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Emissaries of Light – Opinion on Lightning

16-085C – Assassin

2 cost Backup that serves as a backup plan and a Backup.

Deals Damage to a Forward that entered this turn.

8K should be enough to break most Forwards coming in.



16-086C – Ixion

This is a pretty decent Summon. 4CP to have a Forward lose 8000 Power. And, if you’re playing a tri-color deck, it’ll also cause all of your opponents Forwards to lose 2ooo power. Including the first Forward you chose, so that will make it 10K.




16-087C – Puppetmaster

Puppetmaster enters the field, you discard a card and grab a better one from the Break Zone.

I like this card, and it doesn’t cost much.

Grab that Forward from the Break Zone that just got broken, and use it again as your opponent just watches as he just used all of his resources to get rid of it.

Or, something like that.

16-088L – Black Waltz 3

Black Waltz is coming out in full force. (Yes, I know that everyone already knows that, but these are what I see when I first look at the card. I’ve been very behind this Opus,)

All the Black Waltzes are helping each other come back from the dead. And, this time there is no timers on them.

It would be interesting if there was. Roll of the dice or flip a coin, and they just Stop.

Time to head to Black Mage Village.

16-089H – Zack

Zack looks like he’s ready to save Cloud once again.

He’ll come in take care of all the enemies and when he is ready to be sent to the Break Zone, Cloud will come in and finish the job.

It would have been nice if it was that easy.

But, still a pretty decent card for a FFVII deck.


16-090R – Seymour

Summon heavy?

Seymour, (I always end up typing Seymore) is a card you’ll play later on in the game, as with depending on how many you have in your Break Zone, Seymour will Break a Forward when he enters, and after that, he simply deals your opponents a point of Damage for removing 6 Summons from the Break Zone.

Sounds good to me.


16-091C – Chadley

Now, this is a decent Backup.

Lightning is getting some cards that will help you retrieve cards from the Break Zone.

For 4CP, Chadley can grab you 2 Forwards from the Break Zone. And, you don’t need to use his ability right away.

You can use it as soon as a Forward you need is sent to the Break Zone.

16-092C – Noel EX

For an expensive Common, this is a decent card.

Noel comes in and Dulls 2 Forwards. This also works off of an EX Burst as well.

Other than that, you can dull and sacrifice Noel, and Dull all of your opponents Forwards.

What did they call him in Lightning Returns? The Shadow Hunter?


16-093R – Noctis

You are playing a FFXV deck for certain. Kingsglaive or Noctis and Friends, or a mix of both.

Noctis here will shine in either deck.

You’ll be dulling Forwards left and right, and with the new Noctis/Ardyn deck coming out later this year, I’m sure there will be plenty of use for this one.

Noctis can watch it all happen while he sips his coffee.

16-094C – Palmer

The way Palmer is sitting there, about to sip his tea, you know that he’s got something up his sleeve. You think you have him backed into the corner, but nope.

Palmer gives you a way to grab two cards when you run out of cards.

For 2CP, I think this is a good play. He’ll grant you a CP every turn until you decide to use his ability.



16-095R – Vivi EX

Are we getting the pieces to make a Black Mage deck possible?

Grab a Black Mage from the Break Zone, when Vivi enters the field.

And deal Damage to a Forward, which increases with each Black Mage that you have on the field.
Is this the first Lightning Vivi?


16-096R – Byakko

Another Shijin for Kirin.

We already know, Byakko comes in and you can search for a Shijin other than Byakko.

After that, every time Byakko attacks, you can choose 1 Forward and Dull it.



16-097H – Hyoh

You can play Hyoh for 1CP, but he’s not that great. Not yet.

Hyoh becomes more valuable, the more you put into him.

You’ll want to spend another 4CP on Hyoh to make him a devastating threat.

1CP to give Hyoh Haste and up his power to 7K. After that another 3CP to up his Power to 10k and when he deals damage to your opponent you will deal 2 points instead of 1.

Just watch out for a possible Double EX Burst that might come your way.

16-098H – Spectral Keeper

Spectral Keeper is a Keeper.
Yeah, that was lame.

But, this Monster is a Monster.
OK, I’ll stop there.

But, dulling a Forward at the beginning of each Attack Phase is more than enough to place him in your deck.

And, at 3 points of Damage, Spectral Keeper becomes a Forward and every time it attacks,you will dull a Forward as well.

16-099C – Merald

Soiree Members coming out in full force.

Let’s give this Common some great enhancements, depending on how many Soiree Members are being played.

2 for Haste.
4 to Break.

I’ll need to check out some of these Soiree decks.

16-100L – Y’shtola

Every time I see a new Y’shtola card, I think to myself, I should start playing FFXIV again.

Can Scions make it once again in the Meta? I don’t really follow it, but I haven’t really heard about Scions recently. First it was Marche/Ritz, then it was Samurais, Sky Pirates, Kingsglaive and and now Soiree and The Black Waltz.

But, I believe Y’shtola can give Scions a new Pulse.


16-101C – Yuke

Another backup Backup.

Keep Yuke on the field until you need to use him.

After that dull, return to hand, play and Break a Forward.



16-102R – Lann

For the cost of a Monster, Lann becomes a decent card.

If you decide to remove a Monster from the Break Zone after you play Lann, he’ll gain 2K power, and you’ll dull a Forward during each of your Attack Phases.

You can also use that same Monster to pay for the cost to play Lann, thus killing 2 birds with one stone.


16-103C – Larva

Like this Monster.

Larva has some use, but he’ll be perfect for Lann.

Or, just play Larva to Break a Forward, and then put him in the Break Zone to see what your next draw will be.


16-104R – Reeve

This Reeve is more like Reeve from the game. Think about it.

Reeve comes in and you play a Forward from the Break Zone onto the field. That Forward could very well be Cait Sith.
Reeve cannot activate during the Active Phase simply because he will be controlling Cait Sith, and will be too busy to be doing anything else.

Which makes me think if we’ll be getting a decent Cait Sith in the near future.

Resurgence of Power, I’m looking at you.

16-105R – Reynn

Just like Lann, Reynn has pretty much the same abilities as her brother.

Only difference is that she gives another Forward Haste.

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Army of One

Did we forget to mention this?

We have a FFTCG Tournament coming up in just a couple of weeks. You know you’ll want to come by and win some of these prizes.

There will also be a Pokemon Tournament and a Super Smash Bros. Tournament as well.

Army of One Tournament

June 5th, 2022
@ Pescadon
6254 S. Archer RD
Summit, IL 60501

$30 Entry Fee includes a pack of Emissaries of Light

Starts at 1PM – Registration from 11AM-12:45

Standard Format
Swiss Rounds – 30 min, Best of 1
Top Cut – 60 min, Best of 3


1st place – FFXIII Art Museum Kai Booster Box, Foil Promo, and a deck box.
2nd place – Opus XIII Prerelease kit, non foil promo and a deck box.
3rd place – Opus I FFXIII starter set, non-foil promo and deck box
4th place – 4 packs, non foil promo and deck box.
5th-8th place – 1 pack, and a non foil promo

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Vacation Time Is Over

Not that we actually went on vacation, but the site was on the back burner with everything that was going on. Let’s get a recap to what was going on.

First things first, was the Emissaries of Light Release event we had on April, 15th. We had a better turn out than what we were expecting. We started around midnight, and when everything was said and done the clock had struck 4AM. Everyone that managed to stay till the end, ended up winning. Just because, you can’t win if you’re not there.

The element reviews will return, once i get a chance to finish them.

Game Knight Chicago’s Pokemon Tournament also had a good turn out. 24 participants showed up to take on the $1,000 prize pool. And, we were there to cheer them on. Sort of. I was waiting for the winner to come by a Neo Genesis 1st Edition Feraligatr from me. Which they didn’t. Maybe the next one.

We got a busy month ahead of us once again. Stay tuned.

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April Showers, Brings May Pokemon Cards

We got another Pop-Up this Sunday. Combined with a Pokemon Tournament, and Super Smash Bros. Tournament as well.

We will be there with with a booth once again.

Where is it?

Pescadon Banquets

6254 S. Archer Rd
Summit, IL 60501

Starts at 11AM

Even if you don’t play, there will be plenty of Vendors there. Including us. We’ll be there, on hand, selling the cards you all love. Or something like that.

Did we mention the $1000 Prize for the Pokemon Tournament?
How about the $300 For Super Smash Bros.?

So, Come by and say Hi.

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Emissaries of Light – Opinion on Ice

16-022R – Erwin

Wasn’t I just talking about discard?

Actually I’ve been talking about discard since Physalis came out.

But, Erwin here also comes with 4 or more Job Morze’s Soiree Member stipulation. And this is the second one we’ve seen.

I’m more interested in what other cards I shall find.


16-023H – Agrias

This is one Knight I can stand behind.

I’m guessing you’ll already be playing FFT/Knights or some sort, making Agrias a 2CP/8K Forward that gains a Crystal every time she attacks.

I’ll take 3 please.



16-024H – Vincent

How about a way to stop your opponents Backups from activating?

Vincent here has got your Back(up), dulled up and not being able to activate. Which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. And, that’s not even taking into account his S ability. Making Vincent near invincible to all Damage.



16-025C – Bard

Another card that you can place on the field, until you need to use his ability. Then you return to hand and replay it, to put Bard into the Break Zone and make your opponent discard 2 cards from their hand.




16-026L – Cloud of Darkness

Removal of the Crystal kind.

Cloud of Darkness + 2 Crystals = 1 Forward removed from game to the 2nd power. Make any sense?

And +2K at 3 points of Damage.

Looks like too much math over here. Is there a Full Art of this card?

16-027C – Black Waltz 1

Same as Black Waltz 2.

“There’s more to this card than just the Beautiful (yes, a capitol B) artwork.

Black Waltz 1 can work wonders all by himself.

Black Waltz 1 discards Black Waltz 1 from your hand. And you deal 4000 Damage for discarding Black Waltz 1 from your hand, and 7000 Damage to a dull Forward when you discard a Job Black Mage from your hand.

You’re either Breaking 1 or 2 Forwards with this ability.”

Well, almost the same.

16-028C – Shiva

Break a dull Forward.

Depending on what you’re playing your opponent will discard a card from their hand. Sometimes. Not all the time.



16-029R – Shelke

This card should have been WoFF/VII. Would have made more sense.

I think I like this card. Works just like Meltigemini (8-128R), but Shelke only works in your favor.

There’s something else I wanted to say, but I must have forgotten. Something about Vincent, but I went and looked at that card again and couldn’t remember what it was.

And, don’t forget about Countertek.

16-030L – Shantotto

Shantotto is now Ice??? What has this game come to?!?

This is a great card. Shantotto still does what Shantotto does.

If you’re playing a discard deck, you’re already ahead as you’ll end up paying only 1CP for Shantotto and you’ll grab a card from the Break Zone. Technically they’re paying you to cast Shantotto. If that’s not enough well then, that’s all Shantotto does.

Unless you decide not to play Shantotto and just remove her from the game from your hand, and You’ll dull all your opponents Forwards.

That is all.

16-031R – Scarlet

Scarlet took her sweet time to appear in FFTCG. Only 16 sets.


1CP and dull Scarlet for a Development Counter. Choose 1. Next turn 1CP and dull. Choose 2. And so on and so forth.
The longer Scarlet stays on the field, the harder time your opponent will have getting anything done.

Is Shinra about to become a threat?

Yes, I did base that off of just one card.

16-032H – Serah

You’re playing a XIII deck with Ice? Hmm, just grab the XIII starter set and your set. Either one will do, and throw Serah in there.

That’s the easy way out.

Decent card though. Your opponent discard a card, and you draw a card.

But, what I really want to know is … Are we gonna get a new Fang?


16-033C – Celes

Hmm, Celes is taking Jihl Nabaat’s duties. But, for Backups.

Ice is getting good cards.




16-034C – DG Sniper

If you got 2 DG Snipers you can Break a Forward when the second one enters the field.

That is if you have some Crystals stashed away.




16-035C – YKT-63

YKT-63 can play well with DG Sniper.

That way you’ll only need 1 DG Sniper instead of 2.

YKT-63 is also a little cheaper to play.



16-036C – Devout

Simply play this card for the Crystal, and to have your opponent discard 1 card.





16-037R – Babus

This one is a fun card.

Instead of you choosing what this card does, your opponent gets to choose whatever he would like inflicted on him.
I mean, I’d play it just to have them decide on what they get to do. Or not do.



16-038H – Byblos

We talked about Byblos last month, but now you also get to see all the cards that will play well with Byblos that just came out this set.

It seems like every other Ice card stated, “Your opponent discards 1 card.”

Lots of Ammo, for Byblos in this set.


16-039C – Heavy Armored Soldier EX

Here we go, search for a Standard Unit, or more specifically DG Sniper.

5CP is quite high for a search, but you can also search for a Standard Unit off an EX Burst.




16-40R – Mustadio

A free card to play during your opponents turn after you made your opponent discard a card from there hand.
Or even during your own turn. I’m sure you already have plenty of cards in your hand that will cause your opponent to
discard a card from their hand.

Dull a Character when Mustadio enters the field, and gain a Crystal when he is put into the Break Zone.


16-041C – Yunalesca

Play Yunalesca to discard a card, to make your opponent discard a card, to play Mustadio.

I’m sure there’s a better use for this.




16-042R – Lasswell

How is this just a Rare?

I would have made Lasswell a Hero.

Every time a Knight enters the field, Dull and Freeze 1 Character?

And at the end of your turns if Knight attacks your opponent discards a card.

All this for only 2CP. 5000 power is easily fixed by Ovelia (1-156C) and Duke Larg (1-057R)