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President’s Day Sale!

It’s President’s Day, and that means we should have a sale.


Well we talked to the President, who handed it down to the Vice President, who gave it to the Board of Directors, and they said we should offer a 15% off Coupon.

And, we said. Sure!

So, here it is.


Yes, that’s the Coupon Code. What else would you expect for President’s Day. President Shinra is too long.

Enter it at Checkout, and you’ll be set. One thing though, this Coupon does not apply to Pre-Orders.

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Video Games?

Did you notice our new Category?

We are now carrying Video Games, and as you can see we started out with some Final Fantasy games! Who would have thought?

Right now there’s only a few games, but we will be adding more as we find them.

The plan is … well there is no plan. We like Video Games and we had some laying around, and there’s no better reason to find new games to play, just because you can sell them, and get them into the hands of people that will enjoy them as well.

Plus, this gives us a reason to go and find every Console that we can find. Solely for the purpose of testing the used games we will be picking up.

Keep your eyes tuned, cause we’re on the lookout for everything. From Pong to PS5 and beyond.

Let’s have some fun.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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Undead Toy Show

Did we forget to mention this show?

It sure looks like it.

1st annual Undead Toy Show.

Toys and Costumes, this should be your start to Halloween. Everyone loves Halloween.

Let’s get to it!


Undead Toy Show


“Welcome to the 1st Annual Undead Toy Show!

Prepare yourselves for a spooktacular day filled with family-friendly fun, hidden treasures, and a one of a kind Halloween/Day of the Dead-themed extravaganza!

Our event carries a wide range of vendors showcasing toys and collectibles, ensuring you’ll find something for everyone in the family.

But that’s not all! Get ready for a kids and adult costume contest, vendor booth competitions, games, and much more!

Join us as we launch this unforgettable annual event that promises a day of joy for all ages!”


Countryside Banquet & Conference Center
6200 Joliet Road
Countryside, IL 60525


Saturday, October 19th, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM CDT


At the door.
$5 – For Kids
$10 – For Adults

But, you can purchase your tickets online for $3-$6

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Toy Con Toy Show – 09/15

What are you all doing on September 15th?

We will be heading to the Toy Con Toy Show once again.

It’s always a fun time there, plenty of toys, comics, video games, and since we’ll be there plenty of Final Fantasy TCG, and trading cards.

Time for the who, what, where and when.


Toy Con Toy Show.


It’s a monthly Toy Show. And, we’ll just copy what was on there website. They do a better job than I would.

“For 30 years, our show has brought equity and fun to collectors, families and the Bridgeview community. The Toy Con Toy Show offers patrons access to dozens of toy, comic and collectible vendors with merchandise from all eras and genres. Toy Con also sponsors charities through fundraisers held at select shows, such as The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation.”


Bridgeview Community Center

7902 S. Oketo
Bridgeview, IL 60455

September 15th, 2024
8:30AM – 2:00PM

Let’s not forget How?

How what? How to get in.

$5 – General Admission
$7 – Early Admission
Kids under 10 = Free!

Hope to see you all there!

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More Categories

As some of you have seen, we added a new category. It will slowly start filling up with various items that don’t have much to do with TCGs, but we like them so we decided to try some new things out.

Right now there are only a few magnets in that category, but we’ll soon be listing Games, Video Games, Action Figures, Toys and that’s just to name a few. Most of these items will be one offs. Meaning if we have it now, we might not be able to get it again. So if you see something you like better grab it quickly.

We’re hoping to get back to a regular posting schedule, but sometimes life doesn’t want to work with you.
We’re still here. Stay tuned.