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Dawn of Heroes : Fiery Thoughts

20-001R – Ardyn

The Chief Minister starts off Dawn of Heroes, and it’s exactly what someone in charge will do.

What do I mean by that?

When Ardyn enters the field, you select 2 Backups that are now useless, as there entering abilities have already been used, and you can put them in the Break Zone, to play 2 new Characters onto the field. And depending what you get, well, it’ll be better than what you already have on the field.

Ardyn is one of those cards that can change the game in your favor.

“… you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

20-002H – Auron

Am I reading this right?

Can you use Auron’s ability to deflect the point of damage you’ll receive and just have Auron be dealt 8000 damage.

If so, then I might be wrong, because why would you use Auron’s ability to block a point of Damage, when you can just block the attack itself.

I think I figured it out now, it’s when one of your Forwards are dealt damage, Auron can come in like a guardian a take the hit himself, thus allowing the other Forward to survive the attack.

Either way, Auron will be blocking.

20-003H – Ifrit

A one cost Summon?

Yes, I’ll take it. Why, thank you.

You’re playing Mono-Fire? You’re playing Ifrit.

When you cast Ifrit, you can deal 5000 damage to one Forward. And, if you have more than 5 Fire Characters on the field, it becomes 5000 damage to 2 Forwards.

Or you can pick the same Forward twice and deal it 10,000 damage.

I’d say it’s worth having a few of these.

20-004C – Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light comes in, and you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 3 at the bottom of your deck and remover the other one from the game. At first you would think that this is part of an extra cost to play this 2 cost Forward, but nope.

The removed card can be cast this turn. So, it’s like drawing an extra card, but you can only use it this turn.

This would have been a great card, if it read, you can pay the cost with any element.


20-005C – Garland EX

6 cost Garland here, to provide you with a decent EX Burst. Comes in with Brave and that’s about it.

High cost because Garland is just a common.

I’d probably just keep this card in a deck, just so there is a chance for Garland to pop up, when you get hit for damage.

Other than that ….


20-006C – Blacksmith

Blacksmith is the Backup you didn’t know you needed.

The more Forwards you have on the field, the better Blacksmith becomes. For once Blacksmith enters the field, all of your Forwards will deal 7000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, when they attack this turn.

Imagine, you have 5 Forwards on the field, your opponent has as many as they have, and you just start taking them down one by one.

As long as they don’t have an answer, you’ll be good.

20-007L – The Demon

The Warring Triad is finally here. Now to get Kefka to unleash their power.

The Demon comes in and starts having fun from the get go. And, the fun doesn’t stop there You can also choose one of his abilities every time The Demon attacks.

Just look at these abilities, all set to cause destruction to your opponents plans.

You can either deal damage to 1 Forward, up to as many cards that are in their Break Zone. Plus all those Break Zone cards are removed from the game as well.

Or you can choose an Element and deal 7000 damage to all those Forwards.

Or, you can choose a Job and deal 8000 damage to all of those Forwards.

Mono-Decks and Job Decks watch out. The Demon is coming …. The Demon is HERE!!!!

20-008H – Kefka

I knew there would be a Kefka once I saw the Warring Triad.

Amano art? Check
Warring Triad? Check

Dancing Mad? You will be once you get this card to go off at the end of any turn.

Let’s just say, Kefka will use the Warring Triad to strike down your opponent, just like he struck down Mobliz.

9000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, for each Magic Counter you remove.

20-009L – Zack

I remember reading somewhere. “Finally a Zack that can be played.” Or something along those lines. If you’re reading this and you are the one that said that, please let me know, so, I can add your name to the quote.

This one will fit right at home with AVALANCHE. You play Zack for 5CP, and every time he attacks you can deal a Forward 5K damage for each SOLDIER you control. Zack and Cloud, that’s 10k right there, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find a couple of SOLDIERs laying around somewhere.

When Zack leaves the field you can play a FFVII Forward of 4CP or less onto the field. With about 100 or so FFVII Forwards that cost up to 4CP there are plenty to choose from, Opus XIV Cloud, Tifa and Barret. If you’re still running AVALANCHE that’s an easy way to get them on the field.

And, let’s not forget Meteor Shots, where you can deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Let’s keep an eye on this one.

20-010C – Samurai

What a reprint? I wasn’t expecting that. Let’s see what we wrote when Crystal Dominion came out.

“Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play your real Backups. ”

Huh? What was I even writing, I had to edit it to make sense. In my defense, we didn’t know what Crystals would be doing back then. … Half the time I still don’t know.

Because apparently, if you actually read the card Samurai can put itself in the Break Zone.

20-011R – Jecht

That is a young looking Jecht, looks like he’s Tidus’ age. Actually younger.

This is a great card.

When Jecht is sent to the Break Zone, you can search for a Fire Forward of 7CP or more to play onto the field.

And there are some great cards to play depending on what you’re playing.

Philia (13-129S), Cyan (15-006H), Ramza (18-015R) and The Demon (20-007L).

Which one you chose is up to you. I might go with Philia.

20-012C – Goldsmith

Cheap Backup, that will buff a Forward when Goldsmith enters the field, and when Goldsmiths enters the Break Zone.
+3000 and Brave.

Should be more than enough to take down a Forward, hopefully the attack will go through and deal damage to your opponent.



20-013C – Culinarian

What else would you expect? A cook needs Fire, and the more Fire you got in the oven the better.

If you got 3 Backups already on the field, this Backup is free.

Other than draft, I really don’t see much use for this card, but I’ve been wrong before. Watch a Forward show up where you discard a Backup for a great ability.



20-014R – Tifa

We got another Tifa, even though it is only a Rare card, the ability is pretty good.

Whenever a FFVII Character … I read that wrong the first time. For some reason I read attacks. But, it’s still great. Whenever a FFVII Character deals damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards, you get to choose a Forward, and take away their ability to block.

Not it does not say Forward, it says Character. That means Forwards, Backups, and Monsters can be used to deal damage to your opponents Forwards. A simple ability from the back line to deal damage to a Forward will help you get passed that high powered Forward your opponent has, thus making it easier for your attacks to go through.

Somersault? Just a way to deal 8000 damage to a Forward.

20-015C – Morrow EX

Only 1CP if you want to wait a turn, and you probably will.

Why? When Morrow comes in due to Warp, you’ll be able to draw 2 cards. Even though you’ll discard a card when he enters, you’ll still be up a Crystal Point.

You’re getting paid to use this card. Might as well use it.

Let’s not forget Morrow comes in with Haste, and and a 7K body.

Yes, I’ll take it. I’ll find some use for it.

20-016R -Barret EX

This Barret won’t replace the Opus XIV Barret in the AVALANCHE deck. But, it will deal 3000 damage to one of our opponents Forwards x the FFVII Forwards you control.

It could be 3000, it could be 27,000.

I like that this ability can come up as an EX Burst. You might want a couple of these in your deck, just to have Barret pop out when your opponent least expects it.

Catastrophe, 10K damage to a Forward, and Barret doesn’t activate.

You get all this for 3CP.

I’ve seen worse cards for that price.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.


20-018H – Phoinix

We’ll start off by saying, I haven’t gotten that far in FFXIV, before I stopped playing.

Monsters can be hit or miss.

Phoinix enters the field and deals 9000 damage to a Forward. Phoinix one doubles as a Forward, but at the cost of 4 cards from the Break Zone. Half the time if the cards are in the Break Zone, they’re dead cards anyway.

I might give this one a try.


20-019C – Hedgehog Pie

You can get 3 Hedgehog Pies on the field in one turn. As long as you got 2 cards in your hand.

After that Hedgehog Pie will sit on the field until the moment that you would like to use his ability to deal 5000 damage to a Forward.

And, since you’ll already have 3 of these on the field, you can spread the love.



20-020C – Montblanc

Simple Backup, has one job.

Deal 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. Or 8000 damage if you have 5 or more Fire Characters on the field.

After that just chuck Montblanc to the Break Zone when Ardyn enters the field to get 2 new Characters.



20-021R – Red XIII

Talk about a beast, cause that is what Red XIII is the jury is out on weather he is a cat or a dog, or both maybe?

A 2 cost beast with a 9K body that will take care of most of your opponents attacks.

Of course you won’t be able to play Red XIII unless you have another FFVII Forward on the field, but that shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Only draw back is that. That you can’t play Red XIII without another FFVII Character, meaning you probably won’t be able to play Red XIII turn 1.

When are we going to get a card named Nanaki?

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Garland, to the Future

Here we are, starting our Opus XIV Weekly, Card of the Week. First off none other than Garland himself. Better be careful we don’t step into a time loop.

On to the card

Job : Knight
Category – I
8000 Power

“If Garland is dealt damage by a Summon or an ability, the damage becomes 0 instead.

When a Backup is put from the field into the Break Zone, draw 1 card.

Flare (S)(D): Choose 1 Forward. Break it. Then, your opponent selects 1 Backup they control. Put it into the Break Zone.”

Garland has Protection from the get go, as he can not be damaged by Summons or abilities. Which is a plus. The only way to get rid of him without him blocking or getting blocked is by cards that will outright Break him.

Now anytime a Backup is put into the Break Zone for any reason, you get to draw 1 card. Yours or your opponents.

And, Flare. For another Garland and a dull. You can Break an opponent and make your opponent put a Backup into the
Break Zone. Now as we said in the Fire Review we did, you can Break your own Forwards if you’d like. Oelde Leonis, you can then grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw one card.

You can probably play Fire/Water Knights.

Add Gawain (12-126R) who will search for Garland when he is played on the field. And he’ll also search for a Water Knight. Agrias, Beatrix, and Steiner all have multiple versions you can play. Agrias (13-086R) is a great one which works well with Opus XIII Ovelia. Beatrix (12-103H) Will keep giving +2K to all your Forwards when she or a Knight enters the field. Plus she reduces the cost of all your Knights by 2 but, only once per turn. And, Steiner, we’ll go with Opus IV. Cause, why not?

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Opus XIV – Fire Review

14-001C – Amalj’aa

Amal’jaa, number 001. start off the set with a Backup. Who in turn gets activated when a Fire Primal enters the field.
All you do is use Amalj’aa to pay for the Primal, and once the Primal is in, Activate Amalj’aa and dull Amalj’aa to deal 1000 damage to a Forward.




14-002R : Ifrita EX

Everyone loves Ifrita, and by that, I mean I love Ifrita. Just by looking at the text you know you are going to add this one to your deck if you are already playing Ifrita (9-002H). You’ll be heading towards 5 Ifrits/Ifritas in your Break Zone before you know it. You’ll be dealing 7K damage to a Forward while also searching for another Ifrita to add to your hand.




14-003R – Illua

Haste? Check. Illua comes in attacks, right away and you can dull up to 5 Backups. Then you get to choose a Forward deal it up to 15K damage. Should be enough Damage to break it. Illua’s power will also increase 3K for each Backup you dulled, for power reaching up to 18K. Not a bad card if I do say so myself




14-004C : Warrior of Light

Your Standard 4CP/8K body. Gives all your Standard Units +1K. +3K if you received 3 points of Damage. I say this card will see plenty of play.





14-005C : Oelde Leonis

Strong card power wise, and when he is broken you choose one Standard Unit from your Break Zone add it to your hand. Could be a useful blocker, but at the 5CP cost is it worth the Standard Unit you’ll pull from the Break Zone. I’m sure someone will say that he is..




14-006R : Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno EX

For a second there, I thought it was a Summon, and decided that he is too expensive to deal a couple of Forwards 4K Damage.

Then I saw that he is a Forward. I was wondering why he had a Job. After that my opinion changed. He counts as an Ifrit for Ifrita. Which all Summons and character abilities deal 1K more Damage. I like it.

Don’t forget Fritt (7-004C) searches for him.


14-007L : Garland

As we talked about this card in one of our Box openings on YouTube. Garland is practicly unbeatable. He can still receive a beat down and be broken. But, it’s his abilities that make this a great card. Whenever a Backup, is put in the Break Zone, you get to draw a card. Could be any Backup not just your own.

And let’s not forget about Flare, Break a Forwards and then your opponent puts a Backup in the Break Zone. This as well could be one of your own Forwards. Maybe Break Oelde Leonis to grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw a card.

Hmm … What Standard Unit are we looking for?

14-008C – Caius

Cheap Forward to play, and gets an 8K body whenever one of your Forwards is put into the Break Zone. Add, Brave and Caius just might be as good as Caius (5-004R). Now some of you might say that Opus V Caius isn’t that good, but I like him. He does good at what I want him to do.




14-009R – Gabranth

Your Basic 2CP Backup, that doesn’t do anything until you received 5 points of Damage.

After that, you can just Protect a Forward.




14-010H – Gutsco

I like it.

Keep removing cards till Gutsco gets broken, or removed from the game.

After that all the cards removed come back to your hand. And, you can have a lot of cards that you can storm the field with. I will be trying this one out.



14-011 – Susano, Lord of the Revel

Six Crystal Points to wipe the board, and get a free hit. This is the second board wipe Fire and XIV receives in 2 sets. And all you need to do is get rid of one Backup. You can even get rid of Ranperre. But, I don’t know how that would work out on the stack.




14-012 – Kojin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Kojin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-013C : Koboloid Yang

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Everytime it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.

I’ll take it!




14-014C : Samurai

3CP/7K +2K if you’re playing Samurais.

And Brave.

And, you better fill up your Break Zone with Samurais to get the his on entry ability.

Samurai’s look like they have been getting great support.



14-015R – Zenos

Personally, I would have thought that this card was at least a Hero. But, it’s just a rare, throw this one in with the Shadowbringers Starter Deck, add Susano and you got yourself a good deck. Could it be that easy? Sometimes, but that’s just a quick tip. You’re welcome.

You can actually call this card Fat Chocobo in red. Or, Fired up Fat Chocobo.

Also gives Haste to all XIV forwards you control.


14-016C – Geomancer

Geomancer’s only job is to remove the ability of your opponents Forwards to block … well … you get what I’m trying to say.
Hey, do you see that Bhunivelze with 10K Power?

He’s the only one in between me and victory and all I got on the field is a measly Palom from Opus II with a 1000 Power. What shall I do?



14-017H – Mom Bomb

I had seen this card early on. And, loved it. Mostly because it’s Amano art.

But, this Monster becomes a 2 cost 8K Forward if you control 3 or more Fire Backups. your opponent will think twice about blocking this one due to the fact that it’ll deal 5K damage to all Forwards, including your own. I like when the cards mimic the games.



14-018C – Maliris (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.





14-019R – Red XIII

2CP to play Red XIII, then when he enters the field you can play 1 Fire CP to play Susano? That can’t be right. And it’s just a Rare??? Sure the Forward you play will be removed from the game after the end of the turn, but if you’re wiping the board and getting a point of Damage does it really matter?

You can also Discard Red XIII to get Susano’s ability off.


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Dungeons & Dragons FF Campaign 04

Our team was ready. Akrasia, Mr. Tinkles and Squirt. We only had 3 players this time, but they were all rested up and decided to find out what was behind the door.

They tried knocking down the door again, till I reminded them that they had found a key. Sure enough the key turned the
lock and they had now entered the main chamber of the Temple of Fiends.

Once inside, Garland said “Saviors, you have come to this place for the last time!” Or, something like that. Garland then rushed them with his sword out. The saviors tried to dodge it but, they failed and took a hit.

This time the battle was a little different, we just had fun without worrying about moving and attacking. Instead Akrasia decided to grab Garland and try to drown him in the Holy Water. Does the Temple of Fiends have Holy Water? I don’t know, but it was interesting so I let it ride. There I decided that Garland would be hurt by this Holy Water, and smoke started coming out of his helmet. Mr. Tinkles decided to help Akrasia keep him down, and slowly his HP would start to decline.

Meanwhile Squirt being the giant that he was, kept trying to lift up the statues that were in the chamber, but to no avail. Even though he was a Giant, he never realized that the statues were as tall as the room, and he wouldn’t be able to lift them because they were holding up the ceiling.

Akrasia and Tinkles meanwhile kept Garland down. Princess Sara let out a scream, and Squirt went over to help her. After he freed her, Garland finally managed to lift his head above the water and pushed Akrasia, and Tinkles away.
They tried once again to drown Garland in the Holy Water, but they weren’t able to. They decided to fight. Squirt kept trying to steal Garland’s boots, but was never able to. Princess Sara cast Protect on the Saviors, and Tinkles cast Dia, and Akrasia would cast Fire. Garland was finally, defeated.

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Dungeons & Dragons FF Campaign 03

The Saviors went back inside the Temple of Fiends and decided to knock down the door again. This time we had an extra player, Charpokesquirt, a monk beast. He took Astra’s place this time because she was over at a friends house, but the campaign must go on.

They tried knocking down the door with Mr. Tinkles staff, but you know that wouldn’t work. Trippie Pink, tried to use her pick-locking skills, but that wasn’t working either. Garland was mocking them the whole time. And he accidentally told the Saviors that the Princess Sara was in there with him.

The Saviors decided to explore the temple, and they split up. Squirt went with Mr. Tinkles down the east hallway, and Akrasia went down the right hallway with Trippie Pink. Akrasia and Pink reached a door, and decided to go in. They found a couple of treasure chests and decided to open them. They found a potion and 150 gold pieces. As they exited the room they saw 2 skeletons walking through the hallway. They decided to hide and the skeletons just walked passed them.

Squirt and Mr. Tinkles, came upon a door on the other side. Mr. Tinkles decided to keep going down the hallway, while Squirt went into the door. Another 2 treasure chests. Squirt quickly opened them up and found a cap and a potion. Mr. Tinkles came across 2 skeletons, and hurried back to Squirt. Mr. Tinkles hid inside a treasure chest while Squirt rushed out.

Akrasia and Pink, headed down the hall again and once again came across another door, but they decided to pass that one and keep going down the hall. And found yet another door. This time they decided to go in and found 3 treasure chests. They opened the first 2 and found a shield and a tent. When they tried opening the 3rd one a werewolf jumped out from behind it. Akrasia and Pink decided to fight the werewolf to find out why he was guarding the chest.

Squirt ran out of the room, and saw he was cornered by 4 skeletons. He ran straight into them and started attacking. Mr. Tinkles decided he should stop hiding and help Squirt out. They quickly took them down, Using Holy Magic, and Pummeling Fists.

Meanwhile, Akrasia and Pink took down the werewolf with Fire spells and a sharp sword. They opened the chest and found a Key. Why would a key be hiding in a chest? They took the charred wolf with them, because it was almost lunch time as well. They met up with Squirt and Mr. Tinkles and decide to use the tent they found to get some rest before they enter the Main door inside the temple.