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T-Minus 2 Weeks

We got a few weeks until Crystal Dominion is here, but Pokemon Fusion Strike is right around the corner. And the real question is “Where is Mimikyu?” Not in this set. We haven’t had a Mimikyu since Battle Styles. And, that my friends, is disappointing. This is where I should go on a rant. But, there’s not much to say about it. Next set. If there is no Mimikyu, I will raise hell. Period.

OK, I probably won’t. We all know that.

But, we will have some boxes available. They will be put up some time this week, as they go on sale this Friday. By some time this week, we mean as soon as we know how many we are getting.

What’s going on with the Midnight PreRelease Event?

We’re on schedule for Black Friday.
November 26th.

9229 S Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Whoever wants to come out and try and win a Kit, can come out. Like we stated before $45 for the first kit and entry into the event. $40 for each additional kit after that. We’ll have booster boxes available as well. $100 for the boxes at the Midnight PreRelease.

War of the Visions

-Spoiler Alert-

Well, I finally beat Sterne after not playing for a week, being pissed because I didn’t want to waste my time leveling up Mont. But, I did want to find out what happens after. And I got a surprise. I didn’t expect that. I did not expect a giant crystal to come out from under Leonis castle. Sadali was excited. And, everyone knew that Mont wouldn’t kill Sterne.

But, now we’re in the Interlude, and well we finally got ourselves a ship. Can’t steer it anywhere except down the river. Into the fog. Where we get attacked by the Water guards.

Who would steer the boat straight into the fog in the first place. We all know that the fog is not a good place to be. Cecil and Kain know this very well, when they walked upon the Mist Dragon on their way to Mist, through the Mist Cave while they were walking through the mist. I know both Cecil and Kain no not to enter the Fog.

The townsfolk of Bridgton, Maine also know that you don’t enter the Fog that just rolls up from the lake.

-End Spoiler

Can’t think of anything else.

So, I might as well just get back to work.

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Emissaries of Light

We finally got the reveal of “Opus XVI”!!!

But, it’s not Opus XVI anymore, no more Opus. There is only the title now. Emissaries of Light. Serah shares the Box Art with her sister Lightning and, this is the 4th time Lightning appears on the Box. 3 times more than anybody else.

Release Date is set for March 25th, 2022. Emissaries of Light comes with 130 cards. Plus the 10 Starter cards in the FFX Custom Deck. And we get 166 Premium cards. Or Foils. 24 of the Foils will be Full Arts. That leaves us with 2 cards. Which are most likely the Premium Crystal Cards that will make their first appearance in “Crystal Dominion”.

The sample artwork we got is, once again a card from each element. Other than the cover art card, which will probably be Serah, just because of the Ice element, unless the have the Farron Sisters as one card. Luneth, Fire original art there. Sort of looks like Tom Cruise from “Interview with a Vampire” Wind gives us Cecil which is probably the best looking card out of the 6. Layle is the sample Earth card, nice art work there as well as Water, with Sarah from Mobius. And Reeves, looks like a leftover from the Shinra VS AVALANCHE Starter decks. Upon closer look you can tell that Reeves is the only Backup, while the rest are Forwards.

It also looks like some of the Starter cards will get the Full Art Foil treatment, and these ones will also get new artwork.And, we can’t forget about the Legacy Full Arts.

Lightning (1-141L)
Lenna (3-144L)
Vayne (9-022L)

Here’s the link to the original article.


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Opus XIII – Earth Review

13-052C – Abyss Worm

For it’s cost this is a great card. Giving a Forward +3K and Brave, is good enough for this 1 cost. But the fact that it turns into a Forward at 3 Damage, makes it even better.





13-053R – Alexander EX

Hmm, I don’t know if I would use this card much, but keeping one in a deck for the rare chance that it’ll pop out after you’ve taken 5 points of Damage might be worth it.





13-054C – Lady of Antiquity

Reducing Exdeath’s (13-071R) CP doesn’t seem like a big deal. You still have to pay 5CP, but the second ability will let you play a 6 color Manikin Deck, in which the aforementioned ExDeath will be your main attraction.





13-055C – Ingus

+1k and Brave to a Standard Unit or Warrior of Light. Alexander EX (13-053R) seems a little better as you can choose any character. But, Ingus can use his ability once per turn.





13-056R – Vanille

I’m actually surprised this card is only a Rare.

This card will pay for itself, if your opponent does not get rid of it soon enough. There are plenty of cards you can play every other turn unless your opponent finds a way to Break Vanille. All these High cost cards will be Free plays from Your Break Zone.

Vanille Deck in progress. Just Vanille and High cost forwards.



13-057H – Graff

A constant +2K during the Attack phase. Main Phase the Forwards will still have their regular power.





13-058C – Sherlotta

Perfect to use in any 2 color deck. Even three. Or as many as you’d like. Tyro (11-072R) does this better, but Sherlotta is only a 2 cost.





13-059H – Scarmiglione

Trying to Break a Forward, well have I got a card for you. Scarmiglione here will double the damage dealt to a Forward. Any Forward. Ping it to death, till it lies broken in the Break Zone.





13-060R – Cecil

Not one of the better Cecil’s, but it might be worth the 1 point of Damage to get rid of a forward that’s been causing you trouble. And if that extra point of Damage gives you Brave, and +1K, well you might actually play this card.





13-061C – Hugh Yurg

4CP/8K who might have Brave depending on your cards. Decent Common.






13-062H – Bhunivelze

10CP for 10K. But you can find a way to get him down to Free, if you’re playing that many colors. As the game goes on, Bhunivelze just keeps getting better, and better. 3 Damage – Brave and Double Attack. 6 Damage Break a character every time Bhunivelze attacks. Times 2

And the fact that you can play this card from the Break Zone with Vanille (13-056R), I wouldn’t be surprised if this was in every Earth Deck. Simply just because you can.



13-063C – Monk

If you’re playing Monks, this is a good card. If you’re not, it’s too expensive.






13-064R – Yang

If you’re playing Mon…. I already said that. Yang will give your Monks a boost. High powered Forwards with Brave. Add Enna Kros (1-095R) and they will have an extra 1K. I saw that Monks already took first place, and Yang was a part of that.





13-065R – Rydia

I don’t know if Rydia is cost effective. 6CP to play a summon without paying the cost. I’ll pass.





13-066C – Lilty

Ice/Earth or Earth/Lightning take your pick. Or neither, With Tyro, you can choose any element you’d like. Discard or Break. The choice is yours.





13-067L – Leo

You might be able to play a high cost card for a couple of CP, depending on how many Crystal Chronicle Characters you’re controlling. Vanille (13-056R) is the better choice in my opinion.





13-068C – Alchemist

Just like Black Mage (13-005C). This card will work if you splash a single Ice or Wind card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.