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Hidden Legends of Water

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24-091L – Astrius

Water starting off with a Legend.

Astrius, the Willweaver, will weave your will to get things done.

Just make sure that you always attack when Astrius is on the field, for whenever he attacks, you get to choose between Astrius’s two abilities.

And, 99.99% of the time you will be choosing his second ability, because the first one is just choosing a Forward and having it lose 7000 power.

The second ability, the one that you will be choosing is dealing your opponent 1 point of damage.

And just like that Astrius is worth 5CP. I’m sure we would gladly pay more for this card, but 5CP is perfect.

To make things even better, if you have 7 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius cards in the Break Zone, or removed from game, Astrius turns into a Free Play! And, who doesn’t like Free Plays.

24-092R – Gau

I’m trying to see if Gau is worth playing.

Discard Gau, to play Gau, but which Gau do you play.

Do you pay 5CP, or just 2CP?

I mean, you can grab Opus IV Gau, and Luminous Puma, grab a Forward from the Break Zone, and once the new Gau comes in you can play a 2 cost monster from the Break Zone. Melusine sounds good, and once Melusine comes in you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 4CP or less and gain control of it for a turn.

And that’s just one little Combo that you can do with Gau.

24-093R – Kimahri

Kimahri coming in when your opponent least expects it, through the back door, and casting Protect on all your Forwards.

All damage dealt to your Forwards will be reduced by 2000, for the turn that Kimahri comes in. Your Final Fantasy X Forwards will have an additional 2000 reduction to the damage dealt to them.

After that turn is over, Kimahri will still reduce the damage dealt to your Final Fantasy X Forwards.

Are we bringing back YRP?

We might finally have a decent Kimahri.

24-094C – Corsair

I still don’t know what a Corsair actually is.

But, I do know what Corsair does.

He let’s you draw a card. And for 3CP that can be more than enough.

And, let’s not forget that if you have 4 Water Backups on the field, you can chose a card in your Break zone, and put it at the bottom of your deck.

After that just search for that card and play it.

Not bad.

24-095C – Jecht

Jecht is Jecht, and he e-Jechts a Forward back to their opponent’s hand.

Yes, that was terrible.

But, it’s true, as soon as Jecht enters the field you will return one of your opponent’s Forwards back to their hand.

And, every time one of your opponent’s Forwards is returned to their hand, Jecht shall choose another Forward your opponent controls and they lose 3000 power. This will also go into effect every time you return a Forward to their owner’s hand.

And, you get to keep a 9K body on the board.

No re-Jecht-ion here.

24-096R – Jed

Hmm, I wonder what he’s thinking?

Actually I know what Jed is thinking. He’s thinking, “Why is he a Water card if he is a Samurai?”

We were kind of thinking the same thing.

Jed comes in and for 3CP, you get a 8K body. If you have at least 1 Crystal, Jed has 9K power and Brave.

And, when Jed attacks, you have the option of paying 1 Crystal to draw a card.

There actually is another Water Samurai. But, that is Jed as well.

24-097C – Stiltzkin

This is the start of a new era of Moogles.

Stiltzkin is set to make Moogles a fun deck. One letter at a time.

That was Stiltzkin, right? Mailing letters?

If not then well, he shall deliver Moogles from your Break Zone. Cause when Stiltzkin comes in, you can grab a 2 cost Moogle from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

Might as well grab Mog (VI) and you’ll be set. Don’t know why, just scroll down a bit.

After that is all done, you can dull 2 Moogles and have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power.

Stiltzkin might only have 3000 power, but that’s OK. Once he enters the field, and you played the Moogle from your Break Zone, you can use him to block an attack and have him sent to the Break Zone, just so you can play Stiltzkin again and grab another moogle from your Break Zone.

I’ll take 3 Full Arts.

24-098H – Strago

We always wanted a way to get a card back from the Break Zone. Especially when you’re running just one of a certain card that you need in certain situations, and you now need that card to turn the board in your favor.

When Strago comes in you will be able to grab a card from your Damage Zone, and trade it with a card in your hand.
That would be enough, but Strago is far from done. Well, he’s half way done.

Whenever you put a card in your Damage Zone, your opponent chooses a Forward that they control and they put it in the Break Zone.

Is it worth 6CP? Of course it is.

24-099C – Siren (MOBIUS) EX

Null Damage at it’s finest.

Siren nulls the next damage dealt to one of your Forwards.

Plus you get to draw a card.

That’s about it.

This also comes off of an EX Burst, but I don’t see that being as helpful, not when you don’t have any Forwards left on the field cause your opponent has gone to town on your front lines.

At least you get a card. That’s probably the best reason to play this card.

24-100C – Cecil

Now, this is how it should be done.

Cecil is the Backup that is always ready to cast Null Damage.

Although you won’t be drawing a card when you cast Cecil, Cecil is on;y 2CP, compared to the 3CP that Siren costs.

Cecil also has another ability that will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Either way, Cecil is going to get something done, Breaking or Saving.

The choice is up to you.

24-101C – Tidus EX

Tidus with a 50% rebate.

That’s what we’ll call it.

Tidus comes in and returns one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand, as long as it’s CP is 4 or less.

Once that forward makes it’s way back to your opponent’s hand Tidus’s second ability kicks in and you draw a card.

The good thing about this second ability is that, you can draw a card once per turn, if you send a Character back to your opponent’s hand.

Tidus might just keep on giving.

24-102C – Perrene

Perrene looks to be an integral part of the Warriors of the Crystals, and that is for one reason only.

Every time a Warrior of the Crystal is put into the Break Zone, Perrene hands you a Crystal.

And, why is that good?

Well, as you can see instead of paying the cost to play a Warrior of the Crystal, you can pay 1 Crystal and 1CP of any element. Meaning you don’t need to worry about which elements to play.

Perrene also has an 8K body, making her a decent Meat Shield.

24-103C – Moogle (FFTA)

Here’s a decent Backup to use if you’re playing Tidus.

When a Water Forward enters your field, you can put moogles into the Break Zone and return a 4 cost Forward or less to your opponent’s hand.

After that you can draw a card because you already have Tidus on the field.

Now all you need to do is play Stiltzkin and grab Moogle from the Break Zone and play him onto the field.

And now you’re back to where you started and your opponent has one less Forward on the field.

24-104R – Mog (VI)

Is Mog enough to make a Moogle deck?

Are there enough moogles to make a moogle deck?

What about Good King Moggle Mog XII?

All of that is a strong maybe, and I am one who might look into it a bit better.

For 2CP, you get a moogle with a 5k body and, with every moogle that you have on the field Mog gains +1000 power. There are 59 different cards that you can choose from.

That right there would have been good enough for me. But, we’re not done.

Whenever Mog is put into the Break Zone, you can discard a Job Moogle from your hand, and play Mog back to the field.
You’ll have a high powered Forward that your opponent will have trouble trying to keep Mog off of the field.

24-105R – Malboro

Bad Breath incoming!

Get your opponent ready to face the worst this Monster has to offer.

Blind, Poison, Sleep, Slow, you name it, you’ll have it.

Luckily this isn’t the game, so no Blind, no poison and no slow. Sleep, yeah, but this time Malboro isn’t casting it.

Malboro shall take away all of your opponent’s buffs, and abilities, including Haste, Brave, First Strike whatever it is that their Forwards have is gone.

Not only that, but all of your opponent’s Forwards will lose 3000 power as well. That means that some of them might be broken.

You can’t go wrong with Malboro, and the best part, it only costs 1CP!

24-106H – Leviathan

The Biblical Beast Returns, and it’s taking out it’s fellow Leviathans to cause more destruction to your opponent.

For 3CP, Leviathan allows your opponent to choose a Forward or a Monster that they control and sends them to the Break Zone.

If you’d like to pay the extra cost, you can remove 4 Leviathans from your Break Zone, and your opponent shall choose 2 Forwards and/or Monsters and send those to the Break Zone.

For 3CP, I say you can’t go wrong with this one.

24-107L – Relm

Artwork? Check.

Legend? Check.

Abilities? Depends.

Relm is worth playing if you are playing a FFVI themed deck, as her enter the field ability will only work if there are at least another 4 VI Characters on the field.

If you do, when Relm enter the field, you can search for a 3 cost monster and play it onto the field. It’s your Buy 1 Get 1 Free special.

As you know Relm is a Pictomancer, and her specialty is Monsters.

You can use her second ability to give a Monster a 2K buff.

I’d say it depends on what your running. This isn’t a bad Relm, she will do good in specific FFVI themed decks. For all other decks I would say Opus XI Relm is much better.

24-108H – Wakka

Wakka is here to be a powerhouse.

For every FFX Character that you control, Wakka gains a 1K buff to his power.

Now imagine YRP is back, that is 3 right there, plus Brother and Shinra. That’s 2 more. Bring it up to +5K for Wakka.

When Wakka does enter the field, depending on how high his power is, you’ll be able to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards, and place them on the top of their deck. You can choose any Forward as long as their power is less than Wakka’s. Which shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Wakka also has his Elemental Reels which will have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 5000 power.

I would say, play Wakka with the new YRP, and Opus I Tidus and Emissaries of Light Tidus. You’ll thank me later. Or not.

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Beyond Destiny : Flood Born Warriors

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21-101C – Ashe

OK, Yes, I’ll take it.

What’s not to like? Every time Ashe attacks you draw a card.

I’ll throw Ashe in any deck, just to draw a card when she attacks. Especially with 8000 power. Throw in Wakka (1-180R) and Ashe will have +1K power to keep your opponent on their toes.

And, that’s about it. Simple yet effective … In helping you draw cards.

21-102L – Gau

I won’t say it this time.

The WASP Super fan is here once again, and he is perfect for your Monster deck. I might even put Gau in the Bomb deck I’m going to be building shortly.

Gau’s cost comes down for every Monster that you have on the field. Meaning, you don’t even need to have any Water CP, as long as you have 5 Monsters on the field. Should be simple enough. Especially if you have a swarm of Bombs ready to blow. You’ll just play Gau before they all explode.

Plus, when Gau enters the field you can send one of your opponent’s Forwards to the bottom of their deck, as long as their CP, is equal to, or less than the number of Bombs, … I mean Monsters you control.

Gau can also turn a Monster into a Forward with 8000 power.

It’s at the tip of my tongue, Gimme a Mic!

“I’m a Wild Chi ….”

I’ll stop.

21-103R – Kraken

Is it worth playing Kraken for 5CP?

If you’re playing Mono-Water, probably. If not then I might skip this.

You do draw a card when Kraken enters the field, so technically you’re just paying 3CP for Kraken.

Other than that if you have 7 Water Characters on the field, a Forward of your choosing loses 10,000 power.

This might be worth playing in a Viking deck.

21-104C – Sage

What’s not to like? Sage is a Standard Unit that can Activate a Character once per turn. You can also have three of these on the field at the same time.

Think about this.

You have a Character on the field that deals damage to all of your opponents Forwards. But, you have to dull that Character, cause that’s how most abilities work.

After that you can Activate that Character with Sage, and do it all over again.

And, again.

And, again.

And, one more time, but you can’t activate that Character this time.

That’s 1 ability going off 4 times in one turn.

I’ll take 3. Yes, please.

21-105C – Sahagin

Here we have a great addition to any deck that has Gau.

Especially since Sahagin is a 1CP Monster that will return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Sure, this Forward, must cost 3CP or less, but with Gau’s help, this Monster can turn into a noble Forward that will happily protect you and your party of Forwards that lead themselves into the hands of your opponent’s party, that have one objective, which is to deal you 7 points of damage.

And, if that doesn’t work out, you can always send Sahagin into the Break Zone to return any Forward to their owner’s hand.

21-106H – Jed

That is not what Samurais look like. And, not even Tenzen can help Jed.

I mean sure Jed’s first ability is decent. Reducing the damage dealt to your Water or SOPFFO Forwards by 1000, but other than that I don’t really see a reason to play Jed.

And whenever I say that, somehow someone will figure out a way to play Jed and make him viable.

All Jed needs is a mustache and glasses.

I’ll lave Jed Flanders alone for now.

21-107R – Springserpent General Mihli Aliapoh

You can get Springserpent General Mihli Vanilli, i mean Aliapoh, down to 2CP if you got a couple of Water Characters on the field.

And, when Mihli Aliapoh is put into the Break Zone, you draw 1 card, thus making the Serpent General a free play when she comes full circle.

And if you have a couple of dull Characters on the field. Mihli here will activate them and give them +1000 power.
Not a bad card. Especially since this can turn into a free play.

21-108R – Ceodore

Little Prince Ceodore.

This is probably the best Ceodore yet. And, I like it.


Because, Ceodore will give all of the FFIV Forwards +1000 power. Sure, you’ll need Rosa or Cecil on the field to give your Forwards that boost, but then again, you won’t be playing Ceodore without Rosa or Cecil in the first hand.

And if Rosa or Cecil is already on the field, you can spend a Crystal instead of paying 4CP to play Ceodore onto the field.
I see a Wind/Water IV deck coming along nicely.

21-109C – Astrologian

And, you thought Astrology was fake.

This Astrologian, can actually see into the future, and you can change it however you’d like.

Simply put, Astrologian comes out, reads the stars, and as you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, you can add one to your hand. And place the other two at the top and bottom of your deck. Allowing you to place a perfectly good EX Burst at the top of your deck, as you real in your opponent to attack you for a point of damage.

And, if you get tired of Astrologian after this, you can always send her to the Break Zone, and draw a card for your troubles.
I’ll be giving this one a try.

21-110C – Desch

If you really want to play this card, you should play it right after you played Sahagin.

Because other than playing a 9000 body for 2CP, I really don’t see a reason to be playing Desch.

Unless you find the portrait art good, and you want Desch to stare down your opponent, as he tries to intimidate them into playing the wrong cards at the wrong time.

Yeah, that’s about it.

21-111C – Paladin

Water Elemental Backup here.

If you need that Crystal to play Ceodore, Paladin is here to help you.

Other than that, if you play Paladin early on, you can draw a card if there are 3 Backups or less on the field.

And, that concludes Paladin.


21-112C – Ninja

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Character with Back Attack.

And we have a nice little Combo here.

First off play Paladin, gain the Crystal.

Use that Crystal to help pay for Ninja, return a Forward to your opponent’s hand.

Play Desch for 2CP.

Yeah, it’s not the greatest.

21-113R – Bikke

Here is a free card for you.

If you have a couple of Pirates, and/or Vikings, Bikke comes in at no extra charge.

0CP for an 8K body.

Plus, he grants protection from your opponent’s abilities to all of your Vikings and Pirates. Named Pirates. Although I can’t think of a Pirate Standard Unit. We might be getting some in the upcoming sets.

It looks like we’re finally getting our Pirates/Vikings deck that most of us have been thinking about since Leila (6-126R).

21-114L – Faris

And, this is the other reason Pirate/Vikings will become a thing.

Imagine swarming the board with Vikings, and all of those Vikings now have 8000 power. You’ll be getting a board full of Meat Shields. As long as those Vikings keep coming, you’ll be drawing cards left and right, and you’ll have plenty of CP to play more Vikings.

Faris can also redirect a Summon or ability choosing her, to one of her sacrificial lambs, just waiting to get knocked out, by Ramuh or any other ability that may come her way.

And that covers it all.

I’ll take 3. Preferably foil.

21-115C – Larsa

Larsa comes in a searches for a high cost Forward.

There’s some use here.

But, I prefer the cards that search for any Forward regardless of cost. Sure there’s not that many, but sometimes cards like Larsa help.

End of the day, Larsa will technically cost you 2CP.


21-116H – Leviathan

Umm, .. .

I thought this one would have been better. I mean, it’s not bad, but when you hear Leviathan you just kind of expect more.
If you decide to play Leviathan during your turn, you’ll end up paying 2CP less out of the 6CP it costs to Summon Leviathan.
Leviathan, comes in and grabs a Forward and puts them at the bottom of their owner’s deck. That means you can choose one of your Forwards, if they’re being targeted by Summons or abilities.

After that, you can play a 2 cost Forward from your hand onto the field.

If this cost 4CP, instead of 6CP, where if you play it on your turn for 2CP it would have been great. Still there is some use here.

21-117R – Rhus

Yes, maybe, probably.

Rhus costs 6CP, but it’s actually 4CP. Unless it’s the first turn and you went first.

Rhus’s cost comes down for every card that you drew this turn. If you play your cards right you can play Rhus for 1CP. Shouldn’t be that hard with Vikings.

What’s great about Rhus is that you can discard a card, remove Rhus from the game, and then play Rhus back onto the field at the end of the turn.

You probably won’t need to really use that ability, as Rhus already comes equipped with a 9K body, but if you do, you know that you have a Backup plan.

I like this one. I’ll be trying this one out.

21-118H – Leila

This is a hard one. Which one do we keep?

Opus VI Leila or this one?

We already what Opus VI Leila does, so let’s take a look at this one.

Leila enters the field and you can search for a Viking, or a Pirate and add it to your hand. Giving Leila a total cost of 1CP.

After that whenever one of your Water Forwards attack, you can sap 1000 power from one of your opponent’s Forwards. And if you have enough Water Forwards, which you should, especially with Faris and Bikke, and a handful of Vikings, you should be able to Break a Forward per turn.

This one is a much stronger Leila, but grabbing and playing a Viking from the Break Zone and drawing a card is also good.
Maybe have both of them in a deck.

21-119H – Lenna EX

How is that an EX Burst?

Because it is, all you do is draw a card when Lenna enters the field. So, this 2 cost Lenna is actually a free play. And, we like it.

After that, Lenna has a great ability that doesn’t require you to send Lenna into the Break Zone. And, that is something that we don’t see too often. But, with an ability name like “Raise”, what would you expect? Lenna brings back a low cost Forward from the Break Zone.

It’s always good to carry a Phoenix down.

21-120R – Refia

Introducing your WoFF Reanimator.

Refia enters the field, grabs a WoFF Forward of 4CP or less from the Break Zone, and play them straight to the field. Kind of like Opus VI Leila.

I believe WoFF will be making a comeback. With all these WoFF cards we got this set, some of them are bound to be good.
Once Refia is on the field, and you already got the extra WoFF Forward on the field from the Break Zone, you will be able to dull and pitch Refia to the Break Zone, and reduce damage done to one of your Forwards by 3000.

I see Refia being a staple in future WoFF decks.

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