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Crystal Dominion Prerelease Kit Preview.

We finally got a look at the Pre-release Kit, and the Theatrhythm Promo card, featuring none other than Butz .. I mean Bartz. Sleeves featuring Firion and 9 packs of Crystal Dominion goodness. And it shall be here next month. 6 weeks away if nothing goes wrong. Let’s see if Joe actually does something. Along with UPS, Fedex and Walmart. But, that’s  another story.

Now, we do have a card here, Let’s take a look.

Bartz EX
Category – Theatrhythm-V
Job – Wanderer/ Warrior of Light
8000 Power

“EX BURST When a Job Warrior of Light other than Bartz enters your field, gain (C).

If you have a (C), Bartz gains +2000 power.

When a Job Warrior of Light you control is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may pay (C)(C)(C). When you do so, play it onto the field. This effect will trigger only once per turn.”

Do you know what that means. You need a card Job : Warrior of Light that will also serve as your main card. Wait, What? Let me rephrase this.

Faris (12-128L) that is the card you will be playing. Or atleast I would. Think about it. Faris attacks for 8k not counting buffs. Even if she doesn’t break the blocking Forward. She will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll bring her back for 3(C). And when she re-enters the field, you will gain (C). Which, even if you used your last Crystals, Bartz will still have his +2K power and Faris will deal 2k damage to a Forward for each Job Warrior of Light you control.

And come to realize it. Faris and Bartz are both Category : V as well.

Let’s see Warrior of Light Theme Deck become a thing. Now if we can only get Jack aboard. Maybe by Resurgence of Power.

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When You Wish Upon Akstar

Here we are, our new weekly post that will focus on a particular card. And, we’ll start off with the Fire Legend himself. Akstar (13-002L). Technically he’s not “The” Fire Legend, but he is a Fire Legend.

Let’s take a look.

4CP – Fire
Job : Mercenary
8000 Power

4CP/8K not bad, just your average 4 cost Forward.

When Akstar enters the field, choose 1 card with EX Burst in your Damage Zone. You may trigger its EX Burst effect. (This effect is put on the stack.)

Damage 3 ― When Akstar enters the field, you may search for 1 Category FFBE Character other than Card Name Akstar and add it to your hand.

Judging by the text, we need EX Bursts, and Brave Exvius Characters.

For the FFBE we have Rain (13-017H). Physalis (13-028L), Lasswell (13-105R), and Charlotte (13-023R). All of them Forwards, none with an EX Burst. All these characters will be searchable by Akstar once you have received 3 points of Damage.

Rain’s cost is reduced by one CP for each Fire Backup you have on the field. So, it’s only common sense to play only Fire Backups. Larkeicus (13-014R), if only to remove that pesky Forward that’s troubling you. Vivi, a cheap backup with an EX Burst that deals 5K Damage to one of your opponents Forwards. Lebreau (1-030R), because every Mono-Fire deck needs her. Even though we’re splashing a little bit of Ice. Mootie (11-012C), because we have Bahamut (13-012R) and it will help pay for the cost of Bahamut. Class Second Moogle (10-016C), to help us pay for our Ice Forwards, as Class Second Moogle can produce Ice CP. And Lilty (11-020C), to search for an Ice card in our deck.

Now once Rain enters the field or attacks, he’ll be dealing up to 5K Damage to one of your opponents Forwards. You’ll either Break a Forward, or Damage them enough that they won’t block. And if they do they’ll probably just get sent to the Break Zone anyway.

Lasswell, Rain’s buddy, compliments Rain. Because every time Rain attacks Lasswell deals 3K damage to a forward. Not just Rain though, anytime any Fire or Ice Forward attacks. That means if you have 5 Forwards attacking, all of them will allow Lasswell to deal Damage 5 times.

Physalis. Depending on your opponents hand, determines just how good Physalis will be. She might be able to close out some matches for you, as she’ll be able to Dull and Freeze a Forward every time she attacks. You won’t be able to use her ability unless you Discard an Ice card to pay for the 2 Ice CP you need. This might be something we’ll need to fix in this deck.

Charlotte, the meat shield. She’ll be taking most of the Damage from Summons and Abilities, that way Rain, Physalis and Lasswell, will mostly remain protected long enough for them to deal crucial Damage.

The rest of the Forwards we have are : Gadot (1-007R) just to play an extra 2CP Fire Forward from you hand at no extra cost. Morrow (11-013R) and Firion (7-132S) are both the cards you will play. Morrow well because he gets stronger the more Damage you take, and can attack twice at 6 points of Damage. And, Firion because of the EX Burst. You’ll mostly just throw him in to get his ability damage and then just use him as a blocker.

Titania (13-132S), although you’ll have to have a Forward, Backup, Summon and a Monster in your Break Zone to be able to play Titania, Titania will come in Dell and Freeze to Characters and allow your other Forwards to go for the kill.

Fang ( 1-020R), she’s in her to help reduce the cost of Bahamut. that way we’ll be able to play Bahamut for a total cost of 0CP. Now, you’ll say that it can’t become 0. No worries. Mootie will pay 1CP to help cast Bahamut and will activate once Bahamut is cast. And that will give your opponents Forward 8K Damage, which might break it. If not Fang is still on the field to attack for 7K.

Lani (12-018H), I just like this card, and being able to possibly take your opponents top card and cast it as your own is always a plus.

Amaterasu (12-002H), no need to explain this one.

Lava Spider (8-022R), and Grenade (5-008R) are both cards need to be able to play Titania, but they both help as Lava Spider gives your Attacking Forwards +3K, and Grenade will be able to Break a Forward when they enter the field as long as their Power is less than 8K.

Here’s the run down.


Gadot (1-007R) x3
Firion (7-132S) x2
Morrow (11-013R) x3
Charlotte (13-023R) x3
Titania (13-132S) x1
Fang (1-020R) x3
Lani (12-018H) x2
Akstar (13-002L) x3
Physalis (13-028L) x3
Lasswell (13-105R) x3
Rain (13-017H) x3


Larkeicus (13-014R) x2
Vivi (3-018C) x1
Class Second Moogle (10-016C) x3
Lebreau (1-030R) x3
Mootie (11-012C) x2
Lilty (11-020C) x3


Amaterasu (12-002H) x3
Bahamut (13-012R) x2


Lava Spider (8-022R) x1
Grenade (5-008R) x1

You’ll pretty much want to get yourself to 3 points of Damage, and then start your Brave Exvius onslaught. Rain and Physalis will be your main attackers, and you’ll want to keep them on the field for as long as you can.

Any improvements to this Deck? Let us know in the comments.