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Opus XIII – Wind Review

13-035C – Arc

It’s like casting Protect on the fly. But, only on 2 Job Types. Probably won’t be used much.






13-036R – Eight

3CP/7K Eight should’ve had 8K. No? Ok, but, he gets cheaper if you play Cadets. 1CP/7K. Even Free!!! And, a 7K body at that. And if you already cast 2 cards this turn he comes in with Haste. This card should be played in almost every Cadets deck.





13-037C – Ochu

Just a simple card to re-Activate 2 Backups. If you got room in your deck add it. Plays well with Chocobos.

/sidenote : Also becomes a Forward




13-038H – Cid Haze

I didn’t realize how many Cid’s there are. Or Engineers. At first glance, I thought this card would be so-so. There are 17 Engineers including Cid Haze. And, 11 Cids. 12 if you count Cindy.

You can probably put together an Engineer deck. And have Cid Haze attack to Activate all of your cards. It might work. Or a Cid Deck. Who wants to build a Cid deck.



13-039C – Cid Pollendina EX

Searches for Cid Haze (13-038H). That’s all you need to know. Very important part of your Engineer Deck.





13-040L – Shara EX

Ritz (11-063L) just got stronger. I’m sure it’ll be easy enough to stack on those Viera Counters, making Ritz unbeatable.





13-041C – White Mage

Quick way to pretty much cast Protect. And the fact that you don’t have to Dull, means you can cast it on White Mage before he attacks.





13-042C – White Mage

Once again we Copy, Paste

“This card will work if you splash a single Fire or Ice card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.”




13-043C – Stiltzkin

A 1 Cost Forward, or Monster. I took a look and there is 77 different cards to choose from.

Like Ochu (13-037C) just to name one.





13-044C – Selkie

I prefer the second ability on this card. Now to find a Wind/Earth deck to play it in.






13-045R – Dryad EX

Decent Summon. Casts off an EX Burst and at 5 points of damage becomes 5 times more powerful. Plus, you get to draw a card.





13-046R – Pavlov

I like the artwork on this card. It stands out, just like his ability to activate 2 FFCC characters. Yuri (7-128H) being one of them and Chelinka being the other. And, deal some Damage.





13-047H – Barbariccia

You just might be able to clear the board with her enter ability. And play Golbez at the end of both yours and your opponents turn. And Golbez is …. well, you’ll have to wait till we get there.





13-048H – Balthier

This card was made to play Fran (10-060L) from the Break Zone. And since Balthier will already be on the field when she enters, She will turn into a tough forward to beat. You can also use Balthier’s second ability. By dulling to Active Sky Pirates to give Fran +2K and Haste.

So, at the very least Fran will come in with Haste, and 10K Power.

So many Ideas for decks, not enough time. Or cards.


13-049C – Counterfeit Youth

Basically, if you control 4 or more Manikins, this card becomes a powerhouse.






13-050R – Mid

Mid can be thrown in the mix during your opponents turn with Back Attack, and potentially save one of your Forwards with her Enter Ability.





13-051R – Mog (FFBE)

Need a FFBE Forward, than this card is for you. Nothing else to write about.

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Opus XIII – Ice Review

13-018C – Quistis

Most of the time Quistis will cost only 1 CP, based on what you draw. You’ll most likely draw an ice card. Espeially if your playing Mono-Ice. Do Multi-Element count as Ice? If ice is one of the elements. I would say know, but I’ll need to find out for sure. And at 5 Damage, you’ll be able to bring Rinoa (6-041L) out of the Break Zone.




13-019C – Coeurl

Basic Ice Monster. Dull or Freeze an opponent. Turns into 7K Forward.






13-020C – Kurasame

Dull for 1K boost, to a Type-0 Forward. Bulk up for a block or to finish off your opponents Blocker. You can even buff up Cinque (13-007R), but we already talked about her.






13-021R – Shiva EX

I forgot Shiva looked like this in Type-0, maybe I need to replay it.
Dull and Freeze 2 Forwards, sign me up. Especially since this can come off an EX. I’ll be playing 3 of these in every Ice Deck. Now, I just need to find a way to play Shiva for free.





13-022H – Cid Randell

Cid casts Silence, and breaks your opponents advantage because their auto-abilities will not trigger. So, no searching for a card, no grabbing a card from the Break Zone, no playing a card from your hand, no dulling, no freezing, no …. you get the point. Now which Remedi is Cid a better pair with.




13-023R – Charlotte

Once you get to 3 Damage, Charlotte becomes a 9K blocker. Just having her on the field might cause your opponent to rethink if the wants to attack. They might just find a way to get rid of her, but just might attack anyway.





13-024R – Squall

Quickly trip up your opponents plans with Squall here. They got one card in their hand, they were hoping to use on the next turn once their CP replenished. Nope, not today. But, then it might have been just a card to be used for CP.





13-025C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Please look at Onion Knight (FFT) (13-010C), if not then I can just Copy, Paste

“Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage. ”




13-026C – Tellah EX

Use Ark (8-135H) to help pay for Tellah, Grab Ark back from the Break Zone. Next turn Dull Tellah, Discard Ark, put Tellah in the Break Zone. Yell “You, Spoony Bard!!!” Deal 30K Damage to one Forward.





13-027C – Time Mage

Just like Black Mage (13-005C). This card will work if you splash a single Fire or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-028L – Physalis

Physalis will keep on generating an advantage for you. Half the time you’ll be able to draw 1 card. Give her Haste when she enters and that’s 2 Cards if you decide to attack. And every time you attack you’ll be drawing a card, unless you decide to Dull and Freeze a Character instead. Akstar (13-002L) can search for her.

And, her ability, You’ll pretty much Break a Forward, make your opponent discard a card, and then you can attack and draw a card. I must say I like this card.



13-029C – Counterfeit Wraith

If you’re playing Manikins, you’ll probably already have 3 Job Manikins on the field. Add to it the fact that you can play 3 of these, your opponent may discard his whole hand. In which case enter Physalis.





13-030C – Yuke

If all goes well, Yuke, in certain circumstances can be a great card. But, how many times will you be able to play it when you need it. That and the Wind and Water CP you’ll need might not make it playable when you need it.





13-031R – Laguna

Looks like a small upgrade to Laguna (1-059R). You’ll also need Squall on the field to get the full effect. Almost plays like Genesis (3-033L) with his on entry ability.





13-032H – Rinoa

Is it possible to play Rinoa for free? It does not say it cannot become 0. But, even of you discard a card to play Rinoa, you’ll still get the 2CP back. You might even come up Positive from what you started with. +1 at least.

Damage is at 5? Attack and dull all the Characters. Easy Win?




13-033R – Levnato

Most of the time you’ll have a Summon in your hand. 3CP/8K is a pretty decent cost, since most 8K bodies are a 4 cost.

And if you have 2 Summons, Break a dull Forward.




13-034H – Remedi

Your opponent will not be able to grab extra cards, due to Remedi’s ability. And when they search, they discard, and you get to search for Cid Randell.

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Opus XIII – Fire Review

13-001R – Irvine

Weighing in at 2CP-5k. Irvine is an OK Forward, but his ability to deal 5000 damage to another forward, just by putting him in the Break Zone. You can deal unsuspecting damage to your opponents forwards that have just attacked. Might see some play, but this one is not for me.




13-002L – Akstar

The Fire Legend. Actually, just a Mercenary. His enter ability allows you to trigger an EX
Burst in your Damage Zone. Depending on what is in your Damage Zone, will decide if that ability is any good or not. You’ll probably just end up holding that card until you find something good to use. At Damage 3, you can search for 1 FFBE character other than Akstar and add it to your hand. Plenty of cards to choose from, but I would pick 13-017H Rain. I would say that Akstar is a glorified searcher.



13-003C – Imaginary Soldier

Cloud here, … well he was pretending … (Just like I pretend to know what I’m talking about.)

Basically, you can swarm your field with Manikins, just like Chocobos. But the more Manikins you have Cloud … I mean Imaginary Soldier just gets stronger. It would be pretty easy to pair this one with a couple of Manikins from this set and Opus II and III, just to make him a power house. And depending on when he enters the field, you might be able to Break your opponents strongest Forward. Except Feolthanos and probably a handful more, but it’s a start.


13-004C – Clavat

This one won’t see play in a Mono-Fire Deck. You don’t need Big brains to figure that out, but Fire/Ice or Fire/Lightning could work. Well, duh. That’s what the card says. Maybe throw Clavat in a Fire/Ice VI Deck. Or alongside a Class Zero Moogle or .. just don’t see much play for this one. Prove me Wrong.




13-005C – Black Mage

This card will work if you splash a single Lightning or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-006C – Xande

Xande searches for Xande (10-008L) and at Damage 5, Xande plays 3 cards onto the field from your Break Zone. Nuff said. You can also choose to receive a point of damage to get you closer to 5 points of Damage.





13-007R – Cinque

Cinque deserves a spot in your Cadet Deck, play her on the field with Warrior (5-014C) and Lebreau (1-030R), and Cinque could be swinging for 12K with Brave. Break a forward on top of that.





13-008R – Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna

I don’t see this one as being better than Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna (6-010H), but in a few circumstances might be able to break one of your opponents forwards.





13-009H – Selphie

Make way for the Multi-Element forwards that don’t have Haste, because they now have Haste, if you decide to pay the extra Fire Crystal Point. 2CP/5k decent for what it is, and The End. “This is the end. Beautiful friend.” You can sing that song when you cast this ability.




13-010C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage.





13-011C – Iron Giant

1CP/7k body. Monster that turns into a forward at 3 Damage. A cheap forward, with an enter ability that might, but probably won’t, break a forward.





13-012R – Bahamut EX

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! Late in the game, if you’re at 5 points of damage you can basically summon Bahamut EX for free. Yep, because his cost is reduced by 3, if you have Fang (1-020R) on the field his cost is reduced by 2. Although it can’t become 0. That’s where Mootie (11-012C) comes in. Just Dull Mootie and activate it once Bahamut is cast.

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! #freebahamut



13-013C – Palom

Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.





13-014R – Larkeicus

A Cheaper Deathgaze (IX) (8-056R), but Larkeicus might be harder to remove. I like it, Fire/Wind coming soon. Deathgaze (IX) and Larkeicus Tag Team Champions of the …. It might work.





13-015C – Luneth

Need a quick attack, Luneth is your man. Gives Haste to a recently entered Forward. Well not any forward. Just a Standard Unit, or Warrior of Light. Gives you less of a choice. Now if you’d be able to cast it on Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L) or Neo Exdeath (12-110L) that would be a different story.




13-016H – Rubicante

Just add Golbez (13-115L). Simple counter attack after Rubicante is put into the Break Zone. Up to 8k damage.





13-017H – Rain

The real Fire Legend in this set. Just like Lani was in Opus XII. (Well, that’s just my opinion. It should be your as well.) Rain gets cheaper the more backups you have. And the more Backups you have make Rain even more powerful. Up to 5k damage to a Forward every time he attacks, you’ll want to be swinging away A.S.A.P and when you have 3 points of Damage, he’ll also come in with Haste, and deal 5k damage, then attack and deal 5k damage. Might be a quick way to get rid of Illua (5-099H).

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A Hole In My Pocket

After I had gotten the packs at Gamer’s World, I knew I needed more. But, couldn’t find a reason to go to the mall other than getting more packs. I knew I had an itch that needed scratching, and there was only one way to do it. I ended up going to Target after work, to get some things that we needed around the house. And, decided to check out the card section.

There they were. I saw them right away packs of Opus III, Opus IV, and Opus VI. I had to get them. And, I did. Couple packs of each Opus. I went home and opened them up, but it was not enough. I needed more. The next morning I headed to Target before work and bought out the rest of the packs.

There they were in my pocket the whole day begging to be opened.

The day went by ever so slowly, and when it was time to go home, I decided I should hit up another Target, we could always use a few more packs. I was buying so many packs over the next couple of weeks, that it was draining my pocket at a fast pace. Whenever my wife would go to the mall, I would have her pick up a couple of packs. Turns out one of the employees that worked there, was a patron at our restaurant. So, we started talking and got to know him. He said they were trying to get a FFTCG night at the card shop. I would always say I wanted to go, but my schedule would not allow it.

I decided that, instead of packs, I should just buy a box. It would be cheaper, and I would get a whole bunch of packs to open. I found a box of Opus I, for 80 bucks. I wish I would have bought more, now that they’re hitting 300. But, I probably would have opened them all up anyway.

The box lasted me 3 days. I knew I could have opened it all up on the first day, but I was trying to pace myself.

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It’s Been A While – Site Update

Yes, I know.

It’s been a while since we last posted. Mostly because, … well, we were just trying to get all the cards listed before Opus XIII came out. Which was supposed to be today. Waiting for the Pre-release kits to come out last week, and when they weren’t arriving at the distributor, I thought, something is not right here. Couple days later, Square Enix announced that Opus XIII will come out at the end of April. Same with the Chaos Boss Decks. Although Europe and Japan already have all of these, we can’t complain … much.

The Sephiroth Tins – Now, this is another case. We’ve been waiting since December, and I now don’t think that they will be arriving at all. I hope I’m wrong and they eventually make their way over here. Hold on, let me make sure before I go on, just incase there’s some news that came out today.

Nope, nothing. I have heard that the Sephiroth Tin orders won’t get fullfilled to the stores.

I hope I’m wrong. I want those Tins.

Now, onto the Site. Our logo is almost finished, just getting some details done. And then our stickers will come in at some point. We started listing Opus III. Opus IV to Opus XII is all done. Started some Opus XIII, but stopped and will have to do Opus XIII from the beginning.

Once all the Opuses (is that it?) are listed we’ll be starting our Card of the Week, where we’ll be highlighting a random card and talking about it.