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We’re starting off with a Bang! Spoiler Season is here like we’ve mentioned earlier this week and we just keep on going. Final Fantasy XI, we got Robel-Akbel. And with that …

On to the card

4CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Black Mage/Warlock Warlord
8000 Power

“When Robel- Akbel enters the field, you may pay (C).

When you do so, choose 1 Forward or Monster, Break it.

At the beginning of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, choose 1 backup in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand”
We’ll just jump straight into that second ability. At the beginning of Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone. At the beginning of your opponents Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone.”

As Long as Robel-Akbel is on the field. You will be getting an extra 2CP you can use during each of your turns. That way you can have your reserve list of Backups in your Break Zone and grab them whenever you’ll need them.

You’ll probably be looking for a 2 cost Backup that has either an entry ability or an ability that hits when it is put into the Break Zone. That way you can keep recycling it over and over.

A card like Kazusa (3-026C). Your opponent will be discarding cards left and right while you’re just recycling Kazusa and another Backup.

As for the Crystal ability, upon entry, Robel-Akbel can Break 1 Forward or Monster. There are plenty of ways to gain Crystals, we’ve seen a couple already. And now we also have a Crystal Card available.

What other Backup would you pair Robel-Akbel with? Let us know in the comments.

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Spoiler Season Has Arrived

Spoiler Season is here. We got ourselves the first reveals of Crystal Dominion. One of each element. These cards were revealed in the Japanese Magazine Card Gamer. Square Enix was kind enough to post pictures of the cards in English. Remember when they said that they would introduce Crystals? Well these cards have abilities that use Crystals to pay for the cost.

Samurai, a 2CP Backup that gives you a Crystal when she enters the field. You’ll be able to discard this card with her ability so you can play another one after, or another card that will work with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Snow. Now with Snow you can pay a Crystal and choose between Freezing all the Forward or Backups.

Kytes doesn’t use Crystals but can save a Sky Pirate from being broken. I like the artwork even though it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint. It’s also one of the first Full Arts we see from Crystal Dominion.

Hecantoncheir. Here’s another Full Art. Hecantoncheir is a Summon that can wipe out the board. Cheaper than Shantotto.

Lady Lilith. Our first Legend with the ability to Gain Crystals by removal, and then you can either use those Crystals for Haste or Removal.

Penelo will be joining your Sky Pirate Deck. It’ll be like your playing Revenant Wings with Kytes, and I’m sure Vaan will make his appearance somewhere.

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Back to Opus V for this Rare card, not that rare, just a rare rarity.

On to the card

Job : Samurai
Category : XI
7000 Power


If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Ayame gains +3000 power.”

Simple card.

Gets more powerful toward the end of the game, where Ayame gains 3K power just because you received 5 points of damage.

Tenzen is a no brainer. You will play Tenzen whenever you play with Samurais. You’ll most likely be grabbing an extra card at the end of each of your turns. But, that is a given. What else can we do with Ayame?

Look no further than Final Fantasy XI Volker (5-020R), Cornelia (6-007R) Iroha (8-004R) are all good ones if you ask me.

But, are you playing Mono-Fire? Are you playing Samurais? Or are you going to play a deck that focuses on the Damage you receive? Playing with your back against the wall, where the more Damage you received the more powerful your Forwards get. Cards like Morrow (11-013R) which will attack twice per turn at 3 Damage. Gabranth that gains +1K for each point of Damage you have.

And since we’re talking about Damage, Tifa (14-120H), cause everyone loves Tifa. And at Damage 6 you can play a category VII character on to the field. So, you might as well play Cloud (14-065L) and Barret (14-121L).

Fire/Earth is the way to go as you already have Gabranth, and FFVII in your hands. Don’t forget Lebreau (1-030R) for that +1K Power.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

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Up on Cloud 9

The card you’ve all been waiting for. Ex-SOLDIER, Mercenary for Hire, Cloud!!!

On to the card

Category : DFF – VII
8000 Power

“If your opponent controls any Forwards, Cloud gains +2000 Power.

When Cloud attacks, choose 1 Forward. It gains “If possible, this Forward must block.” until the end of the turn.
Discard 1 Category VII card: Until the end of the turn, Cloud gains +1000 power and “Cloud cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

There you have it, the card everyone is looking for in this set. Well, not this one, but the Full Art Foil. Just looking at the art work on this card, Cloud performing his Cross-Slash. It’s just a great looking card.

All you need is your opponent to control 1 Forward and Cloud immediately becomes a 10k body. Add Enna Kross (1-095R) for another 1k, and you have a powerful Forward that will start picking off your opponents Forwards one by one.

And since you’re playing Cloud, you know you need Tifa (14-120H), who searches for Cloud and gives him +1K every time Cloud attacks. Or any other Forward as well. Barret (14-121L) will let you grab Tifa from the Break Zone to search for Cloud when you play her.

If you want to play a FFVII themed deck, you’ll need to add the other members of AVALANCHE as well, Jessie (4-082C) to reduce the cost for Cloud and Barret, Wedge (4-076R) to search for either Tifa or Barret. And, Biggs? You can probably leave him out for now, unless we get a better Biggs in the AVALANCHE Vs. Shinra Deck that is coming out soon.

Marlene (8-085C) is also a good choice allowing you to grab Aerith, Cloud, Barret or Tifa from the Break Zone. Vincent (9-026H) to recycle Marlene after you grabbed a card from the Break Zone. You might as well play Yuffie (3-069C), simply for the fact that she is a free card is Vincent is on the field.

Plenty of other cards to play as well, I’m sure you have your own ideas as well. Let us know in the Comments.

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Lord of Crags

It’s all Primals, as far as the eye can see. Titan will shake things up as he enters the field.

On to the card

Job : Primal
Category : XIV
9000 Power

“When Titan, Lord of Crags enters the field, break all the Forwards with power lass than Titan, Lord of Crags. When 5 or more Forwards are put from the field into the Break Zone by this effect, Titan, Lord of Crags deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”

The way I see it, Titan works like your Opus I Shantotto, but with added benefits. He’s a Forward and he can still knock your opponent silly. Although he might not be able to completely wipe out the board, he is highly likely to deal your opponent a point of Damage for your troubles.

Now. What would you say if we used Heretical Knight Garland (9-061R)? Not a lot of synergy but, you will be playing Garland for 2 CP after you played Titan onto the field.

Earth and Water go pretty good together. Ovelia (13-090L)  might be a good card to play as you can use Aegis on Titan. And when Titan is about to be sent into the Break Zone for any reason, you can bring him back to the field.

Any other suggestions?