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Krile – Card Analysis

Plenty of Kriles to choose from. Well not that many, but we do have 4 different ones.

Krile (3-078H)

Mystic Knight

“Spellblade: Fira (S)(F): Deal 6000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.

Spellblade: Thundara (S)(L): Choose up to 2 damaged Forwards. Break them.”

With 6000 power and 2 abilities, this Krile wouldn’t be more than a Rare these days. Sure you can use both abilities in one turn, if you have the extra Kriles on hand to break a couple of your opponents Forwards.

If you have a hand full of Kriles, you can wipe out all of your opponents Forwards.

I mean, it could work.

Krile (7-068H)

Warrior of Light

“The cost required to cast your Summons can be paid with CP of any Element.

When you cast a Summon, choose 1 Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.

Discard 1 Summon: Until the end of the turn, Krile cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

This Krile is great for a Summon based Earth deck. Allowing you to pay for all of your Summons with CP of any element. And, when you do cast a Summon, Krile gives a Forward +1000 power.

Krile also gains protection from your opponents abilities, when you discard a Summon.

Krile (12-061L)

Warrior of Light

“When Krile enters the field, choose 1 Summon from either player’s Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.

(1)(D): Choose 1 Summon from either player’s Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.”

“Does your opponent have that Summon that you forgot to put in your deck, today? Well you can now cast it at will, if your opponent has placed said Summon n the Break Zone! Simply, Play Krile onto the field and grab that Summon to play it right away.

If Krile is already on the field, no worries, just pay the small cost of 1CP if Krile is active, and cast away that Summon like no tomorrow.”

That’s pretty much it. Summon Heavy, on both sides.

Krile EX (18-055R)

Warrior of Light

EX BURST When Krile enters the field, select 1 of the 2 following actions.

“Choose 1 Summon in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.”

“Choose 1 Category V Forward in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.”

I just wrote about this a couple of sets back, let’s see what it was.

“Just lost a card you need to the Break Zone?

Have no fear, Krile here will grab that card back. But, only if it’s a Summon or a Category V Forward.

If you’re playing Krile you’re probably already playing a FFV themed deck for the most part.

I had her in my Pre-Release event and did use her quite a bit.”

Well there you have it. I shall stand behind what I said when Resurgence of Power was first released.

Out of the 4 cards, there are 2 that I like. And, I must say the Legend isn’t one of them. I’m sure plenty of people will disagree with that.

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Dawn of Heroes – Lite Bright

20-127L – Shinryu

Where to start off?

5CP/9000 Power.

Shinryu can be cast technically for free if your opponent controls 3 more Forwards than you do. You’ll pay 2CP, and search for a card. Any card that you’d like.

Coming in with Brave, Shinryu will block almost any attack you throw it him.

And, just take a look at Tidal Wave.

You can cast it during your turn and Wipe Out your opponents Forwards in one simple play. Unless your opponents knows how to surf, they’ll be feeling it for a while.

20-128H – Materia

How many Light Characters do you need?

With Materia you can add as many as you’d like, and still be able to play them all on the field. No, we’re not reinventing the wheel, as this has been done since Opus I.

Materia enters the field and you gain a Crystal.

And with that Crystal, you can grab a Forward from the top 4 cards of your deck. If there’s no Forwards, you are out of luck.
With Materia’s second ability, you can exchange CP for Crystals.

So, if you’re running low, you know where to find them.

Materia is like your local drug dealer, she’ll give you the first Crystal for free, and then charge you, cause she knows you’ll need them.

20-129H – Spiritus

Almost the same as Materia.

Spiritus is working with Crystals, but he does things a little different.

Spiritus will give you a Crystal each turn, as long as you spend at least 2 Crystals each turn. You can always use 1 Crystal to give a Forward +5K Power.

And, with Spiritus on the field, you can play as many Dark Characters onto the field as you’d like.

I really should play Dissidia to figure out what’s going on. I just got easily bored with it.

20-130L – Zenos

I’m having a hard time trying to figure this out.

Let’s start from the top.

Zenos can be played from the Break Zone, but when he comes in from the Break Zone, Zenos will be removed from the game at the end of the turn.

When Zenos comes in you choose 1 Forward of 3 or less and Break it.

When it is put into the Break Zone. This is the part I don’t get. Are we talking about Zenos, or the card that we choose to Break?

I believe it is the Forward you choose to Break, but why would they even mention the card being sent to the Break Zone. (Mind you, this was written in April, when it was first announced.) It might have changed now.

Anyways, whichever card it is, it hits the Break Zone, and then your opponent either discards a card, or Zenos gains Haste.
At least the card looks good, we’ll figure out the rest later.

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Gutsco – Clan Borzoi

Get ready for Clan Borzoi.

A bunch of thieves ready to take you on to get closer to the Horns of Ice. Well that’s what they were saying earlier, when they came through, looking for some cards to add to their deck.

First things first we’ll need 3 copies of Gutsco, simply because he is the leader of the Clan. When you say it like that it doesn’t sound too great. He’s the leader of Clan Borzoi, at least in FFTA.

First off we need to find a way to search for Gutsco, and I don’t believe there is a way. I might be wrong, but I don’t think there actually is a Fire Searcher. Except for Magissa, but she needs to be hit for 4000 damage before she can use her ability.

Never the less, it is a 3 cost Fire Forward that she searches for an plays straight to the field. So, we will be adding her, just so we can say we got a way to search for Gutsco.

There is also Meeth (7-017H) that can help you search for Gutsco, as long as you discard a card of 3CP. So, we’ll go ahead and add Meeth. If Gutsco is already on the field you can search for a Lieutenant. Lieutenants you ask?

Let’s bring out the Lieutenants. We have Bel Dat (20-056H) to let you play cards from your opponents Break Zone, Zidane (16-048H), to steal cards from your opponents deck, and Paul (6-056H) to slowly destroy cards from your opponents deck, every time he deals damage to your opponent.

Next we’ll just add Capricious Thief, because he’s cheap and can’t be blocked by Forwards that cost 5CP or more. Plus, Capricious Thief (2-059C) has thief in it’s name.

Summons, we picked Amaterasu, because it’s Amaterasu. You can’t go wrong with that.

Diabolos (15-053H) and Valefor (1-198S) Just because they work well together. And, if you do it right, you can clear all of your opponents Forwards from the board. In other words, Board Wipe your opponent!

On to our Backups.

Larkeicus (13-014R) to remove a pesky Forward from the game, for as long as Larkeicus is on the field. Rikku (2-071R) To activate all of your Forwards when she enters the field. Chelinka (15-045R) to give Zidane Brave and the ability to attack twice this turn. Allowing you to grab 2 cards from your opponents deck. White Mage (13-042C) to grab the first Fire card that shows up from your deck as you slowly reveal the cards one by one. Samurai (16-009C) to grab Gutsco from the Break Zone, and play him onto the field. Iedolas (18-131S) for the same reason we added Samurai.

As for the rest of the cards, we just added a bunch of Standard Unit Thieves, just to make sure that Clan Borzoi will obtain the Horns of Ice.


2x Thief (4-059C)
3x Capricious thief (2-059C)
3x Paul (6-056H)
3x Zidane (16-048H)
3x Bel Dat (20-056H)
3x Gutsco (14-010H)
3x Magissa (12-017H)


1x Larkeicus (13-014R)
1x Thief (18-043C)
1x Thief (1-070C)
2x Rikku (2-071R)
1x Thief (3-055C)
1x Thief (5-055C)
3x Meeth (7-052H)
1x Thief (7-052C)
1x Thief (17-048C)
2x Chelinka (11-049R)
2x White Mage (13-042C)
1x Thief (8-052C)
2x Samurai (16-009C)
2x Iedolas (18-131S)


3x Diabolos (15-053H)
3x Valefor (1-198S)
3x Amaterasu (12-002H)

What would you all do with Gutsco?
Let us know in the comments.

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Dawn of Heroes – Water Recycling Center

20-106R – Alphinaud

We already spoke about Alphinaud a little in Lightning.

As long as you play Alphinaud, when your opponent has a dull Forward on the field, you’ll be ok.

If not then you will have just wasted 3CP. Which isn’t the worst thing in the world, just an inconvenience.

And at 3 points of damage, Alphinaud gains 3000 power.

By itself, this isn’t the greatest card. But, with Alisaie, this is a great card.

20-107H – Urianger

There’s always removal, and that means you’ll have a place in your Scions deck for Urianger.

When he enters the field, you can search for a XIV Forward and add it to your hand. But, only if one of your cards have been removed from the game.

Other than that Urianger is a 2 Cost with a 5K body.


20-108C – O’aka EX

If you don’t have three Backups on the field, you are not playing O’aka.

But, if you do you can play him and draw 2 cards.

And, then discard a card.

Might be good if you’re looking for a card, and ran out of searchers.

I don’t know. Could see some use here or there. Might just end up in a deck as fodder for other cards. But, then why would you put it in a deck if you’ll never use it.

20-109H – Cecil

The other Cecil is better in my opinion.

This Cecil is basically a Crystal Generator.

Once per turn, if Cecil or a FFIV Character enters the field you gain 1 Crystal.

And, you can use that Crystal to give one of your FFIV Forward +1000 power and protection from your Forwards abilities.
Are the Golbez and Cecil decks going to shoot up in value soon?

20-110H – Hippokampos

Monster/Forward that attacks all the Forwards in sight. In other words AoE.

Once Hippokampos is in you can dull 3 Characters and deal 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards for every 2 Characters you control.

Sounds like Algebra to me.

At least you’ll be dealing some damage to those pesky Forwards.


20-111C – Blugu

For 1CP this is a pretty great card.

On entry Blugu either Fulls or Activates a Forward.

And after that you can choose to cancel an Auto Ability. All you got to do is 1(Wa) CP and dull Blugu and send it to the Break Zone. Voila! Canceled auto ability.

Best part is you can have 3 of them on the field, waiting for the chance to cancel an auto ability.

Wasn’t there someone that can grab monsters from the Break Zone? Infinite supplu of Blugus.

20-112C – Frimelda

Frimelda the recycler, don’t like your hand, just attack with Frimelda.

For every time she attacks, you get to draw a card and then discard a card.

And if that discarded card is a Forward, Frimelda gains 3000 power, and a Forward of your choosing loses 3000 power.
It’s a win-win.

But, you can only attack so many time before you run out of cards.

Nothing to worry about, we got another 49 cards in the deck.

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

20-114L – The Fiend

After seeing all 3 of the Warring Triad, it’s hard to decide which ones better than the other. Cause they are all better than each other.

The Fiend, has so much potential, he can become an unstoppable force by the time you have taken 5 points of damage.

From the beginning your opponent will cancel the first Summon they cast. At 3 points of damage all abilities choosing The Fiend for the first time will be canceled, and at 5 points of damage, the Fiend gains Brave, + 1000 power and any damage deal to The Fiend will become 0 if that damage is less than The Fiend’s power.

“Finally, The Fiend has come to FFTCG.”

20-115R – Mist

I can’t really think of another reason to play Mist, other than so you can look at the top card of your deck at the end of the turn.

If it’s the end of your turn, you’re hoping to see an EX Burst. If it’s the end of your opponents turn, you’re hoping to see the card that you want to draw.

Kind of like a Fortune teller that allows you to slightly change your future.

And since the Warp cost is 0, you’ll actually come out ahead as you don’t send any cards to the Break Zone.

20-116R – Meliadoul

I don’t know why I got excited when I saw Meliadoul, but I did. We need more Characters that everyone forgot about.
Meliadoul enters the field and casts Dispel on a Forward, even though they don’t call it Dispel, it is Dispel.

And, at 3 points of Damage Meliadoul gains 1000 power.

Support Character Supporting.


20-117L – Yuna

This is a Great card. I like it.

This card goes to prove that you only need this Yuna and Emissaries of Light Tidus. And you can probably just fill out the rest of your deck with Summons and Yunas.

In theory it can work. For if Yuna is chosen by your opponents abilities, all you need to do is discard 1 Summon, and you’ll cancel it’s effect.

Whenever you cast a Summon you’ll draw 1 card.

And then we have Holy. A Special ability in which you don’t have to dull Yuna in order to cast it. Read that again. You don’t dull Yuna when you cast Holy!

Think about it. That’s why all you need is Yuna and Tidus. Yuna will just sit back and blast all of your opponents Forwards with Holy. As soon as they enter the field. New Forward coming in, nope react with Holy. If you got at least 3 Summons in your Break Zone, you’ll be fine.

You probably don’t even need Tidus.

Just Yuna. Multiple copies of multiple Yunas. And Spam Holy like there’s no tomorrow!

20-118H – Unicorn

If you’re playing a VI themed deck, you’re probably going to play Unicorn. Not me. Not that I don’t like this card, but I’ll probably be playing Ice/Fire. Unless I find a way to pay for Water CP I’ll leave this Unicorn be a mythological being.

Unicorn comes in, And since you’re playing VI, you’ll have a FFVI Forward on the field that will allow you to use both abilities.
The first being to activate a Forward, and draw a card. The second return a 4 cost or less Forward to your opponents hand.

That sounds like 3 abilities to me.

20-119C/15-123C – Oracle

Didn’t we say recycling center earlier? Maybe we meant the Printers, reprinting cards and such.

Not that I have anything against reprints, I just would rather have a new card that does something similar instead of having reprints.

Anyways, Oracle gives you a Crystal when she comes in, and reduces the next damage dealt to a Forward by 1000.

That’s about it.

20-120C – Fisher

Talk about catching a bite.

You’ll probably draw up to 3 cards with Fisher, if you get it right.

If not you’ll at least draw one card, unless someone decides to RFG your Break Zone, when you put Fisher in there.

Best thing about fishing, is probably the beer.


20-121C – Lunafreya

A quick one-two punch, all for 1CP.

You pay the CP. and Warp Lunafreya. When she comes in after a turn and a half, you can disrupt your opponents plans when you send one of their Forwards to their hand and they send one of their Forwards to the Break Zone.

They won’t know what hit them. Especially if you lose count of the Warp Counters. It’ll be Magnificent.

20-122R – Leslie

Let’s see.

Leslie enters the field, you discard a card, and then return one of your opponents Forwards to their hand. If you discarded a FFVII card you also draw a card.

Quickish, easy enough and at almost no cost to you.

Might be good if Lunafreya just warped in as well.

That’ll be 3 Forwards, Sir.

Have a good day.

20-123C – Loporrit

This card is way better than the other cards that let you draw 2 cards and discard a card.


The answer is quite simple.

You don’t discard a card. You just put it at the bottom of your deck.

And that way you won’t be worried about running out of cards. Not that that happens a lot, but it’s always better to have an extra card or 2 towards the end of a long grueling match.

Yes, I’ll play around with Loporrit. Help me find Yuna faster.

20-124C – Alchemist

Well it’s technically not recycling. It’s just adding more Backups for free.

Why would you want to have 3 Alchemists on the field, when they don’t actually do anything.

Unless that’s your plan.

It might work.


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

20-126C – Wakka

Well, at least we figured out what to do with all those free Backups that we were getting.

You now have a way to use them as fodder for Wakka when he goes into attack mode.

Every time Wakka attacks, he grabs a Backup and throws it like a Blitzball at one of your opponents Forwards for 8000 damage.

Sure 7CP might be a bit much to play Wakka, but it is reduced by 1 for each Backup that you have on the field.

You should be only paying 2CP to get Wakka on the field. Maybe a little bit more.

“Wakka, wakka, wakka”

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Gutsco – Card Analysis

Gutsco, the Thief

“Go away! Scat, skittle, skibobble! The horn is mine! Mine, I tell you!”


“When Gutsco enters the field or attacks, remove the top card of your deck from the game.

When Gutsco leaves the field, add all the cards removed by Gutsco’s ability to your hand.”

Let’s see what we wrote when Gutsco was first released back.

“I like it.

Keep removing cards till Gutsco gets broken, or removed from the game.

After that all the cards removed come back to your hand. And, you can have a lot of cards that you can storm the field with. I will be trying this one out.”

I still like this card.

Since we don’t have much information on Gutsco, we’ll just go with the FFTA where he is the leader of Clan Borzoi, which means we can fill up on thieves. And, since most Thieves are Wind, it shall be a Fire/Wind. Outside of Standard Units, notable cards are Zidane, Bel Dat, and Paul. Fang (18-013R) is also a Thief, but you need to have FFXIII Characters on the field in order for her to be useful.

I believe a good plan would be to get Gutsco out as early as possible. Keep attacking, and when he leaves the field for any reason, grab all those cards, beef up the front line, and find a way to bring Gutsco back to repeat the process.