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Resurgence of Power – Raining Water?

18-086H – Ashe EX

The Queen is here.

And if all her loyal servants are on the field. (Water Backups). She will only cost you 1CP. Which is good. With a 9K body she’ll rule over her kingdom and … well … deal a loss of power to a Forward.

2000 for each loyal servant that she has.


18-087C – False Hero


Discard a Manikin and play False Hero. Then play Imitation Despot and grab that Manikin back from the Break Zone.

After that False Hero gives all the other Manikins +2K power.


18-088R – Ingrid

This is an interesting card. Especially if you know that your opponent goes into their Break Zone to grab cards back. I know I do, sometimes.

Whenever Ingrid is sent to the Break Zone, your opponent removes all the Characters in the Break Zone from the game. Can’t grab them anymore, not for this game at least. Better luck next time, but this exorcist will exorcise the Characters back the the RFG Realm to where they belong.

Got a little off track there.

18-089H – Echidna

Echidna allows you to grab a Summon from your Break Zone. And that technically turns him into a free Monster that can come in and turn into a Forward. The cost here is different. Usually it’ll be 0CP, but for Echidna it’s a Summon card.

Now when Echidna attacks or blocks, you can draw 1 card.

You’ll be able to grab a card, once per turn.


18-090R – Kalmia

Losing power? Not anymore, Kalmia grants a special type of protection. No more shall you worry about your Forwards losing power to Summons and abilities.

Kalmia would still be a great addition if it were just that, but she also grants protection to your Break Zone. Your opponent will no longer be able to be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities either.

No more fear of losing your Break Zone.


18-091R – Cloud of Darkness

Sometimes it seems your Forwards are outnumbered 3 to 1.

Cloud of Darkness is here to fix that.

She’ll come in and all the Forwards will go into the Break Zone, except the 1 you choose and the one your opponent chooses.

It can be a lifesaver if it’s used under the right circumstances. What are those circumstances? Well, your opponents has more Forwards than you. And, stuff.

I like it.

18-092C – Tchakka

Another Naakual.

This one would be good for a Mono-Water deck. It says so itself. All Forwards other than Water lose 1000 power. And after that, whenever Tchakka attacks, your opponents Forwards lose 2000 power.

That means every time Tchakka attacks, your Opponents might be sending cards to the Break Zone, simply because Tchakka can cast Sharknado on them. Or something like that.

18-093R – Nerine

Bring the Princess, any Princess. That way Nerine will become a much more viable Forward.

+2K power is a good thing.

Plenty of Princess’s to play 25 to be exact. Wait, no Macherie has been banned. 24.

Let’s go ahead and pick Fiona (16-118C)

When she comes in you draw a card not only from Nerine’s ability, but Fiona’s as well. Thus giving you a free Forward to play. And since she is a Forward she can be recycled. Quite easily, in fact. As if she is chosen by Summons or abilities, instead of Breaking her, Removing her from the game or whatever happens, you can simply place Fiona on the top of your deck and repeat the process.

18-094C – Geomancer

Discard Geomancer, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-095C – Rune Fencer

I mean, it might have some uses, probably more than I think, but, it feels like you’ll be over paying. I can see it used here and there, but not enough for someone to keep it in a deck. maybe for draft or sealed.

You do get to hit 2 Forwards for a loss of power if you pay the extra cost. 1 for 4K and 1 for 7K.


18-096C – Leviathan

Leviathan comes back as a Common, and that’s doesn’t matter, because Leviathan cancels out an auto-ability that comes from a Forward. And at only 3CP that’s not bad at all. It’s actually pretty good.

Now you can also pay the extra cost of removing 10 Water cards from the Break Zone and return that Forward to their owner’s hand. Making them lose the CP for playing said Forward on to the field.

What’s not to like?

18-097R – Rinoa

This is probably one of the cards that didn’t need Warp. That’s just me though.

But Rinoa comes in, and you can send a Forward to the Break Zone, if you decide to pay the extra cost.

Angelo Cannon, I remember using it back in the day I used to play FFVIII all day, but we’re not here to talk about that. Where was I? You reveal a Forward from your hand, and Angelo deals that Forwards power as Damage to another Forward.

I just confused myself.

When are we getting an Angelo card?

18-098R – Lunafreya

Make a down payment of 2CP and get 3 cards in return.

Will it pay off or will your opponent cancel out Lunafreya’s ability when she enters the field through Warp?

Also, Can you wait 4 turns for a return on your investment?

It could be worth it.


18-099C – Leo EX

Leo … I mean King Leo.

King Leo comes in and sends a Forward back to their owner’s hand. And, if there are a couple of Standard Units hanging out on the field, you can just put it on top of it’s owner’s deck.

Simple as that. After that Leo just gives you 1CP per turn, cause he’s like a Backup and stuff.

Now, if we can find a way to bounce him.

18-100L – Lenna

I don’t think I really read this card.

I can see why it’s a Legend. Protection for your Break Zone.

If you’re playing Mono-Water, this is great. You can bring back a Water Forward and play it straight to the field. Lost your last Emissaries Tidus somehow. Lenna shall bring him back.

Or what about Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl. That might also be a cheap way to play him.

And, I just had an OMG! moment.

Your opponent wastes all of their resources to get rid of Leviathan, and you just bring him back. Just cause you can.

Forget Tidus, I’m about to put Leviathan and Lenna in my Ultros deck.

Let’s have some fun.

18-101C – Lenne

Cheap Backup to play that allows you to draw a card if you cast a Summon this turn.

That’s about it.




18-102C – Wakka EX

A backup to play if you’re playing a FFX themed deck, or mostly Water.

Wakka let’s you reveal the top 3 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll grab a card. There’s a good chance you will if you’re playing this Wakka.

This ability also comes off an EX Burst so there’s that as well.

But, from the 4 other Wakka’s available, 3 of them are better than this one.

Prove me wrong.

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Opus XIV – Water Review

14-096C – Blue Mage

Would have been better if it read, “For each Monster you control … ” But, then it wouldn’t have been a common card.
And if there are no Monsters on the field you can always look for one in your Break Zone when you play this card.




14-097C – Ananta

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Ananta with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-098R – Ultimecia

Put a Forward into the Break Zone to grab one of your opponents Forwards of the same cost.

“Hey there, Cloud you look pretty glum over there. Why don’t you just come over here and sit down next to Ultimecia. She needs a Guardian. The other guy didn’t cut it.”



14-099C – Eiko

Technically, you’re just paying 5CP to search for a Summon.





14-100H – Octomammoth

The Monsters are becoming stronger. Why else would this Octomammoth have 8 arms? Well, it has 8 arms to grab to of your opponents Forwards and throw them back at him.

Plus, turning into a Forward isn’t bad either.




14-101R – Ultros

Ultros just won’t go away.

Actually, he does run away, and then comes back stronger. But, are 5 cards worth grabbing Ultros back from the Break Zone. I guess we’ll find out in Opus XV … I mean Crystal Dominion.



14-102L – Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl

These Primals are Crazy! Yes, with a capitol C.

For 9 CP you can return a Forward, a Backup and a Monster to your opponents hand. And when a Character is returnd to it’s owner’s hand you can choose 1 Forward and it loses 9000 Power.

That’s 3 Forwards if you return all 3.

And, a 9K body. I can’t wait to try these Primals out.

14-103R – Quina

Is it just me, or is this the first card where the head blocks out the line where the name is?

I like how they’re playing into the characters’ themes. Discard a Monster card. Pretty much Quina eats the Monster and gains abilities. Might not be a powerful card, but can draw cards and remove cards for you.



14-104C – Kraken (IX)

Kraken plays well into Water.

Draw 2 cards if you’ve got another Job Chaos to discard.




14-105C – Corsair

“Do you feel lucky, Punk?

Well. Do you?”

If you do, try your luck here and get a better card than the one that you started off with.

Is it just me, or can you see Clint Eastwood posing for this card?


14-106H – Golbez

They’re starting to pump out Golbez cards. But, it’ll never surpass the amount of Cloud or Lightning cards there are.
This card might eventually pay for itself. The longer this card stays on the field the more chances you have of being able to play a Forward on to the field for free.

And Kain, will be having nightmares with Golbez’s ability.



14-107C – Sahagin (XIV)

Simple Backup, that let’s you see what cards are coming up. That way you can either set up your opponent for an EX Burst, or play the cards you need.





14-108H – Jecht

Pair Jecht with Minwu.

Jecht Block will stop your opponent in their tracks.

And when he enters the field during your Main Phase 2, depending on how many Forwards were attacking you can either Break or return a Forward.



14-109C – Steiner

I don’t see anyone playing this card. Not when all the other Steiner’s are better plays at any given moment.





14-110C – Tonberry

Hmm, this one should have been like Mom-Bomb if you ask me. But, instead Tonberry acts like a searcher, where each Monster Counter is counted as 1 card that you can look at.

Because why would Tonberry have anything to do with dealing massive damage? /Sarcasm



14-111R – Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss

Draw a card at the end of each of your turns. Period

That and if you have 5 or more cards in your hand damage dealt to Lakshmi is reduced by 2K.

Your strategy, if you choose to accept it, is to play your cards down after your attack phase.


14-112L – Larsa EX

This is interesting. You can actually grab a card from the Damage Zone and trade it with a card from your hand.
There are now ways to grab any card, from anywhere.

No, need to make sure that the card you’ll need later on is safe.

Larsa’s second ability is like icing on the cake, you should be able to get 3 EX Bursts into your Damage Zone, easily.


14-113R – Leviathan EX

Get rid of 2 cards, or get rid of 1 and grab 1 from your Break Zone.

Simple. It’ll be great if Leviathan comes off an EX Burst.

6CP isn’t that high of a cost to remove 2 Forwards from the field, might see limited play if you ask me.



14-114 – Luzaf

Easy way to get out of a sticky situation. Is one of your Forwards being Targeted by a Summon, or ability? Just have Luzaf enter with his Back Attack and return that Forward to your hand. Your opponent also Breaks one of their Forwards.
I like it.