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My Very First Kit.

Well, I definitely had the itch.

I started heading to the card shop, to learn how to play, but it was mostly hit or miss. Plenty of times, there was no one there to play with. But, I still had to find myself some packs. I would keep buying a couple here and there, from the card shop.

I would start looking for local game stores around my area that would sell Final Fantasy TCG, but sadly there weren’t that many. Most of them didn’t even know FFTCG existed.

I stumbled upon The Gaming Goat, in Tinley Park. Great place.

Walked in and noticed the booster boxes behind the counter. I had found a new place to shop. And, sitting right next to the boxes was an Opus VI Prerelease Kit. Now, I got excited. This was the first time I ever laid eyes upon it. It was like a mini booster box, but better. I quickly picked it up and drove straight home.

Sat down and got ready to open up the kit. The tape was cut, but I didn’t mind I still would have the packs, the promo card and the sleeves. I pulled back the top cover and all the packs were open! What happened here? Why is there a Yu-Gi-Oh card in here? I called them up, and I guess they figured out what happened, but they exchanged it and made my day.

Now, looking back, I think the opened cards were better than what I pulled from the packs.

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Izana, in the Rough

Well, I won’t spoil anything for those of you that haven’t played Final Fantasy Type-0. All I’ll say is that Izana likes Chocobos. And for that simple reason he should be in every Chocobo deck. Just because he can search for a Chocobo, or job name Chocobo.

On to the card.

2CP : Wind
Job : Dominion Legionary
Category : Type-0
5000 Power

“When Izana enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Chocobo or Card Name Chocobo and add it to your hand.”

Now, a couple cards that will help you out will be Chocobo Knight (5-061C), and Chocobo (6-050C). Chocobo Knight is a better version of Izana, as you can dull him and play a Chocobo from your hand onto the field. And Chocobo will let you play another Chocobo unto the field as he enters.

The way I see it, if Chocobo Knight is already on the field, you play Izana search for Chocobo (6-050C), Dull Chocobo Knight, play Chocobo, which will give you another Chocobo. And if you have a way to keep activating Chocobo Knight well, you can play as many Chocobos as you can onto the field.

This is turning out to be an article about Chocobo Knight. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

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Celestial Moonlight??

Celestia, the card you didn’t know you needed, if you’re playing Sophie (13-119L). Why? Well we’re glad you asked, but first …

On to the card

4CP : Water/Ice
Job : Warrior
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“The Water Characters you control cannot be broken by opposing Summons or abilities that don’t deal damage.

When an Ice Character you control is chosen by your opponent’s Summons or abilities, choose up to 1 Character. Dull it and Freeze it.”

That first ability is all you need, as Sophie is Earth/Water she counts as Water. (Correct me if I am wrong.) With her not being able to be broken by abilities or Summons that don’t deal damage, she will most likely not be able to be broken if you have enough Earth and Water Forwards on the field. It is simple as that.

Now, how will you pay for Celestia without having to make a tremendous change to your deck? Very Simple. Tyro (11-072R). With Tyro, you can dull him for 1CP of any color. I’ll keep saying it, too. Great card, if you play Earth you can splash any other color you’d like as you’ll have a way to pay for it.

That was my take. And, then I took a look at Ashe’s Prison was the deck.

And, saw something I did not think of. I never said I knew everything. But, apparently you can pair Celestia with Minwu. Your Water Forwards will be unbeatable. And that deck looks like it would be fun to play.

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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The Honor Roll Society

It’s only fitting that our 9th card of the Week is Nine. And I get to talk about Cinque as well.

On to the Card.

6CP – Lightning/Fire
Job : Class Zero Cadet
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“You can dull 1 active Fire Job Class Zero Cadet Forward and 1 active Lightning Job Class Zero Cadet Forward (instead of paying the CP cost) to cast Nine.

When Nine enters the field or attacks, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Until the end of the turn, it loses 2000 power for each Job Class Zero Cadet you control.”

You will be playing Cadets.

Fire and Lightning.

Might as well play Wind, that way you’ll have access to all the Class Zero Cadets, but since there is no Class Moogle that helps us with the Crystal Points you will likely play a Light or Dark card. Opus I Chaos and Cosmos will work well depending on, if you’d like to play another Light or Dark card.

And if you play your cards right, no pun intended, you’ll be able to get rid of 2 Forwards when Nine enters the field. All you need is a Fire Cadet and a Lightning Cadet, that you will dull for Nine to enter and after that dull Zaidou (10-091C) to give Nine “Haste and First Strike”. You will likely reduce the opponents Forward’s Power more than enough to send it to the Break Zone.

Can’t have a Class Zero without Ace (9-003L), I never took him out of my party when I was playing, so he should be in this deck. Well, that’s my reasoning. That and that you can grab a couple of Cadets and add them to your hand. Plus the 8K body, and that EX Burst, you’ll be knocking out Forwards left and right.

If Deuce (9-052C) was a Backup she would be a Legend, but she is not but, we’ll still play this one.

Trey (3-064H) is probably a card we can do without.

Cater, might as well choose the Backup (3-009C). (13-107C) might work as well, depending on the situation. Maybe play one of each?

Cinque (13-007R), the card that we wanted to build a deck around a Nine was the Legend to do it. Basically you’ll always have more than 7 Class Zero Cadets for Cinque to gain Brave, and “When Cinque attacks, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Break it.” This card paired with Nine and Ace and your opponent will not know what hit them. Plus that extra 4K for Cinque makes her a beast.

Sice (3-109C) can work. As can Seven (3-057R), and Eight (13-036R). Eight is Free as it does not state on his card that the cost for Eight cannot be reduced to 0. Jack (3-111H) can be decent for 1CP.

Now which Queen shall we play? 3-151S or 3-104C? Queen (3-104C) has a better ring for this deck, as you’re already Breaking Forwards with Nine, Cinque and Ace. And Speedrush, will give you a free attack.

King (3-006R) is the last cadet, giving all you Class Zero Cadet Forwards +1K. King can also be played by just discarding a Class Zero Cadet from your hand. Doesn’t matter what element it is.

And then there is Machina (3-022H), not worth it. And Rem (3-072R) should work good, as should (9-059R).

Now, we need backups because all the Cadets we chose are mostly Forwards. Arecia Al-Rashia (3-097R), will allow you to search for a Type-0 Forward. Moogle (Class Zero) (3-150S) will give all your Cadets +1K. Khalia Chival (10-089C) will let you grab a Cadet from the Break Zone.

Now. I’m guessing these shall be your building blocks. I’ve seen a couple of decks with Golbez (13-115L). As you can search for any 2CP card in your deck.

That’s what we have for Nine. Any ideas? Let us know.

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Sophie’s Choice

Another great card here, as we move on with our Card of the Week. Sophie a Monk that packs a Punch. But, why is she carrying a weapon?

On the the card.

2CP – Earth/Water
Job : Monk
Category : Mobius
4000 Power

“For each Earth Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

For each Water Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

At the end of each of your turns, if Sophie has 10000 power or more, draw 1 card and Sophie deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”

At 2CP, this card is a no brainer. And with those abilities, she’s deadly. starting at 4K, but each Earth or Water forward gives her +2K. You can just throw her in a deck with Vikings and call it a day. Now if you control 3 other Forwards that are either Earth or Water, she’ll have 10K. And, at 10K she deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of the turn. Your turn, and your opponents. The game will pretty much take care of itself if you just pass and defend Sophie.

We already said Leila (6-126R) and Vikings, namely Viking (4-133C). You play Leila for 4CP grab a Viking out of your Break Zone and play it onto the field. That takes care of 2 Forwards. Sarah (MOBIUS) (13-118C) would also be a good choice as you can use her first ability when she enters and have Sophie get rid of a pesky Forward your opponent controls.

The quicker you can get Sophie on the field, the quicker you’ll be heading towards victory.