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Zack Fair

“Hey, would you say I became a hero?”

Shinra SOLDIER: Second Class. He left his hometown and came to Midgar with dreams of becoming a hero.

He tackles his assignments head-on as he aspires to one day be promoted to SOLDIER: First Class.

-taken from the website

We all know how this ends. If you don’t move along, nothing to see here.


It’s raining, Cloud is useless due to the Mako poisoning, and Shinra is looking for the 2 escaped test subjects.

That is pretty much the ending to Crisis Core. Zack Vs the Shinra Army. I remember that battle. It felt like it would never end. The Soldiers just kept coming and coming, until they finally took Zack down.

Before all of that happened, Zack was a teenager, that ran away from home to join the Shinra army and became a SOLDIER. Angeal took Zack under his wings, and hands down the Buster Sword to Zack, who then passes it on to Cloud at the end of his story.

Zack met Aerith after falling down through the roof of the Sector 5 church. They began dating, but that all ended when Zack was sent on a mission to Nibelheim, alongside Sephiroth and Cloud. After the events that transpired there Hojo took Zack and Cloud for his new experiment the “Jenova Reunion Theory”. Zack escapes, helping Cloud escape as well.

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Lion’s Roar

Where do we start?

That’s simple. You start with Cor (9-066C) because that is the card we chose to represent Cor in this Character of the week. We believe it is the better version, and that is that.

Now that Cor is set, we need to add the late king, Regis (15-103C), which not only gives Cor his permanent buff, simply because it’s Regis, but Regis also lowers the cost of casting the Kingslaive by 1CP.

Battling alongside King Regis, and Cor is Cid Sophiar (18-077R) and Clarus (11-068R). Cid Sophiar can grab a Character from the Break Zone, and Clarus let’s you search for a King. Which doesn’t have to be Regis.

What’s a Captain to do without the Kingsglaive? Well, we’ll need to grab them all and add them here. Pelna (15-098C) you can cast him for 1CP because you’ll most likely have more than one FFXV Character on the field already. And he’ll buff all of your XV Forwards by 2000 power.

Tredd (15-093R), for 1CP you can give a XV Forward +1K and Brave for the rest of the turn. If you put him in the Break Zone, it’s +3K and First Strike.

Libertus (11-102C), to let you grab a XV Character from the Break Zone, and possibly activate 2 Backups if you choose …
Nyx (11-097H), cause he’s about to strike down your opponent with Haste when you put a Kingslaive into the Break Zone, which could be …

Crowe (11-092C), who will help you grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

I’m lost.

With So, many Lightning Forwards we need to add Glauca (11-091R) to save us a Crystal Point every time we play a Lightning Forward.

Now that King Regis has passed away, Cor now watches over Noctis (12-121R) who comes in and grabs a FFXV Forward from the Break Zone. And every time he forms a party all the Forwards gain a 2K buff and Haste.

Cor will now need the help of the Retainers.

Ignis (20-066R), because everyone needs a meal, even when you’re on the road. Plus, you can put a Backup you control into the Break Zone, to break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

Gladiolus (18-135S), cause we need a powerhouse on the team, that can deal enough damage to Break even the most powerful Forwards.

And Prompto (8-082R), cause that’s the only Earth Prompto.

We’ll add Class Tenth Moogle (9-074C) to help us pay for Lightning CP.

We’re going to grab our Free Summons Fenrir (19-064R) and Ramuh (19-083R)

Then we’ll also grab Mist Dragon (9-068H) and another Fenrir (12-068H).

And that should complete our Cor Deck.


3x – Tredd (15-093R)
3x – Cor (9-066C)
3x – Glauca (11-091R)
3x – Noctis (12-121R)
3x – Nyx (11-097H)
3x – Regis (15-103R)
3x – Libertus (11-102C)
3x – Ignis (20-066R)


3x – Class Tenth Moogle (9-047C)
3x – Pelna (15-098C)
3x – Cid Sophiar (18-077R)
3x – Crowe (11-092C)
3x – Clarus (11-068R)
3x – Prompto (8-082R)


2x – Mist Dragon (9-068H)
2x – Fenrir (19-064R)
2x – Ramuh (19-083R)
2x – Fenrir (12-068H)

What would you do different?

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Wave 1 : Gadot 1-007R

Next up on the Wave 1 list is Gadot. Gadot is an easy one as well, following in the footsteps of Garland, and Auron. It’s the background image once again. But, before we get to that, let me give you a couple of links to guides that will help you on your journey, of Opus I Wave 1 cards.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

As you can see in the background image of Gadot the Wave 1 image is a bit more transparent than the Wave 2 version. As always Wave 1 is on the left, Wave 2 is on the right.

As you can see Wave 1 Gadot has a reddish tint from the red on the card, while the Wave 2 has a slight grey tint.

There is also a small difference in the Crystals. Even side by side it is hard to tell the difference, but it’s there. We’re not even talking about the placement but the shade of the red used. The Wave 2 Gadot has a darker Crystal.

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Cor, the Immortal

Cor, the Immortal, or so they call him. We do have two to choose from, so let’s get started.


“If you control Card Name Regis, Cor gains +2000 power.

When Cor or a Category XV Forward enters your field, until the end of the turn, Cor gains +1000 power and Brave.”
A 2 cost Forward, that can gain power, just by playing cards to the field. FFXV cards that is. And, if Regis is on the field, Cor gains a permanent boost.

With the Noctis deck needing just a few changes Cor is easily playable. And, I believe Cor is already in that Starter Set.


“If you control a Job King, Cor gains +2000 power and “When Cor is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove the top 10 cards of your deck from the game. When you do so, play Cor from the Break Zone onto the field dull.”

Let’s see what we wrote a couple months ago.

“Cor was a Captain? How come I don’t remember that?

4 cost Lightning Forward with 8000 power.

Nothing to write home about so far.

But, if a King is on the field, Cor gains +2000 power. making him a 10K body.

When Cor is finally sent to the Break Zone, you can remove the top 10 cards of your deck and play Cor back onto the field dull.

Is it worth it? Probably not. Maybe if Cor was a better card, we’d think about it.”

I’ll stick to that. But, it makes sense calling him Cor, the Immortal as you can just bring Cor back from the Break Zone.

If you ask me the Opus IX Cor is much better, even though it’s just a Common.

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Cor Leonis

“How long will you remain the protected? The king entrusted the role of protector to you.”

“Head of the Crownsguard and widely regarded as one of the three most powerful warriors in the Kingdom of Lucis. His unfailing ability to return from the brink of death has earned him the nickname “Cor the Immortal”—an appellation he particularly dislikes. On the eve of the signing ceremony, Regis tasked Cor with evacuating the citizens ahead of the imperial assault, knowing he could trust the marshal implicitly. After fleeing the ruins of Insomnia, he seeks out Noctis to share with him his late father’s dying wishes.

Cor holds the distinct honor of having served three separate Lucian monarchs: Mors, Regis, and Noctis. While his loyalty to his lieges has never wavered, his attitude toward authority has evolved over the years. In the arrogance of his youth, he publicly criticized Regis’s retreat from Accordo in the Great War, calling the then-crown prince and his men “a bunch of cowards.” While Cor’s Crownsguard colleagues were incensed by this show of impertinence, Regis was impressed with the young firebrand’s willingness to speak truth to power and immediately hired him as a personal bodyguard. The marshal was so touched by this show of grace that he swore to devote his life to serving Regis and his son Noctis.”

-Dossier Entry

Cor, the Immortal.

Commander of the Crownsguard.

Leader of the Kingslaive.

The personal bodyguard of the late King Mors, who went on to be the personal bodyguard of the late King Regis as well. He isn’t Noctis’s bodyguard, but he still serves him. Cor has served the Royal family for 3 generations. Which makes his story a pretty big one, but since I haven’t finished FFXV, I really can’t get into that.

All I can tell you is that Cor helps Noctis escape from Insomnia, and that even though he butts heads with Ignis, he still watches over Noctis and his party. Cor is the one to tell Noctis that he must collect the weapons of the late Kings.