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Final Fantasy TCG : Anniversary Collection 2022

It’s been 5 years since Final Fantasy TCG first released. Talk about how time flies. And to commemorate the 5 years we get this Anniversary Collection Set.

With Squall on the Box, you can use it to store your cards, your decks and what not. It comes with a pre-made 50 card deck and 200 cards ranging from Opus I to Opus XII. Plus a Promo card. Not bad for $60.

The way they word it on the store is mind boggling.


We’ll just go straight into the Legends.

Shantotto (1-107L)
Golbez (1-135L)
Diabolos (5-062L)
Y’shtola (5-068L)
Rinoa (6-041L)
Zidane (6-044L)
Cloud (8-006L)
Zidane (8-115L)
Gabranth (9-063L)
Fusoya (9-094L)
Ashe (10-106L)
Ritz (11-063L)

All these cards from what I understand will be Non-Foil Full Arts.

We’ll also get 4 Promo cards three of each Yuna & Tidus, Squall, Yuna and Lightning. Yuna & Tidus will be 3 Full Art Foils, while the other three will only have 1 Full Art Foil, but you’re still getting 3.

The Pre-constructed Deck will be Fire/Water. And, judging by the Promo card. It will be a fun deck to play with, i don’t know about against but, it seams like more and more cards have the ability to attack more than once per turn.

2CP for 8K. I’ll take that any day. Plus, that great ability. Of course you’ll need both Squall and Lightning to make use of it.

All in all, this should be a great product. As we don’t know what the rest of the “staples” are, it’ll be a nice surprise to find out once this comes.

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Physalis Attraction

Physalis is our card of the week, this week. One of the better cards in this set, and with a good cast around her, she will do some Damage.

On to the card

5CP – Ice
Job : Member of the Orders
Category : FFBE
9000 Power

When Physalis enters the field or attacks, if your opponent has 3 cards or less in their hand, select 1 of the 2 following actions. If your opponent has no cards in their hand, select up to 2 of the 2 following actions instead.

“Choose 1 Character. Dull it and Freeze it.” “Draw 1 card.”

Premium Physalis Bullet (S)(I)(I): Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage. That Forward’s controller discards 1 card from their hand.

Physalis’ cost might be a little high at 5CP, but she makes up for it. 9K Power is good by itself, but it’s her abilities that make her shine. Being able to draw a card every time she attacks, is worth the 5CP you paid for her, because you will get it back in a couple of turns.

The characters that surround Physalis in this deck, support her, mostly by causing your opponent to discard their cards. And if you still need to get rid of a card in their hand, you can use “Premium Physalis Bullet” right before you attack as it does not cause Physalis to Dull.

There’s plenty of Forwards that will cause your opponent to discard a card from their hands. Argath (1-033C), Locke(4-048L), and Locke(12-116L) all have on entry abilities that will make your opponent Discard 1 card. Borghen(6-039H) will make them, discard a card when he enters the Break Zone. He’s basically a cheap blocker. Innocence (13-137S), dulls and makes your opponent discard 2 cards. Laguna (9-037C) searches for an Ice Forward. Squall (6-033H has effects depending on how many cards your opponent has. Baralai (12-114R) Has abilities that trigger when your opponent discards a card from his hand, or your backups activate. Vayne (9-022L) will make your opponent pay 1CP for each Forward they have, or they will be broken.

Laguna (9-037C) along with Ysayle (6-022R) will let you search for Physalis. And if she ends up in the Break Zone Devout (1-048C) will be there to bring her back. Gestahlian Empire Cid (4-026H) will let you search for Locke, and Setzer (8-036C) will grab him from the Break Zone.

Bard (1-036C) will dull and your opponent shall discard 1 card. Class Ninth Moogle (9-033C) will let you pay the Wind Crystal Point needed for Baralai and Locke, but will also let you cast Asura (2-049H) and Pandemonium (5-032H). Both which will activate your backups and let Baralai deal 3K Damage to all your opponents Forwards.

2 More Summons. Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C) Just to Break a blocking Forward if you need to. And, Glasya Labolas (5-032H) so, your opponent can discard another card.

And, finally Scale Toad (8-034R) Your opponent will discard a card if they have more than 2 cards in there hand at the end of their turn.

The plan here is to have your opponent have no cards in their hand. Causing them to not be able to play anything. Physalis will shine, if you get your way in this match. Along with some powerful Forwards, it’ll be hard for you to lose this match.
Here’s the run down


Borghen (6-039H) x3
Argath (1-033C) x3
Squall (6-033H) x3
Locke (4-048L) x3
Baralai (12-114R) x3
Innocence (13-137S) x2
Vayne (9-022L) x3
Laguna (9-037C) x2
Physalis (13-028L) x3
Locke (12-116L) x1


Bard (1-036C) x2
Class Ninth Moogle (9-033C) x2
Gestahlian Empire Cid (4-026H) x2
Devout (1-048C) x3
Ysayle (6-022R) x3
Setzer (8-036C) x2


Asura (2-049H) x3
Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C) x2
Pandemonium (11-055R) x1
Glasya Labolas (5-032H) x2


Scale Toad (8-036C) x2

Any ideas to improve this deck? Let us know in the comments.

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Opus XIII – Ice Review

13-018C – Quistis

Most of the time Quistis will cost only 1 CP, based on what you draw. You’ll most likely draw an ice card. Espeially if your playing Mono-Ice. Do Multi-Element count as Ice? If ice is one of the elements. I would say know, but I’ll need to find out for sure. And at 5 Damage, you’ll be able to bring Rinoa (6-041L) out of the Break Zone.




13-019C – Coeurl

Basic Ice Monster. Dull or Freeze an opponent. Turns into 7K Forward.






13-020C – Kurasame

Dull for 1K boost, to a Type-0 Forward. Bulk up for a block or to finish off your opponents Blocker. You can even buff up Cinque (13-007R), but we already talked about her.






13-021R – Shiva EX

I forgot Shiva looked like this in Type-0, maybe I need to replay it.
Dull and Freeze 2 Forwards, sign me up. Especially since this can come off an EX. I’ll be playing 3 of these in every Ice Deck. Now, I just need to find a way to play Shiva for free.





13-022H – Cid Randell

Cid casts Silence, and breaks your opponents advantage because their auto-abilities will not trigger. So, no searching for a card, no grabbing a card from the Break Zone, no playing a card from your hand, no dulling, no freezing, no …. you get the point. Now which Remedi is Cid a better pair with.




13-023R – Charlotte

Once you get to 3 Damage, Charlotte becomes a 9K blocker. Just having her on the field might cause your opponent to rethink if the wants to attack. They might just find a way to get rid of her, but just might attack anyway.





13-024R – Squall

Quickly trip up your opponents plans with Squall here. They got one card in their hand, they were hoping to use on the next turn once their CP replenished. Nope, not today. But, then it might have been just a card to be used for CP.





13-025C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Please look at Onion Knight (FFT) (13-010C), if not then I can just Copy, Paste

“Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage. ”




13-026C – Tellah EX

Use Ark (8-135H) to help pay for Tellah, Grab Ark back from the Break Zone. Next turn Dull Tellah, Discard Ark, put Tellah in the Break Zone. Yell “You, Spoony Bard!!!” Deal 30K Damage to one Forward.





13-027C – Time Mage

Just like Black Mage (13-005C). This card will work if you splash a single Fire or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-028L – Physalis

Physalis will keep on generating an advantage for you. Half the time you’ll be able to draw 1 card. Give her Haste when she enters and that’s 2 Cards if you decide to attack. And every time you attack you’ll be drawing a card, unless you decide to Dull and Freeze a Character instead. Akstar (13-002L) can search for her.

And, her ability, You’ll pretty much Break a Forward, make your opponent discard a card, and then you can attack and draw a card. I must say I like this card.



13-029C – Counterfeit Wraith

If you’re playing Manikins, you’ll probably already have 3 Job Manikins on the field. Add to it the fact that you can play 3 of these, your opponent may discard his whole hand. In which case enter Physalis.





13-030C – Yuke

If all goes well, Yuke, in certain circumstances can be a great card. But, how many times will you be able to play it when you need it. That and the Wind and Water CP you’ll need might not make it playable when you need it.





13-031R – Laguna

Looks like a small upgrade to Laguna (1-059R). You’ll also need Squall on the field to get the full effect. Almost plays like Genesis (3-033L) with his on entry ability.





13-032H – Rinoa

Is it possible to play Rinoa for free? It does not say it cannot become 0. But, even of you discard a card to play Rinoa, you’ll still get the 2CP back. You might even come up Positive from what you started with. +1 at least.

Damage is at 5? Attack and dull all the Characters. Easy Win?




13-033R – Levnato

Most of the time you’ll have a Summon in your hand. 3CP/8K is a pretty decent cost, since most 8K bodies are a 4 cost.

And if you have 2 Summons, Break a dull Forward.




13-034H – Remedi

Your opponent will not be able to grab extra cards, due to Remedi’s ability. And when they search, they discard, and you get to search for Cid Randell.