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Opus XIV – Fire Review

14-001C – Amalj’aa

Amal’jaa, number 001. start off the set with a Backup. Who in turn gets activated when a Fire Primal enters the field.
All you do is use Amalj’aa to pay for the Primal, and once the Primal is in, Activate Amalj’aa and dull Amalj’aa to deal 1000 damage to a Forward.




14-002R : Ifrita EX

Everyone loves Ifrita, and by that, I mean I love Ifrita. Just by looking at the text you know you are going to add this one to your deck if you are already playing Ifrita (9-002H). You’ll be heading towards 5 Ifrits/Ifritas in your Break Zone before you know it. You’ll be dealing 7K damage to a Forward while also searching for another Ifrita to add to your hand.




14-003R – Illua

Haste? Check. Illua comes in attacks, right away and you can dull up to 5 Backups. Then you get to choose a Forward deal it up to 15K damage. Should be enough Damage to break it. Illua’s power will also increase 3K for each Backup you dulled, for power reaching up to 18K. Not a bad card if I do say so myself




14-004C : Warrior of Light

Your Standard 4CP/8K body. Gives all your Standard Units +1K. +3K if you received 3 points of Damage. I say this card will see plenty of play.





14-005C : Oelde Leonis

Strong card power wise, and when he is broken you choose one Standard Unit from your Break Zone add it to your hand. Could be a useful blocker, but at the 5CP cost is it worth the Standard Unit you’ll pull from the Break Zone. I’m sure someone will say that he is..




14-006R : Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno EX

For a second there, I thought it was a Summon, and decided that he is too expensive to deal a couple of Forwards 4K Damage.

Then I saw that he is a Forward. I was wondering why he had a Job. After that my opinion changed. He counts as an Ifrit for Ifrita. Which all Summons and character abilities deal 1K more Damage. I like it.

Don’t forget Fritt (7-004C) searches for him.


14-007L : Garland

As we talked about this card in one of our Box openings on YouTube. Garland is practicly unbeatable. He can still receive a beat down and be broken. But, it’s his abilities that make this a great card. Whenever a Backup, is put in the Break Zone, you get to draw a card. Could be any Backup not just your own.

And let’s not forget about Flare, Break a Forwards and then your opponent puts a Backup in the Break Zone. This as well could be one of your own Forwards. Maybe Break Oelde Leonis to grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw a card.

Hmm … What Standard Unit are we looking for?

14-008C – Caius

Cheap Forward to play, and gets an 8K body whenever one of your Forwards is put into the Break Zone. Add, Brave and Caius just might be as good as Caius (5-004R). Now some of you might say that Opus V Caius isn’t that good, but I like him. He does good at what I want him to do.




14-009R – Gabranth

Your Basic 2CP Backup, that doesn’t do anything until you received 5 points of Damage.

After that, you can just Protect a Forward.




14-010H – Gutsco

I like it.

Keep removing cards till Gutsco gets broken, or removed from the game.

After that all the cards removed come back to your hand. And, you can have a lot of cards that you can storm the field with. I will be trying this one out.



14-011 – Susano, Lord of the Revel

Six Crystal Points to wipe the board, and get a free hit. This is the second board wipe Fire and XIV receives in 2 sets. And all you need to do is get rid of one Backup. You can even get rid of Ranperre. But, I don’t know how that would work out on the stack.




14-012 – Kojin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Kojin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-013C : Koboloid Yang

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Everytime it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.

I’ll take it!




14-014C : Samurai

3CP/7K +2K if you’re playing Samurais.

And Brave.

And, you better fill up your Break Zone with Samurais to get the his on entry ability.

Samurai’s look like they have been getting great support.



14-015R – Zenos

Personally, I would have thought that this card was at least a Hero. But, it’s just a rare, throw this one in with the Shadowbringers Starter Deck, add Susano and you got yourself a good deck. Could it be that easy? Sometimes, but that’s just a quick tip. You’re welcome.

You can actually call this card Fat Chocobo in red. Or, Fired up Fat Chocobo.

Also gives Haste to all XIV forwards you control.


14-016C – Geomancer

Geomancer’s only job is to remove the ability of your opponents Forwards to block … well … you get what I’m trying to say.
Hey, do you see that Bhunivelze with 10K Power?

He’s the only one in between me and victory and all I got on the field is a measly Palom from Opus II with a 1000 Power. What shall I do?



14-017H – Mom Bomb

I had seen this card early on. And, loved it. Mostly because it’s Amano art.

But, this Monster becomes a 2 cost 8K Forward if you control 3 or more Fire Backups. your opponent will think twice about blocking this one due to the fact that it’ll deal 5K damage to all Forwards, including your own. I like when the cards mimic the games.



14-018C – Maliris (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.





14-019R – Red XIII

2CP to play Red XIII, then when he enters the field you can play 1 Fire CP to play Susano? That can’t be right. And it’s just a Rare??? Sure the Forward you play will be removed from the game after the end of the turn, but if you’re wiping the board and getting a point of Damage does it really matter?

You can also Discard Red XIII to get Susano’s ability off.


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Izana, in the Rough

Well, I won’t spoil anything for those of you that haven’t played Final Fantasy Type-0. All I’ll say is that Izana likes Chocobos. And for that simple reason he should be in every Chocobo deck. Just because he can search for a Chocobo, or job name Chocobo.

On to the card.

2CP : Wind
Job : Dominion Legionary
Category : Type-0
5000 Power

“When Izana enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Chocobo or Card Name Chocobo and add it to your hand.”

Now, a couple cards that will help you out will be Chocobo Knight (5-061C), and Chocobo (6-050C). Chocobo Knight is a better version of Izana, as you can dull him and play a Chocobo from your hand onto the field. And Chocobo will let you play another Chocobo unto the field as he enters.

The way I see it, if Chocobo Knight is already on the field, you play Izana search for Chocobo (6-050C), Dull Chocobo Knight, play Chocobo, which will give you another Chocobo. And if you have a way to keep activating Chocobo Knight well, you can play as many Chocobos as you can onto the field.

This is turning out to be an article about Chocobo Knight. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

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Physalis Attraction

Physalis is our card of the week, this week. One of the better cards in this set, and with a good cast around her, she will do some Damage.

On to the card

5CP – Ice
Job : Member of the Orders
Category : FFBE
9000 Power

When Physalis enters the field or attacks, if your opponent has 3 cards or less in their hand, select 1 of the 2 following actions. If your opponent has no cards in their hand, select up to 2 of the 2 following actions instead.

“Choose 1 Character. Dull it and Freeze it.” “Draw 1 card.”

Premium Physalis Bullet (S)(I)(I): Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage. That Forward’s controller discards 1 card from their hand.

Physalis’ cost might be a little high at 5CP, but she makes up for it. 9K Power is good by itself, but it’s her abilities that make her shine. Being able to draw a card every time she attacks, is worth the 5CP you paid for her, because you will get it back in a couple of turns.

The characters that surround Physalis in this deck, support her, mostly by causing your opponent to discard their cards. And if you still need to get rid of a card in their hand, you can use “Premium Physalis Bullet” right before you attack as it does not cause Physalis to Dull.

There’s plenty of Forwards that will cause your opponent to discard a card from their hands. Argath (1-033C), Locke(4-048L), and Locke(12-116L) all have on entry abilities that will make your opponent Discard 1 card. Borghen(6-039H) will make them, discard a card when he enters the Break Zone. He’s basically a cheap blocker. Innocence (13-137S), dulls and makes your opponent discard 2 cards. Laguna (9-037C) searches for an Ice Forward. Squall (6-033H has effects depending on how many cards your opponent has. Baralai (12-114R) Has abilities that trigger when your opponent discards a card from his hand, or your backups activate. Vayne (9-022L) will make your opponent pay 1CP for each Forward they have, or they will be broken.

Laguna (9-037C) along with Ysayle (6-022R) will let you search for Physalis. And if she ends up in the Break Zone Devout (1-048C) will be there to bring her back. Gestahlian Empire Cid (4-026H) will let you search for Locke, and Setzer (8-036C) will grab him from the Break Zone.

Bard (1-036C) will dull and your opponent shall discard 1 card. Class Ninth Moogle (9-033C) will let you pay the Wind Crystal Point needed for Baralai and Locke, but will also let you cast Asura (2-049H) and Pandemonium (5-032H). Both which will activate your backups and let Baralai deal 3K Damage to all your opponents Forwards.

2 More Summons. Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C) Just to Break a blocking Forward if you need to. And, Glasya Labolas (5-032H) so, your opponent can discard another card.

And, finally Scale Toad (8-034R) Your opponent will discard a card if they have more than 2 cards in there hand at the end of their turn.

The plan here is to have your opponent have no cards in their hand. Causing them to not be able to play anything. Physalis will shine, if you get your way in this match. Along with some powerful Forwards, it’ll be hard for you to lose this match.
Here’s the run down


Borghen (6-039H) x3
Argath (1-033C) x3
Squall (6-033H) x3
Locke (4-048L) x3
Baralai (12-114R) x3
Innocence (13-137S) x2
Vayne (9-022L) x3
Laguna (9-037C) x2
Physalis (13-028L) x3
Locke (12-116L) x1


Bard (1-036C) x2
Class Ninth Moogle (9-033C) x2
Gestahlian Empire Cid (4-026H) x2
Devout (1-048C) x3
Ysayle (6-022R) x3
Setzer (8-036C) x2


Asura (2-049H) x3
Mateus, the Corrupt (5-044C) x2
Pandemonium (11-055R) x1
Glasya Labolas (5-032H) x2


Scale Toad (8-036C) x2

Any ideas to improve this deck? Let us know in the comments.

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When You Wish Upon Akstar

Here we are, our new weekly post that will focus on a particular card. And, we’ll start off with the Fire Legend himself. Akstar (13-002L). Technically he’s not “The” Fire Legend, but he is a Fire Legend.

Let’s take a look.

4CP – Fire
Job : Mercenary
8000 Power

4CP/8K not bad, just your average 4 cost Forward.

When Akstar enters the field, choose 1 card with EX Burst in your Damage Zone. You may trigger its EX Burst effect. (This effect is put on the stack.)

Damage 3 ― When Akstar enters the field, you may search for 1 Category FFBE Character other than Card Name Akstar and add it to your hand.

Judging by the text, we need EX Bursts, and Brave Exvius Characters.

For the FFBE we have Rain (13-017H). Physalis (13-028L), Lasswell (13-105R), and Charlotte (13-023R). All of them Forwards, none with an EX Burst. All these characters will be searchable by Akstar once you have received 3 points of Damage.

Rain’s cost is reduced by one CP for each Fire Backup you have on the field. So, it’s only common sense to play only Fire Backups. Larkeicus (13-014R), if only to remove that pesky Forward that’s troubling you. Vivi, a cheap backup with an EX Burst that deals 5K Damage to one of your opponents Forwards. Lebreau (1-030R), because every Mono-Fire deck needs her. Even though we’re splashing a little bit of Ice. Mootie (11-012C), because we have Bahamut (13-012R) and it will help pay for the cost of Bahamut. Class Second Moogle (10-016C), to help us pay for our Ice Forwards, as Class Second Moogle can produce Ice CP. And Lilty (11-020C), to search for an Ice card in our deck.

Now once Rain enters the field or attacks, he’ll be dealing up to 5K Damage to one of your opponents Forwards. You’ll either Break a Forward, or Damage them enough that they won’t block. And if they do they’ll probably just get sent to the Break Zone anyway.

Lasswell, Rain’s buddy, compliments Rain. Because every time Rain attacks Lasswell deals 3K damage to a forward. Not just Rain though, anytime any Fire or Ice Forward attacks. That means if you have 5 Forwards attacking, all of them will allow Lasswell to deal Damage 5 times.

Physalis. Depending on your opponents hand, determines just how good Physalis will be. She might be able to close out some matches for you, as she’ll be able to Dull and Freeze a Forward every time she attacks. You won’t be able to use her ability unless you Discard an Ice card to pay for the 2 Ice CP you need. This might be something we’ll need to fix in this deck.

Charlotte, the meat shield. She’ll be taking most of the Damage from Summons and Abilities, that way Rain, Physalis and Lasswell, will mostly remain protected long enough for them to deal crucial Damage.

The rest of the Forwards we have are : Gadot (1-007R) just to play an extra 2CP Fire Forward from you hand at no extra cost. Morrow (11-013R) and Firion (7-132S) are both the cards you will play. Morrow well because he gets stronger the more Damage you take, and can attack twice at 6 points of Damage. And, Firion because of the EX Burst. You’ll mostly just throw him in to get his ability damage and then just use him as a blocker.

Titania (13-132S), although you’ll have to have a Forward, Backup, Summon and a Monster in your Break Zone to be able to play Titania, Titania will come in Dell and Freeze to Characters and allow your other Forwards to go for the kill.

Fang ( 1-020R), she’s in her to help reduce the cost of Bahamut. that way we’ll be able to play Bahamut for a total cost of 0CP. Now, you’ll say that it can’t become 0. No worries. Mootie will pay 1CP to help cast Bahamut and will activate once Bahamut is cast. And that will give your opponents Forward 8K Damage, which might break it. If not Fang is still on the field to attack for 7K.

Lani (12-018H), I just like this card, and being able to possibly take your opponents top card and cast it as your own is always a plus.

Amaterasu (12-002H), no need to explain this one.

Lava Spider (8-022R), and Grenade (5-008R) are both cards need to be able to play Titania, but they both help as Lava Spider gives your Attacking Forwards +3K, and Grenade will be able to Break a Forward when they enter the field as long as their Power is less than 8K.

Here’s the run down.


Gadot (1-007R) x3
Firion (7-132S) x2
Morrow (11-013R) x3
Charlotte (13-023R) x3
Titania (13-132S) x1
Fang (1-020R) x3
Lani (12-018H) x2
Akstar (13-002L) x3
Physalis (13-028L) x3
Lasswell (13-105R) x3
Rain (13-017H) x3


Larkeicus (13-014R) x2
Vivi (3-018C) x1
Class Second Moogle (10-016C) x3
Lebreau (1-030R) x3
Mootie (11-012C) x2
Lilty (11-020C) x3


Amaterasu (12-002H) x3
Bahamut (13-012R) x2


Lava Spider (8-022R) x1
Grenade (5-008R) x1

You’ll pretty much want to get yourself to 3 points of Damage, and then start your Brave Exvius onslaught. Rain and Physalis will be your main attackers, and you’ll want to keep them on the field for as long as you can.

Any improvements to this Deck? Let us know in the comments.

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Opus XIII – Multi-Element Review

13-105R – Lasswell

Your opponent discards a card, and you get to deal extra damage every time a Fire or Ice Forward attacks.

Will go perfect in a Fire/Ice VI Deck




13-106H – Onion Knight

You can just keep recycling Onion Knight, every time he is put into the Break Zone. Plus, deal 9K Damage to three Forwards, by removing 3 Onion Knights from the Break Zone. Doesn’t even have to be this Onion Knight. You could remove any of them, including the 1CP Onion Knights from Opus X.




13-107C – Cater

Most of the time, you will only be using the first ability. Activate 3 Backups to either use the other Backup’s ability, or to add more bodies on the field.





13-108L – Llednar

Talk about a way to get your opponent to Discard 2 Cards. And, then you still need to deal with Llednar. Add this to Marche/Ritz and you have a good chance at winning.





13-109R – Hope

Freeze and Activate, either way this card packs a punch. Dull a card it is now Frozen.
This is one of the better Hope cards. If not the best one yet. Even beats out the Opus IV Hope (4-068H)





13-110H – Unei

Let your opponent pick their poison. They get to choose which Summon you’ll cast.
As for Holy, Holy Moly!!!

Deal a dull Forward 20K Damage. That’s sure to knock anyone out. Even Behemoth K (13-079L). Sacrificing Unei is a worth getting rid of Behemoth K.




13-111C – Delita

This Delita would go well in the Tactics Deck. Although you’ll end up playing 4 different colors, but with Tyro (11-072R) You shouldn’t have a problem getting around that.





13-112L – White Tiger l’Cie Nimbus

If you’re playing Ice/Earth, sure. But, I believe Genesis (3-033L) would be a better play.






13-113R – Gudon

Yes, Please and Thank You.

This card should not be a Rare, it should be at least a Hero.
Brave – Check
Attack twice – Check
Doesn’t Dull – Check

What more can you ask for.


13-114H – Kunshira

Early in the game this card is a Beast. 2CP/9K with Haste. And Tempest Spellblade? Add in Behemoth K, and another 44 cards. Doesn’t matter what the other cards will be. You have a winner here.

And, it’s only a Hero




13-115L Golbez

How fast can you get yourself to 6 Damage, and how many Archfiends will you have in your hand? Considering there’s only 4, it’s up to you to find out which one is the best one when your playing with your back against the wall. That’s when we play our best. High risk, high reward.

Technically, you can search for four Forwards of 2CP, and all four of the Archfiends have a variation that is a 2 cost. You won’t even need them to be in your hand as you can just search for them and play them.

Just play all four from this set, and you should be good to go. Definitely worth a try.

13-116C – Lightning

2CP/5K is OK, but other than have her search for Odin, Lightning (5-116H) is a much better play in my opinion.





13-117R – Wol

+2K to all Mobius Forwards, plus a way to grab Mobius characters from the Break Zone. This Wol might give Wol (5-075L) a run for his money.





13-118C – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Decent card for 2CP, you can either Break a Forward, or Draw a card.






13-119L – Sophie

This is the card Sarah (Mobius) (13-118C) was made to be paired with. As Sophie gains 2K power for each Earth or Water Forward on the field, you can easily bulk her up to 10K in which she will be able to defeat all Forwards. Minus one or 2.

The real treat comes at the end of the turn. If Sophie has 10K Power or more, you get to Draw a card and your opponent gets 1 point of Damage.

Watch out for that EX Burst.


13-120H – Doga

You’ll get 3 cards back if you discard Summons to play Doga. And, with those 3 Summons in your Break Zone, Doga gains 1K.

That would be enough to play him, but there’s more.

9 Summons in your Break Zone means you can cast a Summon when Doga attacks.



13-121R – Ramza

If you’re playing a Tactics Deck, Ramza seems like he’ll be a good card. Choosing which 2 cards your opponent can choose from in which they have to discard 1.

If you’re not playing Tactics, this Ramza is too expensive, and there are plenty of other Ramza’s to choose from.




13-122H – Aldore Emperor

Most of the time, you’ll be Breaking at least 1 Forward. At Damage 5 it’ll be 2 Forwards. Is the 5CP worth it? I’ll say … Yes. After you’re done with the abilities, you’ll still have a 9K body on the field.





13-123L – Nine

If you’re playing Cadets this is a no brainer. You don’t even need to pay the cost to play Nine. Just Dull 2 Cadet Forwards, one Lightning and one Fire, and you have a 9K body to throw around. And every time Nine attacks for 9K, his ability comes into play and one of your opponents Forwards loses 2K for each Class Zero Cadet that you control.

Nine for 9K. Sounds like a special

Nine here, and Cinque (13-007R), shall be the basis of my new Cadets Deck.


13-124C – Noel

Hey, might as well use this card to give Nine (13-123L) Haste and 2K. And it’s not just because I’m excited about Nine.





13-125R – Yuzuki

Fire, Water, Burn. Have all your Fire Forwards be Damage Free from abilities, and reducing Damage to Water Forwards by 2K.

Does Yuzuki count as both a Fire and a Water Forward?

Not a Cadet but could be a good addition.



13-126C – Ultimecia

Either way you’ll have an advantage. As you can bring back a card to your hand and recast it for it’s on entry ability. At 2CP it’s a good card to keep on hand.





13-127H – Chime

Yes, and if you have enough CP to play this twice in one turn, than Ultimecia (13-126C), will work out well. Dull and Freeze 2 Forwards, and Return another 2 to your opponents hand. There’s a good chance you’ll have a couple of free shots. And, who doesn’t like Free.




13-128L – Celestia

Your opponent will think twice before casting a Summon on your Ice Characters, as it will cause one of there Cards to Dull and Freeze. Just having Celestia on the field should cause your opponent to play a little more cautiously.