2000 Power.

When Maria enters the field, choose up to 1 Backup you control, Activate it. It loses all it’s abilities and also becomes a Forward with 8000 power. (This effect does not end at the end of the turn.)”

And there you have it. Finally, a way to recycle your Backups. Especially the ones that come in with an upon entry auto-ability, and then they have nothing else to do, except give you 1CP every time you dull it.

Any Backup that allows you to search for another card will be a good choice. Other cards that will work are ones that cause damage to Forwards when they enter the field. Backups that allow you to draw a card. At least that is how I see myself playing this.

You’ll probably be playing all the 2 cost Forwards you can get, giving them +2K power. That along with … I would have said Opus I – Maria, but that is a no-no. But, along with another Backup that boosts the power of your Forwards, those 2 cost Forwards should be hitting pretty hard.

Well, that is my thoughts on Maria. What are yours?

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Volatile Spark

I can’t believe it’s Spoiler Season. I feel like I just finished doing my reviews for Emissaries of Light.

Well, I kinda did.

And, here I thought I would have a lot more free time now.

Anyways onto the card. From beneath the Shadows comes the Shadow Hunter. Or Noel, he’s gone Commando.

2CP – Wind
Job : Commando
Category : XIII
5000 Power

“When Noel attacks, you may remove Noel from the game. If you do so, at the beginning of your next Main Phase 1, play Noel onto the field

When Noel enters the field due to an ability of Card Name Noel, select 1 of the 3 following actions. “Choose 1 Character of cost 4 or more. Break it.” “Noel deals your opponent 1 point of damage” “Search for 1 Forward and add it to your hand”

Damage 3 – Noel gains Haste.”

As you can see, Noel is the Buy a Box Promo. A decent looking card, but what Noel does, is what we’re here for.

All you need to do is play Noel onto the field, and find a way to protect him. As he’ll be removing himself from the field and re-entering during your next Main Phase 1, and dealing your opponent 1 point of damage.

Now to get the full effect of this ability you would like to get yourself to 3 points of Damage as soon as possible. That way Noel will be able to attack from the get go. If not I’m sure there’s a Backup that will grant Noel Haste. Lightning (7-102R) will be a perfect choice. You’ll just Dull Lightning, every turn to give Noel Haste, and quickly attack and remove, for that 1 point of Damage during your next Main Phase.

Since we’re already going with Wind/Lightning, might as well add Kunshira to the list. And, that shall be the base of your Noel deck. Or, at least my deck.

What are you all planning to do with this card?

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Rebellion’s Call & Kain

Well, I was wrong on who is going to be on the Box Art. I was close though. I said it could be Leon or Queen Hilda. What we got was Minwu. Minwu? Why Minwu? Is it perhaps to tell us that this set will be all about protection. Probably not. Minwu as we all know was the one who helped Firion, Maria and Guy, after they were beaten to a pulp by the Black Knights. So, I’m guessing support. Or just a little bit of everything as usual.

3 Legacy cards once again. nothing changed here.

-Firion (6-019L)
-Veritas of the Dark (8-136L)
-Y’shtola (12-119L)

130 card + 10 starters and 22 Full Arts leaves us with one more card, which will probably be another Crystal. 21 cards per element and 2 and 2 for Light and Dark.

We did get a look at some of the cards. Just artwork, but you can tell Serah, Penelo, Cissnei, Glaciela And Exdeath are all Forwards. And we know that 3 of them are Legends. Serah, Glaciela and Exdeath. Penelo is a Hero, Cissnei a Rare. And Our Summon Atlas. Just a Rare as well.

From these cards without knowing what they do. I’m interested in Cissnei and Glaciela. We always need more Turks support. Along with the Avalanche Vs Shinra Starter deck. I’m hoping we’ll be able to make that deck stronger. Turn Turks into the next Scions. We already have a great Starter Deck. Give us more cards to Overpower it now.



Speaking of Starter Decks.

Golbez Vs. Cecil

I wanted to write Golbez Vs. Kain for some reason.

You can actually say Kain Vs. Kain. As he is in both decks. Which Kain will reign Supreme? The one with a Evil Warlock in his corner, Or the one with a righteous Paladin?


Starter Cards

– Kain (17-131S)
– Zeromus (17-132S)

– Scarmiglione (17-133S)
– Baigan (17-134S)

– Edge (17-135S)
– Kain (17-136S)

– Rydia (17-137S)
– Rosa (17-138S)

– Cecil (17-139S)

– Golbez (17-140S)

We’re seeing characters in elements that they haven’t been before. Kain makes his debut in Fire, and Rydia in Water. And Golbez is now a Dark card. That’ll be 4 different elements to his name.

(Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll ever get a Character that has a copy of himself in all elements. I’m guessing when it finally happens it should be Kain. But, that’s a story for another day.)

Full Art Foils included in this set as well. Both Cecil and Golbez will have one. I can’t say I know how these decks will play out, but they will be here before we know it.

Do you think Minwu was a good choice for the box art? Let us know.