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Opus XIV – Light/Dark Review

14-115L – Shinryu

Scary Good.

But, Shinryu’s ability counts on what Forwards your opponent controls. You might break all your opponents Forwards, you might not.

Now Shinryu’s second ability is what we’re here for.

At the beginning of each of your turns you get to reveal the top card of your opponents deck. If it’s a Forward, all your opponents Forwards lose 7K. If it’s not you draw a card.

But, most of all you get to see what the top card is. If it’s an EX Burst you might want to hold back on attacking depending on what it is.

14-116H – Macherie

Get ready to cast your summons.

For the most part you’ll be casting your Summons for 1CP less. But, if you Discard 3 Summons from the Break Zone you can cast them for 4CP less.

That makes a couple of Summons more CP friendly, Some that you wouldn’t have considered before due to their cost.



14-117L – Omega

Hmm, I’m having trouble understanding this card. Just because, it can’t be what I’m thinking. That would be too Powerful.
At the end of each of your turns, if there are no Weapon counters on Omega you place a Weapon counter on Omega. When a Weapon Counter is placed on Omega, Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage and removes all weapon counters from Omega.

If I’m reading that right that means Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of each of your turns.

Holy Cow!

14-118H – Sterne Leonis

He sure looks stern. Get it? No? …

Anyway, for 4CP you can reduce the cost of all your Forwards by 1CP. In which this card will pay for itself in the long run and keep adding value.

It’s true I didn’t give much attention to this card until now. Why? Because I had to read it and see what it says in order to write this quick review.

And if you don’t mind about removing Forwards from your Break Zone, you have plenty of options to choose from.

“Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.”
“Choose 1 Monster. Break it.”
“Until the end of the turn, all the Forwards you control gain +4000 power and Brave.”

It also does not state that you can only use these actions, once per turn. Which means you can use them as many times as you’d like. If you have enough Forwards.