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Dawn of Heroes – Lite Bright

20-127L – Shinryu

Where to start off?

5CP/9000 Power.

Shinryu can be cast technically for free if your opponent controls 3 more Forwards than you do. You’ll pay 2CP, and search for a card. Any card that you’d like.

Coming in with Brave, Shinryu will block almost any attack you throw it him.

And, just take a look at Tidal Wave.

You can cast it during your turn and Wipe Out your opponents Forwards in one simple play. Unless your opponents knows how to surf, they’ll be feeling it for a while.

20-128H – Materia

How many Light Characters do you need?

With Materia you can add as many as you’d like, and still be able to play them all on the field. No, we’re not reinventing the wheel, as this has been done since Opus I.

Materia enters the field and you gain a Crystal.

And with that Crystal, you can grab a Forward from the top 4 cards of your deck. If there’s no Forwards, you are out of luck.
With Materia’s second ability, you can exchange CP for Crystals.

So, if you’re running low, you know where to find them.

Materia is like your local drug dealer, she’ll give you the first Crystal for free, and then charge you, cause she knows you’ll need them.

20-129H – Spiritus

Almost the same as Materia.

Spiritus is working with Crystals, but he does things a little different.

Spiritus will give you a Crystal each turn, as long as you spend at least 2 Crystals each turn. You can always use 1 Crystal to give a Forward +5K Power.

And, with Spiritus on the field, you can play as many Dark Characters onto the field as you’d like.

I really should play Dissidia to figure out what’s going on. I just got easily bored with it.

20-130L – Zenos

I’m having a hard time trying to figure this out.

Let’s start from the top.

Zenos can be played from the Break Zone, but when he comes in from the Break Zone, Zenos will be removed from the game at the end of the turn.

When Zenos comes in you choose 1 Forward of 3 or less and Break it.

When it is put into the Break Zone. This is the part I don’t get. Are we talking about Zenos, or the card that we choose to Break?

I believe it is the Forward you choose to Break, but why would they even mention the card being sent to the Break Zone. (Mind you, this was written in April, when it was first announced.) It might have changed now.

Anyways, whichever card it is, it hits the Break Zone, and then your opponent either discards a card, or Zenos gains Haste.
At least the card looks good, we’ll figure out the rest later.

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From Nightmares – The Shadow Figures?

19-103H – Tidus EX

Tidus looks mad, that Yuna didn’t get the same art treatment by Amano this set.

As a card he seems pretty decent. For 4CP you can send a Forward back to your opponent’s deck. At the very bottom of the deck that is. Which is a decent way to get some reprieve from that Forward.

And as long as you have 20 cards in your Break Zone, you can play Tidus onto the field straight from the Break Zone.

You’ll be able to play Tidus,return a Forward, attack or block, and then replay Tidus from the Break Zone to send another Forward back to the bottom of the deck.

It sounds good in my head, let’s see if it plays out.

19-104H – Madeen

Very cheap Summon to play. And it’s a good one. At least I like it. You might not, but this is my opinion.

For 1 whole Crystal Point, you can remove a Forward from the game.

Although you’ll need a Light Forward on the field to cast it, it still is a good card to have in your deck if you do have a Light Forward. If you don’t, then there is no reason to play this card.


19-105H – Ark

Free Summon?

You guessed it.

But, you do need to have a 9CP Dark Forward on the field for Ark to be cast for Free. And there are 3 Dark Forwards you can choose from. Nidhogg and Sin x2.

Once you play Ark, you can Break one of your opponent’s Forwards, and that’s not all, they’ll also discard 2 cards from their hand.

That’s what I call a double attack. They won’t know where to run to.

19-106H – Sin

Plenty, and I mean Plenty of Free cards this set.

Of course they all need some requirements to be played for free, but they’re still free.

Sin is free when you have received 6 points of damage. At that point he comes in and since you have 6 points of damage, your opponent will select 3 Forwards or Backups or a combination of the 2 to be sent to the Break Zone.

If Sin is broken, he is removed from the game.

This is your final desperation play. You can probably keep 3 on hand for the end of the game. And if that doesn’t work, well you’re out of luck. You can probably pair Sin with Opus I Tidus for some “Back Against the Wall Shenanigans.”

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Resurgence of Power – Light & Dark

18-103H – Elena (FFBE)

This one is interesting.

Can’t remember if Brave works on Dull for abilities.

After a quick search it doesn’t.

Elena isn’t that strong off the bat, and you’re probably not going to be using her to attack. More than likely, you’ll be using her to either draw a card and choosing a card from your opponents hand to discard.

Upon closer look, you can have her attack. Since, she doesn’t dull when attacking, if your opponent blocks the attack, you can dull Elena and have her gain +3000 power. Thus making her an 8000 power Forward.

18-104H – Squall

Cost efficient, if you’re running an FFVIII themed deck. Just throw him in a deck with Seifer, Raijin, and Fujin from this set, and you’re good to go.

When he enters or attack, you get to Dull and Freeze a Forward, and all your Forwards get +1K power boost.

Is this Squall better than the Opus XVI Squall, probably not. But, it does have some uses.

18-105H – Ultimecia

Ultimecia increases the cost of casting any card other than a Backup by 1CP. And at 5 points of Damage she increases your opponents cost by another 1CP. I can see some use for this towards the end of the game, as your opponent might try and take her out just to save some CP.

Other than that, Hell’s Judgement. You cast it, most Forwards will go to the Break Zone, and if you have an Opus XVI Squall on the field. He can attack, and finish off the rest of the Forwards with his ability.

18-106H – Sol (FFBE)

This is a wonderful card. I like it. I’ll take 3 please.

As this activates at the beginning of each players Attack Phase, I don’t see any reason of not using this card. Even if it is just giving you a small advantage.

It’s your turn you choose the first option giving all your Forward +1000 power and Brave.

On your opponents turn, you use the second ability, causing your opponents Forwards to lose 2000 power.

And if you have 5 points of damage, you choose all 3. You get the previous 2 abilities and your opponent can not cast Summons.

What’s not to like?

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Opinion on Starters : Rebellion’s Call

17-131S – Kain

Haste? Check
Way to reduce the CP cost? Check
Buffs self when attacking? Check

All in all Kain here is a decent card. You might end up only paying 1CP for Kain, and if you do he’s an attacking Forward with 9K power.



17-132S -Zemus

Kind of plays like Don Corneo from a couple Opus back.

But, as before to remove 7 or 1 cards from your deck is quite the number.

Unless you’re sure you’re going to win this game, it’s best to avoid using these abilities. But, you’re playing Fire. Go on Aggro yourself ahead and hope for the best.


17-133S – Scarmiglione


If you’re playing against a Mono-build this card is a perfect choice. If not, it’s still a good choice.

Scarmiglione comes in and you pick an element. Scarmiglione becomes twice as strong against that element.

And, Blood Tap? Yes that damage will increase as well. It’s a Special ability and since you don’t need to dull Scarmiglione, you can keep using it till you run out of Scarmigliones. With this one there are a total of 4 different Scarmiglione. Multiply that by 3, and you can see how many times you’ll be able to use Blood Tap.

17-134S – Baigan EX

Not much here, but Baigan does allow you to search for Golbez.

After that you can put Baigan into the Break Zone to break a Forward.

4CP/8K power. Average card.



17-135S – Edge

Same thing with Scarmiglione. Edge has an ability that triggers when he enters the field. Depending on how many FFIV Characters you have on the field, Edge can break a Forward. You can quite easily pick apart your opponent using Mirage over and over.

Plenty of Edges to keep on hand for this ability.



17-136S – Kain

Kain allows you to grab a FFIV Water Character from the Break Zone.Plenty of Characters that you can choose from.
Other than that he can come in with Haste depending on the field situation.




17-137S – Rydia

Search for a couple of Summons, one gets tossed to the Break Zone by your opponent.

After that each time you cast a Summon, you might be able to break one of your opponents Forwards. Especially if they are high cost Summons.




17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.



17-139S – Cecil

There are better Cecils, but every time I say that, someone comes up with a way that makes this one even better than the other ones.

So, I’ll just say that Cecil here can have up to 10K Power with Brave.

That and if you dull your FFIV Characters, you can dull Forwards and deal damage and stuff.


17-140S – Golbez

Same thing with Cecil, but Golbez can act like a Summon as well.

Which unless you’re searching for another Golbez I don’t see the point in not paying the 2CP and keeping Golbez on the field.

But, you might say 6CP is a lot to pay for this card. But so is the 7CP Odin and all he does is break a card.

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Emissaries of Light – Light & Dark Thoughts

16-127L – Warrior of Light

Throw Warrior of Light into a Chocobo deck, and have Warrior of Light attack with almost unlimited power. 15000 power does not sound unreasonable here.

Once you have all your Chocobos on the field, You’ll attack with Warrior of Light, and during your opponents turn you will remove Warrior of Light from the game, granting protection to all your Forwards. None can be broken. …. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll have to look into this, and I’ll update this if it’s wrong.

But, if I’m right, after your opponent is done swinging, you’ll have a full board of feathered Chocobos to take down your opponent.

16-128H – Bartz

This is one card that needs the Full Art treatment,

At 1CP/5K, Bartz doesn’t seem that strong, but his abilities are pretty decent.

You can Break a Forward for 4CP. That in itself is worth trying this card out.

And, once Bartz is in the Break Zone, you can pay 2CP and hopefully grab a card from your deck. We say hopefully, because you reveal the top 5 cards and see if you find a Job Warrior of Light.

16-129L – Chaos

Is this the answer to Soiree?

It, can be. If you know your opponent(S) will most likely be playing Soiree, the cost for Chaos is reduced immensely. You might even be able to play Chaos for free if they have all 6 elements on the board.

As soon as Chaos enters the field you can grab one of your opponents Forwards. They get to choose.

During your next turn, you can chuck that Forward and Break another Forward.

Maybe it’s not the whole answer, but you’ll be able to get rid of a couple of Forwards.

16-130H – Twintania

A Monster/Forward Beast, that can constantly target a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 7K damage.

Gigaflare Counters will be a hot commodity when your playing Twintania, as each Gigaflare counter equals 7000 damage. GigaFlare and attack.

I’ll take 3.