You already know we’re going to build a FFX Deck with Yuna & Tidus, and the rest of the gang. So, lets get to it.
Starting off with Wakka (16-138S), because that is the best one to try and build around. If it was any other FFX Character we might have gone with the Opus 18 Wakka. But, today it’s Emissaries of Light Wakka. We can probably just grab the Custom Starter Set and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?
Since we’re grabbing Lulu (16-135S) first, it looks like that is what we’re doing. But, I promise you we’re not. Lulu will grab a Yuna from the Break Zone, which brings us to our next card.
Yuna (20-117L), I went on a rant when this card was first shown, and nothing has changed. We’re going to use this Yuna. And, fill up on Summons. We’ll grab those Summons later.
Tidus (16-116L), you can’t go wrong with this Tidus, and if you have 3 of them they’ll usually just come right back in your
hand. You’ll always attack, and you know it’ll go through because Tidus can’t be blocked.
Kimahri (7-108H), Sure he might be a 6 cost Forward but you can get that cost down to 2, and possibly even one. Just depends on if you want to play Jecht or not. And, we do just to play a cheap Kimahri.
Jecht (20-011R) just so we can break Jecht in order to play Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L).
And, if we have Braska’s Final Aeon we need Braska (7-121C) as well. No point in having one and not the other.
We need to add our Backups now. Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C), to give us some Fire CP.
Maria (1-083H) to give all of our Forwards a +1000 buff.
Rikku(2-071R), we would have gone with the Emissaries of Light Starter, but we need Backups.
White Mage (8-117C) so we can Activate all of our Forwards if we need to.
Let’s add Yuna (12-105L), doesn’t matter which Yuna you grab, because she’s just fodder for Holy.
All we need next is to fill up on Summons, to give Holy a bite.
Valefor (1-198S), Leviathan (2-140C), Syldra (3-135H), Amaterasu (12-002H), and Sylph (9-047C). You can also choose whichever Summons you like as well, as they are just used to make Holy more Powerful.
3x – Wakka (16-138S)
3x – Tidus (16-116L)
3x – Lulu (16-135S)
3x – Jecht (20-011R)
3x – Yuna (20-117L)
3x – Kimahri (7-108H)
3x – Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L)
3x – Rikku (2-071R)
3x – White Mage (8-117C)
3x – Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C)
3x – Braska (7-121C)
3x – Maria (1-083H)
3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
2x – Sylph (9-047C)
3x – Valefor (1-198S)
3x – Amaterasu (12-002H)
3x – Syldra (3-135H)
What would you change?