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Beyond Destiny Midnight PreRelease

It’s just around the corner. The moment you’ve been waiting for.

Beyond Destiny Midnight Prerelease.


Kardboard Korner, that’s who. We’re holding our Prerelease event as usual.


Prerelease? Midnight Prerelease to be exact. We’ve been doing this for a couple of years now. You can come by and hopefully you’ll win an extra kit at the end of the night.


Same Kardboard Channel
9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453


Same Kardboard Time
Friday, November, 10th 2023

You can come in at 10PM and play some casual games while we wait for the clock to strike midnight.

At midnight we will start handing out the kits. We usually start around 12:30


Simple just show up, and we’ll have everything set up.

Price for kit and entry to the tournament will be $45

After that each additional kit will be $40

Everyone will walk away with something. Plus, we’ll have plenty of extra FFTCG product on hand.

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It’s Getting Busy Around Here

Which is a good thing, but that also means we have less time to tell you what’s going. As well as “Character of the Week”, and our Wave 1 guide which will take a while to complete.

But, we are here to sell cards, so it’s a good thing.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Collection Set 2023 came, and we still have a few left. If you’re interested pick one up. We’ll also throw in a coupon code for you FIVE. You can use it on anything. Not just the Dissidia collection.

We also grabbed some Flesh and Blood – Bright Lights, but those flew straight out of our hands before we even listed them. We do have singles for Bright Lights available on our TCGplayer store. Why use a TCGplayer store? Well it helps us list singles faster, and we know that some people don’t like shopping at a lesser known store, so we use Tcgplayer as the middle man. Plus, it doesn’t slow down the website.

Going forward we shall turn our Character of the week into Character of the Month. Which will give us time to take care of business with Beyond Destiny just around the corner.

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Senior Chief Engineer

Cid Pollendina (2-057C)

“(D): Your opponent shows his/her hand.”

Need to take a look at what your opponent has in store?

Cid here will let you take a look, Best part is you can use it once per turn.

You’ll never be in the dark again.



Cid Pollendina (5-056H)

“When Cid Pollendina enters the field, your opponent reveals his/her hand.

If Cid Pollendina deals damage to a Forward of cost 5 or more, increase the damage by 4000 instead.

If Cid Pollendina is dealt damage by a Forward of cost 5 or more, reduce the damage by 4000 instead.”

Almost like the Opus II Cid, but this Cid let’s you take a look at your opponent’s hand when he enters the field.

Other than that, Cid is great against high cost Forwards. His attacks do more damage and the damage he takes is less.
Add that to the 8000 power he already has. I’d say it’s not a bad card.

Not great either.

Cid Pollendina (13-039C)

“EX BURST When Cid Pollendina enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Engineer Forward and add it to your hand.”

Let’s take a look at what we wrote when Opus XIII came out.

“I didn’t realize how many Cid’s there are. Or Engineers. At first glance, I thought this card would be so-so. There are 17 Engineers including Cid Haze. And, 11 Cids. 12 if you count Cindy.

You can probably put together an Engineer deck. And have Cid Haze attack to Activate all of your cards. It might work. Or a Cid Deck. Who wants to build a Cid deck.”

Well, yes. We’ll keep it like that.

We’ll finally try our hand at an Engineer deck.


Cid Pollendina (17-049C)

“When Cid Pollendina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category IV Forward and add it to your hand.”

This is probably the most Common Cid you’ll see on the field. (See what I did there?)

Mr. Pollendina comes in and searches for a FFIV Forward. And, we all like searching for cards, cause you get to grab what you need.

Grab that Wind Legend Cecil, and call it a day.

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Cid Pollendina

“Ahh, go shave your ears! Doggone…”

“An engineer in Baron who knows more about building airships than anyone. Cid is the chief mechanic for the airships used by the Baron Red Wings, and is idolized by his apprentices. He treats Cecil like his own flesh and blood, having taken an interest in the boy since Cecil’s childhood. After Cecil becomes a Paladin and returns to Baron Castle, he reunites with Cid. The two of them leave together on the airship Enterprise. Although Cid largely stays away from the front lines, he aids the party by making improvements to the airship.”

– Taken from the Ultimania

The Father of a Daughter that has no name, or at least we never find out what her name is.

Cid Pollendina, a master Engineer, that builds ships. Airships to be exact. Hails from the Kingdom of Baron, and knows Cecil, Rosa and Kain, well before the story begins.

Cid is one of the first to speak to Cecil after he is demoted from Captain of the Red Wings. Cid runs off shortly after as his daughter gets worried about Cid and scolds him when he gets home from work late. She worries that Cid will overwork himself.

Cid builds The Enterprise,and hides it from the King of Baron, which causes the King to imprison Cid. He is then rescued by Cecil, Tellah, Fang and the twins Palom & Porom.

Cid then goes on and lets Cecil and Co. use The Enterprise. And off the go to save the world.

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Guardians of the Summoner

You already know we’re going to build a FFX Deck with Yuna & Tidus, and the rest of the gang. So, lets get to it.

Starting off with Wakka (16-138S), because that is the best one to try and build around. If it was any other FFX Character we might have gone with the Opus 18 Wakka. But, today it’s Emissaries of Light Wakka. We can probably just grab the Custom Starter Set and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?

Since we’re grabbing Lulu (16-135S) first, it looks like that is what we’re doing. But, I promise you we’re not. Lulu will grab a Yuna from the Break Zone, which brings us to our next card.

Yuna (20-117L), I went on a rant when this card was first shown, and nothing has changed. We’re going to use this Yuna. And, fill up on Summons. We’ll grab those Summons later.

Tidus (16-116L), you can’t go wrong with this Tidus, and if you have 3 of them they’ll usually just come right back in your hand. You’ll always attack, and you know it’ll go through because Tidus can’t be blocked.

Kimahri (7-108H), Sure he might be a 6 cost Forward but you can get that cost down to 2, and possibly even one. Just depends on if you want to play Jecht or not. And, we do just to play a cheap Kimahri.

Jecht (20-011R) just so we can break Jecht in order to play Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L).

And, if we have Braska’s Final Aeon we need Braska (7-121C) as well. No point in having one and not the other.

We need to add our Backups now. Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C), to give us some Fire CP.

Maria (1-083H) to give all of our Forwards a +1000 buff.

Rikku(2-071R), we would have gone with the Emissaries of Light Starter, but we need Backups.

White Mage (8-117C) so we can Activate all of our Forwards if we need to.

Let’s add Yuna (12-105L), doesn’t matter which Yuna you grab, because she’s just fodder for Holy.

All we need next is to fill up on Summons, to give Holy a bite.

Valefor (1-198S), Leviathan (2-140C), Syldra (3-135H), Amaterasu (12-002H), and Sylph (9-047C). You can also choose whichever Summons you like as well, as they are just used to make Holy more Powerful.


3x – Wakka (16-138S)
3x – Tidus (16-116L)
3x – Lulu (16-135S)
3x – Jecht (20-011R)
3x – Yuna (20-117L)
3x – Kimahri (7-108H)
3x – Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L)


3x – Rikku (2-071R)
3x – White Mage (8-117C)
3x – Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C)
3x – Braska (7-121C)
3x – Maria (1-083H)


3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
2x – Sylph (9-047C)
3x – Valefor (1-198S)
3x – Amaterasu (12-002H)
3x – Syldra (3-135H)

What would you change?