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Rosa Joanna Farrell

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Peerless beauty, braving dangers for love.

A beautiful White Mage with a talent for the bow. A childhood friend of both Cecil and Kain, Rosa gives her heart to Cecil and assists him on his adventure as a White Mage. She leaves the castle out of concern for Cecil when he vanishes following the mission to Mist Village. Rosa reunites with Cecil, but Golbez takes her prisoner. After Cecil rescues Rosa, the two realize their feelings for one another. They fight side by side until the end.

-Taken from the Ultimania

As we wait for Cecil to find the Sand Ruby for Rosa, we’ll check out all of Rosa’s cards throughout the series.

2-143R – Rosa

Rosa is always ready to protect you.

For 3CP you get a Backup, that whenever one of your Forwards is chosen by one of your opponent’s Summons, you draw a card.

And, maybe that card that you draw will help you cancel your opponent’s Summon.

We also have Protect. You can use this ability and the next time one of your Forwards is dealt damage and that damage is less than their power, that damage becomes 0.

Other than the fact that you can draw a card each time your Forwards are being chosen by your opponent’s Summons, I’d leave this one out.

Opus I Minwu does a better job at protecting your front line.

“I knew you’d come for me.”

2-144C – Rosa

A 1 cost Forward that gives Cecil +1000 power.

And, this time Rosa has Mini-Protect.

By dulling Rosa, you can reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000. It’s not a lot, but sometimes that will be the difference in your Forwards surviving a block. You’ll get to keep your Forward instead of just trading cards with your opponent.

After that, Rosa is a body on the field, until you get the Rosa that you wanted to play from the begining.

“…Uhn … Cecil … Please, Cecil… Be alive!”

5-142H – Rosa EX

This is what happens when you give Rosa the Sand Ruby.

Rosa searches for Cecil and she brings him to your hand. Bringing Rosa’s cost down to 2CP. You can even search for Cecil off of an EX Burst.

You’ll then have a body with 5000 power on the field, which you will be able to reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000, if that Forward is Cecil reduce it by 3000 instead.

Play this with Opus II Cecil, and I think you’ll have something to work with.

“Without me along, who will heal you when you’re hurt?”

9-120L – Rosa

How did I forget about this card?

For 3CP you get a great card. A legend. The White Mage Rosa.

Rosa reduces the damage dealt to all of your Forwards by 1000, Yes, that has been the case with the previous Rosas, but this Rosa is also a great attacker.

If Rosa forms a party and attacks, you will activate Rosa, where she will be able to attack one more time. Which she will form a party and attack. She will activate one more time, but I doubt she’ll be able to attack again. Even though the wording makes it seem like she should be able to.

“I say we Pray!
I say we Pray, just to make it today!”

It’s like MC Hammer already knew about this card in the early 90s.

If you’re playing Mono Water, you will be playing this Rosa. Use Pray to activate all of your Forwards. As long as you have an extra Rosa in your hand, you can go all out and attack.

After that you’ll Pray, and activate all of your Forwards, and they’ll be able to block during your opponent’s turn.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

11-126R – Rosa EX

Rosa stands behind Cecil through the thick and thin. And, if you play her after you play Cecil, Rosa will allow you to draw a card.

And, if you don’t like that card, you can discard it and draw another card.

And, if you don’t like that one, wait till your next turn and discard it, to draw another card one more time.

Teleport. You finally have an answer to board wipes.

If your opponent plays Opus I Shantotto, you can just have Rosa use Teleport, and return all your Characters to your hand.
But, be careful. You might have a very large hand after that.

And, you know what they say about people with large hands.

They wear big gloves.

“No! Not you, too!”

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that will still provide you with 1 CP per turn.

“As long as there is darkness…”


17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.

Plus, you have an 8000 powered body. All this for 4CP.

“Cecil! I’ll visit you in your tower later.”


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

Looking for Rosa?